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CHAPTER IXIleft him and went away by myself fromthe Pantheon homeward to the chamber by thebridge where Hermes and all other treasures ofmy past weremissing.Iknew thathe would go out of Rome;Iknewthat he would not seek her; because, althoughhis heart in a manner smote him, thinking of herso near, and knowinghimself so beloved, yet thedesire of ease and the dislike of pain werestronger emotions with him than any other. Shewas so utterly his own: though lands and seashad stretched between them, and half a worldhad parted them, none the less,he knew weUenough — toowell, — woulcl she be faithful; never,though she were left alone till her youth shouldflee away and grey age come, never woulcl any

ARIADNE. 145other gain from her a moment's thought or apassing glance: he knew.AVhy should he return to her ? — his passionhad nothing to conquer, his vanity nothing togain. And what did he know of love ? — thispoet with words that burned as they sang, thislover with eyes that caressed as they looked, tillthe souls of women dropped in his path likejessamine flowers when the wind passes." Ihad never left Dorothea had she refusedme her trust," says the lover whois faitlUess,ina play of Calderon's.Never was line written that embodied saddertruth; and Dorothea forgives outrageonoutrage,crime on crime, and even when he has biddenassassins slay her, would still kiss his hand andpray for him to the Christ onher cross;but lienever forgives: — though against him she has nofault, save the one fault of having had faith inhim." If you love me you wiU listen to me! " praysthe man to the woman; and she hstens: " Youshould have turned your ear from me!" says theman whenitis toolate.vol. in.L

ARIADNE. 145other gain from her a moment's thought or apassing glance: he knew.AVhy should he return to her ? — his passionhad nothing to conquer, his vanity nothing togain. And what did he know of love ? — thispoet with words that burned as they sang, thislover with eyes that caressed as they looked, tillthe souls of women dropped in his path likejessamine flowers when the wind passes." Ihad never left Dorothea had she refusedme her trust," says the lover whois faitlUess,ina play of Calderon's.Never was line written that embodied saddertruth; and Dorothea forgives outrageonoutrage,crime on crime, and even when he has biddenassassins slay her, would still kiss his hand andpray for him to the Christ onher cross;but lienever forgives: — though against him she has nofault, save the one fault of having had faith inhim." If you love me you wiU listen to me! " praysthe man to the woman; and she hstens: " Youshould have turned your ear from me!" says theman whenitis toolate.vol. in.L

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