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134ARIADNE.He movedimpatiently with a gesture of shrinkingandregret.Hilarion could inflict all tortures of theemotions on a woman, and forsake her, andfeel no pang; but physical need in any womanhurt him, and the thought that it was sufferedfor him, or through him, stung himsharply; in his code his honour was hurtif the creature he had caressed could wantfor bread. She might die of pain, or dragout a living death in solitude ; but that wasnothing. That did not touch his honour, not inany way." Does she want— now ?" he said, withatingeof"ashamed agitation in his cheek. Does shewant ? Surely she must. AndI" "She wants for nothing,"Ianswered him;"and my patienceIcannot answer for: not ifyou insult her — so. Words are no use;Icameto say to you, ' Go out of Rome.' Donot outrageher with the sight of you beside that patricianjade in the palace yonder; break with thatJezebel, and go to what other vile woman youwill, — only not here."

ARIADNE. 135Hilarion laughed ahttle drearily."Jezebel as you call her has the wit to stingme, and bum me, whenever she touches me;so she keeps me. Men are made so. Jezebelmakes me a beast in my own sight, and afool in the sight of men; still she keepsme. Why ? Ido not know very well. Whatis the sorcery of shameless women? Whocan tell? But a sorcery it is. History tedsyou that."" Will you leave your adulteress ? That isaUIcare to know."" If she be here," he said softly; yet for thisjade he had forsaken her!" TeUme of her,"he said again." Do you regret her ?""Yes, — and no.Iseem brutal to you, nodoubt. ButIcould not live beside her;Jezebel suits me far better."" AVhat fault had she ?"" The worst ; she loved me too well. Do younot see ?It was aperpetual reproach."He was silent; his face was troubled andashamed, and he moved impatiently away.

134ARIADNE.He movedimpatiently with a gesture of shrinkingandregret.Hilarion could inflict all tortures of theemotions on a woman, and forsake her, andfeel no pang; but physical need in any womanhurt him, and the thought that it was sufferedfor him, or through him, stung himsharply; in his code his honour was hurtif the creature he had caressed could wantfor bread. She might die of pain, or dragout a living death in solitude ; but that wasnothing. That did not touch his honour, not inany way." Does she want— now ?" he said, withatingeof"ashamed agitation in his cheek. Does shewant ? Surely she must. AndI" "She wants for nothing,"Ianswered him;"and my patienceIcannot answer for: not ifyou insult her — so. Words are no use;Icameto say to you, ' Go out of Rome.' Donot outrageher with the sight of you beside that patricianjade in the palace yonder; break with thatJezebel, and go to what other vile woman youwill, — only not here."

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