3rd European textile and Fibre Art Festival - Catalogue

3rd European textile and Fibre Art Festival - Catalogue 3rd European textile and Fibre Art Festival - Catalogue

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AUD BAEKKELUND Norway / Norvé©ija Born 1960 Øvre Sundsvik 4 5600 Norheimsund, Norway Education 1989 MA in Textile, National College of Art and Design, Bergen, Norway Selected exhibitions 2005 Flaten Art Museum, Minnesota and Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, USA 2004 West Norway’s Annual Art Exhibition, Bergen, Stavanger, Ålesund, Norway 2003 Solo exhibition, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway Solo exhibition, Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger, Norway 2002 “Textile Techniques in Metal” Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge Mass, USA 2001 “Kàrpit” Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary Works in collections Norwegian Council of Culture The Oslo Museum of Applied Art, Norway Kvam Kunstlag, Norway Odda municipality, Bokkotunet, Norway Hardangerrådet, Kabuso art and culture centre, Øystese, Norway The idea was simple. I looked through my family’s clothes, trying to find out where they were produced. We are a family of four, and our clothes have been haphazardly purchased by different members of the family. Most of the articles proved to be from a lot of different countries. They came from countries well known for their cheap labour, they were marked with “import”, or the origin was impossible to determine. Perhaps it should not come as a big surprise, but actually none of them were produced in Norway. I became fascinated with the small labels sewn inside the clothes. Though the tags had similar designs and shapes, they gave a clear indication of where to find the textile industry of today. Maybe the designer comes from yet a third country, still, the clothes meet here and become a part of the “Norwegian clothing style”. I’ve made a kind of Norwegian flag of these tags that could also be looked upon as a cross. I’m not sure if it’s a sad memorial over the Norwegian textile industry, or a flag expressing happiness over successful trade between the countries. Either way, this flag is guaranteed “handmade in Norway”, even though none of the clothes, where I found the tags, were produced here. 22

MADE IN NORWAY RAÛOTS NORV‰ÌIJÅ 2007. Synthetic materials, cotton thread, patchwork. 41x29 23



2007. Synthetic materials, cotton thread, patchwork. 41x29<br />


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