3rd European textile and Fibre Art Festival - Catalogue

3rd European textile and Fibre Art Festival - Catalogue 3rd European textile and Fibre Art Festival - Catalogue

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MARIT HELEN AKSLEN Norway / Norvé©ija Born 1971 Klingenbergsv. 1 7043 Trondheim, Norway Education 1998–2000 Postgraduate studies, National College of Art and Design, Bergen, Norway 1993–1996 Art studies, National College of Art and Design, Bergen, Norway 1992–1993 Art studies, Risør Kunstskole, Norway Selected exhibitions 2006 Solo exhibition at Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway Kunstnersenteret Møre og Romsdal Textile Expressions in Contemporary Art, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria 2005 “Stoff”, Slikeborg, Denmark “Hands of Norway”, Stockholm, Sweden 2003 The National Annual Fall exhibition, Oslo, Norway Works in collections Norwegian Council of Culture Museum of Applied Art, Bergen, Norway North-Trøndelag Fylkesgallery, Haugesund Billedgallery, Trondheim District , Norway St Olavs Hospital in Trondheim, Norway I have been concentrating on clothes and find exploring the language of clothes exciting. I use ready-mades in my work, like shirts and braces. Most of the time I use fragments of shirts, like cuffs, collars and pockets. I have been trying to give the fragments a new shape and a new function by building them up, using their construction, in a different way. This is how I am putting them into a new context. I also often decode the use of white shirts in the world of politics and corporate business. In this work “Money Short Cuts” I have been concentrating on a serious global problem, corruption. More specific it is about Money Laundering / White-wash. First you see the black cuffs that become whiter and whiter on its way to the top. When you go closer you can see the world map in embroidery on the whole tapestry. The countries are embroidered in black but some of the countries are embroidered in red. Those are the countries and the places where it is possible and easy to wash your money white. 16

MONEY SHORT CUTS NAUDAS ATMAZGÅÍANA 2004-2005. Embroidery on cuffs (shirts), cotton. 280x300 17



2004-2005. Embroidery on cuffs (shirts), cotton. 280x300<br />


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