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132ARIADNE.land singing-life of it was over, over in agony,and not a soul in all the wide earth was thebetter for its pain, not even the huckster whohad missed making his copper coin byit. Woeisme; the sorrow of the world is great.Ipointed to it where it lay, poor httle softhuddled heap of bright feathers; there is nosadder sight than a dead bird, for what lovelierlife can there be than a bird's life, free inthe sun and the rain, in the blossom andfoliage ?" Make the little cold throat sing at sunrise,""Isaid to him. When you can do that, thenthink to undo what you have done."" "She wiU forget:—"You know she never wdl forget.your crime."" 'She wdl have her art" Will the dead bird shig ? "<strong>The</strong>re isHe was silent." Tell me," he said abruptly, after a httlewhile, " tell me, is she here in Rome ? "Iwould not answer him;Istared on himstupidly, seeing his pale fair face in all its

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