Mercy Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws - Mercy Health

Mercy Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws - Mercy Health

Mercy Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws - Mercy Health


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appointment, pursuant to Section 6.6, shall be for a period extending tothe end of the then current appointment period.3.4.2 Effect of Other Affiliations: No (physician, dentist, podiatrist, psychologistor chiropractor) person shall be (automatically) entitled to Membershipon the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> or to exercise particular clinical privileges, merelybecause (he is licensed to practice in this, or in any other state, or becausehe is a member of any professional organization, or because he is certifiedby any clinical board, or because he had or presently has) of his or herMembership, status or Clinical Privileges at any other organization orfacility.3.4.3 Privileges Required: Membership by itself confers no Clinical Privileges.Members must separately apply for and hold Clinical Privileges in orderto perform patient care services.3.4.4 Fees: The MEC, by Membership vote, may impose regular dues, specialassessments, late fees and other fines upon Members.4.2.1 PROVISIONAL STATUS3.4.1.1.Initial AppointmentExcept as otherwise determined by the Board, all initialappointments to any category of the <strong>Staff</strong>, except consulting,honorary and emeritus, shall be provisional. Eachprovisional appointee shall be assigned to a Department orsuch director’s designee. An initial appointment (andrenewals thereof) shall remain provisional until theDepartment Director or his designee:a) completes a “satisfactory” evaluation of thepractitioner’s professional practice and competence.The extent of this evaluation is determined by theDepartment Director or his designee, or(b) if there is insufficient practice volume at the <strong>Hospital</strong>to evaluate the practitioners professional practice andcompetence, “satisfactory” quality data must beobtained from the hospital where the practitioner ismost active in order for the practitioner to be(c)reappointed.upon the Department Director’s completion of a“satisfactory” evaluation, such report shall be madeto the Credentials Committee which will recommendto the MEC and the Board removal of the practitionerfrom Provisional Status. in <strong>Staff</strong> Category and Clinical PrivilegesThe Executive Committee of the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> mayrecommend to the Board that a change in staff category of a- 17 -

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