The Buddha's Words on Kamma - DharmaFlower.Net

The Buddha's Words on Kamma - DharmaFlower.Net

The Buddha's Words on Kamma - DharmaFlower.Net


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is due to a being: he reappears owing to the kammas he hasperformed. When he has reappeared, c<strong>on</strong>tacts touch him. Thus I sayare beings heirs of their kammas. This is called bright kamma withbright ripening.11. "What is dark-and-bright kamma with dark-and-bright ripening?Here some<strong>on</strong>e produces a (kammic) bodily process both (bound up)with afflicti<strong>on</strong> and not (bound up) with afflicti<strong>on</strong>...verbalprocess...mental process both (bound up) with afflicti<strong>on</strong> and not(bound up) with afflicti<strong>on</strong>. By doing so, he reappears in a world bothwith and without afflicti<strong>on</strong>. When that happens, both afflicting andun-afflicting c<strong>on</strong>tacts touch him. Being touched by these, he feelsafflicting and un-afflicting feelings with mingled pleasure and pain asin the case of human beings and some gods and some inhabitants ofthe states of deprivati<strong>on</strong>. Thus a being's reappearance is due to abeing: he reappears owing to the kammas he has performed. When hehas reappeared, c<strong>on</strong>tacts touch him. Thus I say are beings heirs oftheir kammas. This is called dark-and-bright kamma with dark-andbrightripening.12. "What is neither-dark-nor-bright kamma with neither-dark-norbrightripening that leads to the exhausti<strong>on</strong> of kamma? As to these(three kinds of kamma), any voliti<strong>on</strong> in aband<strong>on</strong>ing the kind ofkamma that is dark with dark ripening, any voliti<strong>on</strong> in aband<strong>on</strong>ingthe kind of kamma that is bright with bright ripening, and any voliti<strong>on</strong>in aband<strong>on</strong>ing the kind of kamma that is dark-and bright with darkand-brightripening: this is called neither-dark-nor-bright kammawith neither-dark-nor-bright ripening."<str<strong>on</strong>g>The</str<strong>on</strong>g>se are the four kinds of kamma proclaimed by me after realizati<strong>on</strong>myself with direct knowledge."13. When this was said, Punna, a s<strong>on</strong> of the Koliyans and an ox-dutyascetic, said to the Blessed One: "Magnificent, Master Gotama!Magnificent, Master Gotama! <str<strong>on</strong>g>The</str<strong>on</strong>g> Dhamma has been made clear inmany ways by Master Gotama as though he were turning uprightwhat had been overthrown, revealing the hidden, showing the way to<strong>on</strong>e who is lost, holding up a lamp in the darkness for those witheyesight to see forms.14. "I go to Master Gotama for refuge and to the Dhamma and to theSangha of Bhikkhus. From today let Master Gotama remember me asa lay follower who has g<strong>on</strong>e to him for refuge for life."15. But Seniya the naked dog-duty ascetic said: "Magnificent, MasterGotama!...<str<strong>on</strong>g>The</str<strong>on</strong>g> Dhamma has been made clear...for those with eyesightto see forms.8

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