The Buddha's Words on Kamma - DharmaFlower.Net

The Buddha's Words on Kamma - DharmaFlower.Net

The Buddha's Words on Kamma - DharmaFlower.Net


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8. "And how are there three kinds of bodily c<strong>on</strong>duct not in accordancewith the Dhamma, unrighteous c<strong>on</strong>duct? Here some<strong>on</strong>e is a killer ofliving beings: he is murderous, bloody-handed, given to blows andviolence, and merciless to all living beings. He is a taker of what is notgiven: he takes as a thief another's chattels and property in the villageor in the forest. He is given over to misc<strong>on</strong>duct in sexual desires: hehas intercourse with such (women) as are protected by the mother,father, (mother and father), brother, sister, relatives, as have ahusband, as entail a penalty, and also with those that are garlandedin token of betrothal. That is how there are three kinds of bodilyc<strong>on</strong>duct not in accordance with the Dhamma, unrighteous c<strong>on</strong>duct.9. "And how are there four kinds of verbal c<strong>on</strong>duct not in accordancewith the Dhamma, unrighteous c<strong>on</strong>duct? Here some<strong>on</strong>e speaksfalsehood: when summ<strong>on</strong>ed to a court or to a meeting, or to hisrelatives' presence, or to his guild, or to the royal family's presence,and questi<strong>on</strong>ed as a witness thus, 'So, good man, tell what you know,'then, not knowing, he says 'I know,' or knowing, he says 'I do notknow,' not seeing, he says 'I see,' or seeing, he says 'I do not see'; infull awareness he speaks falsehood for his own ends or for another'sends or for some trifling worldly end. He speaks maliciously: he is arepeater elsewhere of what is heard here for the purpose of causingdivisi<strong>on</strong> from these, or he is a repeater to these of what is heardelsewhere for the purpose of causing divisi<strong>on</strong> from those, and he isthus a divider of the united, a creator of divisi<strong>on</strong>s, who enjoys discord,rejoices in discord, delights in discord, he is a speaker of words thatcreate discord. He speaks harshly: he utters such words as are rough,hard, hurtful to others, censorious of others, bordering <strong>on</strong> anger andun-c<strong>on</strong>ducive to c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>. He is a gossip: as <strong>on</strong>e who tells thatwhich is unseas<strong>on</strong>able, that which is not fact, that which is not good,that which is not the Dhamma, that which is not the Discipline, andhe speaks out of seas<strong>on</strong> speech not worth recording, which isunreas<strong>on</strong>ed, indefinite, and unc<strong>on</strong>nected with good. That is how thereare four kinds of verbal c<strong>on</strong>duct not in accordance with the Dhamma,unrighteous c<strong>on</strong>duct.10. "And how are there three kinds of mental c<strong>on</strong>duct not inaccordance with the Dhamma, unrighteous c<strong>on</strong>duct? Here some<strong>on</strong>e iscovetous: he is a coveter of another's chattels and property thus: 'Oh,that what is another's were mine!' Or he has a mind of ill-will, with theintenti<strong>on</strong> of a mind affected by hate thus: 'May these beings be slainand slaughtered, may they be cut off, perish, or be annihilated!' Or hehas wr<strong>on</strong>g view, distorted visi<strong>on</strong>, thus: '<str<strong>on</strong>g>The</str<strong>on</strong>g>re is nothing given,nothing offered, nothing sacrificed, no fruit and ripening of good andbad kammas, no this world, no other world, no mother, no father, nosp<strong>on</strong>taneously (born) beings,[1] no good and virtuous m<strong>on</strong>ks andBrahmins that have themselves realized by direct knowledge anddeclare this world and the other world.'[2] That is how there are three27

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