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08.07.2015 Views long. But if there be anything you ever"want of me" Nay,there is nothing,"Isaid tohim. " Andwe only hurt one»>We both are wait-ThenIstopped, afraid thatIshould woundhim; for he was veryproud in some things." Come home with me now,"he said abruptly,"taking nonotice of mylast words. Come homewith me. You shall see my work. Rome holdsno bettercritic."Then he turned, and we went downwardsthrough the park, under the broad branches ofthe ilexes, and the owls flapped in our faces, andthe darkness seU, and the swans went off thewater to their nests amongst the reeds; andwe wanted together through the gates and tohis own house, which was not far distant, andwhereIhad never been since the day thatIhad seen the copy of the Nausicaa shattered onthe floor.The place was almost dark. We entered hisstudio andhe struck alight, andIbegan to seethe gHmmer of the marbles and the plaster's

ARIADNE. 7whiteness. We had walked quite in silence; whatcould we say to one another, he andI?He drew the shrouding cloths off a greatgroup, and the lights from above fell onit.Its name matters nothing; it stands to-daybefore the senate-house of a greatnation;it wasa composition from the heroic ages. It wasmajestic, pine, and solemn;there was not a falseline init nora weak one;it had the consummateease and strength that only the trained hand ofaperfect master can command; yetWhat was lackinginit ?Itwashard to tell. Butit waslifeless. Itwaswork, composition, not art. It was like a deadbody from which the soul has fled. Ilooked atit in silence." WeU ? " he asked, and watched my face.Then,beforeIcould measure my words to teUthe truth, yet veil it,he, scanning my face, readmy mind and cast the cloths back again andlaughed aloud;alaugh thatIcanhear still whenIsit and think and the night is quiet." Ah,it does not deceive you any more thanme! You seeit aright. It is imposture. It will

ARIADNE. 7whiteness. We had walked quite in silence; whatcould we say to one another, he andI?He drew the shrouding cloths off a greatgroup, and the lights from above fell onit.Its name matters nothing; it stands to-daybefore the senate-house of a greatnation;it wasa composition from the heroic ages. It wasmajestic, pine, and solemn;there was not a falseline init nora weak one;it had the consummateease and strength that only the trained hand ofaperfect master can command; yetWhat was lackinginit ?Itwashard to tell. Butit waslifeless. Itwaswork, composition, not art. It was like a deadbody from which the soul has fled. Ilooked atit in silence." WeU ? " he asked, and watched my face.<strong>The</strong>n,beforeIcould measure my words to teUthe truth, yet veil it,he, scanning my face, readmy mind and cast the cloths back again andlaughed aloud;alaugh thatIcanhear still whenIsit and think and the night is quiet." Ah,it does not deceive you any more thanme! You seeit aright. It is imposture. It will

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