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150 ARIADNE.and full of hopeless longing, like the eyes of acaptive animal."You must love these people that you servethem so," said a priest to her one day,meetingher where the pestilence raged."No," she answered him,"I am only sorryfor them. Iamsorry for anything that lives."And it was the truth. Her heart had openedto pity,butit was closed to all save one love.It was a summer heavy and sickly. Wan,fever-worn children glided through the streets;the little beU, that told of passing souls needingthe church's sacraments, rang ceaselessly; bydaylight andby torchlight the black figures of thebeccamorti passed along the beautiful, solemn,empty ways, where the sun burned and the dustdrifted;the heat lay on the city like a pall, andthe wide, scorched, yeUow plain was like abasinof brass beneath the unchanging pale blue ofthe sky.For myselfIhad borne such seasons before,and had been unharmed; but for herIwasanxious. Yet she seemed to feel no change inthe weather,norin the aspect of the city around

ARIADNE. 151her; she was vaguely oppressed,and would liefor hours motionless in the darkened rooms, andwoulcl drag herself outward with effort, onlyifsheheard of any inneed;but she never made anylament. To physical discomfort she had alwaysbeen indifferent, andIthink of it now she wasinsensible.In the heats of summerIwoulcl have had hertake some sort of change, but, as before, sherefused to leave Rome." Itishere that he wUl seek meif he want me— ever," she said ; and I, thinking of the crueltruths thathe haduttered inthemoonlight by theTemple of Agrippa, felt my very heart grow cold." Oh, my dear! oh, my chUd!you perish fora dream,"Isaid, and dared say no more.She smiled faintly, a smUe that hurt one morethan other women's weeping." In your dream Love brought the poppyflowers, but thatIdo not understand. Howcan one die while what oneloves stilllives? Tohe a dead thingin the cold, and the dark, while"othersA shudder shook her; the Greek-like temper

150 ARIADNE.and full of hopeless longing, like the eyes of acaptive animal."You must love these people that you servethem so," said a priest to her one day,meetingher where the pestilence raged."No," she answered him,"I am only sorryfor them. Iamsorry for anything that lives."And it was the truth. Her heart had openedto pity,butit was closed to all save one love.It was a summer heavy and sickly. Wan,fever-worn children glided through the streets;the little beU, that told of passing souls needingthe church's sacraments, rang ceaselessly; bydaylight andby torchlight the black figures of thebeccamorti passed along the beautiful, solemn,empty ways, where the sun burned and the dustdrifted;the heat lay on the city like a pall, andthe wide, scorched, yeUow plain was like abasinof brass beneath the unchanging pale blue ofthe sky.For myselfIhad borne such seasons before,and had been unharmed; but for herIwasanxious. Yet she seemed to feel no change inthe weather,norin the aspect of the city around

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