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140 ARIADNE.that GodHimself could not quench the flame — ofit, even if He would. You never loved her!you!"It seemed to me the pitifulest thing that everthe ear of mancould hear;it stunned me.Across my brain ranalineIonce —had readinsome coarse cruel book:" Les femmes ne savent pas distinguerl'appetit de1'amour."AVas great Love nowhere in the world savehere and there in some woman's breakingheart ? — AVas Philotes the only thing menknew ?Icould speak no more to him; the unutterabledesolation of it struck me dumb. Ifelt asin that very spot somepagan Roman might havefelt, seeing his daughter passing by between theguards to perish for the love of Christ, he knowingall the while that her Christ was dead inGalilee, and could not aid her, and that theangelic hosts she waited for to break the wheeland quench the fires, had never had a shape orsubstance, saveinthe heated fancyof some desertsaint or hunted preacher.

ARIADNE. 141He laughed a httle, partly in cruelty and farmore in sadness, and looked me full in theface." If you were a youngmanyou wouldkillme."Ilooked him also full in the face." IfIhad not promised her nevertokill you,Iwoidd find the means to do it now — old asIam."" You would do quite right," he said dreamily," and, perhaps,you would do me a service: whocanteU? AAre — know so httle."Alas no: he said, truly; we know so httle,and it cripples our hand; the worst vengeancewe can think of is a swift, sure blow that dealsout death, and then, perhaps, aU the while weonly summon man's best friend.Istood before himbaffled,impotent,paralyzed.The merciless frankness of him froze the verycui-rent of my blood, andIsaw thathe spoke thetruth.He had not evenloved her once.He had better loved this blackbrowed illustriousjade here in Rome, who struck himinherfuries, and draggedhim in the dust in her softmoments.

ARIADNE. 141He laughed a httle, partly in cruelty and farmore in sadness, and looked me full in theface." If you were a youngmanyou wouldkillme."Ilooked him also full in the face." IfIhad not promised her nevertokill you,Iwoidd find the means to do it now — old asIam."" You would do quite right," he said dreamily," and, perhaps,you would do me a service: whocanteU? AAre — know so httle."Alas no: he said, truly; we know so httle,and it cripples our hand; the worst vengeancewe can think of is a swift, sure blow that dealsout death, and then, perhaps, aU the while weonly summon man's best friend.Istood before himbaffled,impotent,paralyzed.<strong>The</strong> merciless frankness of him froze the verycui-rent of my blood, andIsaw thathe spoke thetruth.He had not evenloved her once.He had better loved this blackbrowed illustriousjade here in Rome, who struck himinherfuries, and draggedhim in the dust in her softmoments.

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