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08.07.2015 Views her recoiled from the Christian honors of thegrave. AVith him she would have gone to hergrave as a child to its mother;but withouthim if she were dead under the sod, or waUedin the stones of a crypt,it seemed to her thatshe would wake and rise, when the lips of otherstouched him.Alas! alas!she never thought of him save asalone. She never knew what were those apeswhich jabbered in the bay tree of his fame andpassions. He was still sacred to her, with thesublime sanctity of a great love which enfolds thething it cherishes as with the divine mist, whichof old veiled the gods.AVhoever can still love thus is happy — aye,even in wretchedness, even when alone. It iswhen the mist has dissolved, as the mists of themorning, and the nakedness and the deformityand the scars which it hid are disclosed, it isthen, and then only,that we are miserable beyondall reach of solace, and canhave no refuge but inthe eternal oblivion of that death which then weknow can be only a forgetting and an end, withouthope.

ARIADNE. 153She stayed aU the summerin Rome.One day a thought struck me. It was earlyinthe morning, and the heaviness of the weatherhad lifted a httle, a few showers having fallen,andit was just so golden and white and sunny amorning as that whenIhad fallen asleep beforethe Ariadne in Borghese, with rosy mists uponthe mountain heights, and breadths of amberlight upon the river, and tender little cloudsthat flew before the breeze and promised rain atsunset.A thought struck me, andIallured her intothe openair while yetit was very early, and benther steps — she not heeding whither she went —across the Tiber to the Scala Regia of theAratican." Come hither with me;Ihavebusiness here,"Isaid to her; and she came, not hearing at allmost probably, for her mind was almost alwaysplunged so deeplyinto the memories of her deadjoy that it was easy to guide her where onewould.SometimesIfancied she had not wholly yetaU clearness of her reason; but thereIwas

ARIADNE. 153She stayed aU the summerin Rome.One day a thought struck me. It was earlyinthe morning, and the heaviness of the weatherhad lifted a httle, a few showers having fallen,andit was just so golden and white and sunny amorning as that whenIhad fallen asleep beforethe Ariadne in Borghese, with rosy mists uponthe mountain heights, and breadths of amberlight upon the river, and tender little cloudsthat flew before the breeze and promised rain atsunset.A thought struck me, andIallured her intothe openair while yetit was very early, and benther steps — she not heeding whither she went —across the Tiber to the Scala Regia of theAratican." Come hither with me;Ihavebusiness here,"Isaid to her; and she came, not hearing at allmost probably, for her mind was almost alwaysplunged so deeplyinto the memories of her deadjoy that it was easy to guide her where onewould.SometimesIfancied she had not wholly yetaU clearness of her reason; but thereIwas

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