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Dear Dr. Bolyvong,<br />

I'm glad that we've got things worked out.<br />

Incidentally, I've sent you the <strong>CD</strong> already. I think you<br />

will find it useful for future development of the<br />

panyasin web site.<br />

Please feel free to update or modify panyasin as you<br />

see fit. I am going to remain dormant for awhile, and<br />

will assist with the technical aspect and small<br />

fundings of the site on and off.<br />

I will talk to you later. Someday, I'd love to hear<br />

more about your days as a young Lao student studying<br />

abroad back when very few Laotians were given the<br />

privilege and honor to do so.<br />

Hakpang,<br />

Thaksin<br />

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, "Blv Tanovan" wrote:<br />

Dear Thaksin,<br />

I'm glad you have found the answer to my original<br />

question, were able to fix the problem, and to learn<br />

that the website can be maintained almost indefinitely<br />

and at no cost. I think we can live with the flying<br />

banners (at least for now). Since the site is up and<br />

running again, there no need for you to send me the <strong>CD</strong>.<br />

I'm sure we will find some way to revive the site and<br />

make it useful to our community some time in the near<br />

future.<br />

Thanks again for your efforts. The FTP has now been

configured to download updates directly to<br />

www/muanglao. So, I hope there will be no further<br />

inadvertent erasures.<br />

Regards,<br />

Bolyvong Tanovan<br />

>From: tuksinluv@ragingbull.com<br />

>To: bolyvong_t@hotmail.com<br />

>CC: Ken.Saycocie@per-se.com<br />

>Subject: Panyasinh (2)<br />

>Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 09:59:29 -0800 (PST)<br />

><br />

>Dear Dr. Bolyvong,<br />

><br />

>Good day to you. I hope that your work week is<br />

starting<br />

>off ok.<br />

><br />

>I just realized what you really meant when you were<br />

>asking: "What happened to panyasin web site?"<br />

><br />

>I just checked http://www.panyasin.net web site and<br />

saw<br />

>that the Muanglao web site content was showing at the<br />

>level where the panyasin.net files are supposed to be.<br />

>Somehow, either yourself or your volunteering<br />

assistant<br />

>inadvertantly uploaded the Muanglao "index.htm" file<br />

to<br />

>the panyasin.net level. Anyways, I've gone in and fix<br />

>it. The panyasin.net files are up where they're<br />

>supposed to be and the Muanglao web site files are at:<br />

>http://www.panyasin.net/muanglao >> where they are<br />

>supposed to be.<br />

><br />

>To clarify further, what I meant in the previous<br />


was that, due to the lack of interests for several<br />

>months at panyasin.net, Sack and I have not updated<br />

nor<br />

>actively maitain the panyasin.net web site. In<br />

>addition, we are finding ourselves spending more time<br />

>at work than anywhere else.<br />

><br />

>HOWEVER:<br />

>The panyasin.net web site will still be up and it is<br />

>hosted, as you can see at netfirms.com 's server. This<br />

>is a free service web hosting package and it is why we<br />

>are seeing the BANNER up on the top of each page. If<br />

we<br />

>want to get rid of the Banner, then we will have to<br />

>play monthly hosting fees. AS for the DOMAIN NAME<br />

>registration fee of "panyasin.net", it is paid for up<br />

>until January of 2004.<br />

><br />

>I am still going to send you a disc of files. This<br />

disc<br />

>will contain the files from the OLD OLD panyasin, the<br />

>files which aii Ken created and published. As I've<br />

said<br />

>before, I've copied these files onto a disc and sent<br />

it<br />

>to aii Ken a long time ago. You can use the content of<br />

>these files to add or substract to the current<br />

>panyasin.net web site, if you want. As for the files<br />

>and graphics of the current design panyasin.net web<br />

>site, you can copy them from that site as you see now,<br />

>or download them from the netfirm server, since you do<br />

>have access to this server already.<br />

><br />

>Thus, there is no need to find another hosting place<br />

>for panyasin.net. We can use this current service for<br />

>as long as we want.<br />


I hope that this e-mail has clarified many of the<br />

>questions that you may have had during the past few<br />

>days. Please take time to notice which folder you've<br />

>uploaded the Muanglao files into for next time,<br />

>otherwise it will disable the panyasin.net files<br />

again.<br />

><br />

>Take care for now. I will send the disc containing the<br />

>old old panyasin files to you soon.<br />

><br />

>Hakpang,<br />

>Thaksin<br />

><br />

><br />

><br />

>On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, "Blv Tanovan" wrote:<br />

><br />

><br />

>Dear Thaksin,<br />

>Thanks for your message. My mailing address was<br />

>attached right after my name (15795 SW Bobwhite Cir,<br />

>Beaverton OR 97007). I'm looking forward to receiving<br />

>your <strong>CD</strong>; I hope it will include the few nice<br />

logos that<br />

>you and your helper prepared. My plan is to find a<br />

>semi-free server where we can get some serious<br />

>discussions going. Sometimes I realize it's hard to<br />

>keep people to chime in but in the long run young Lao<br />

>professionals should find that communication channel<br />

>useful and helpful to their career. Especially when we<br />

>can provide helpful hints here and there. I hope you<br />

>can continue to participate in our effort to reach out<br />

>to people, because you do came across as a caring,<br />

>serious and energetic individual.<br />

>I feel fortunate to have had a "free" education, just<br />

>because I was a Lao national and scholarships were<br />

>plentiful in the 1950's for the few of us who would

qualify for them. Things are a lot different now, when<br />

>you think that Lao government employees currently<br />

>barely get by with their salaries alone. Some young<br />

Lao<br />

>Americans still don't realize how lucky they are and<br />

>are making little effort to better understand their<br />

>origins and culture.<br />

>Regards,<br />

>Bolyvong Tanovan<br />

><br />

><br />

><br />

><br />

> >From: tuksinluv@ragingbull.com<br />

> >To: bolyvong_t@hotmail.com<br />

> >Subject: Panyasinh<br />

> >Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 18:45:11 -0800 (PST)<br />

> ><br />

> >Dear Dr. Bolyvong,<br />

> ><br />

> >Glad to hear from you. I commend you and aii Ken for<br />

> >trying to keep the spirit and soul of Laotian<br />

thoughts<br />

> >alive. I agree that exchanging our knowledge and<br />

ideas<br />

> >via this medium, the internet, may be the best way<br />

and<br />

> >the only way for now to keep many aspects of Lao<br />

> >culture active and alive.<br />

> ><br />

> >I will gather up as many files as I can from the old<br />

> >panyasin web site and send them to you in a <strong>CD</strong>. I<br />

> >remember that I tried several times to download<br />

those<br />

> >files from the "nomonthlyfees" server and there were<br />

> >some files that would not download at all. In<br />


you will have about 95% of the content.<br />

> ><br />

> >Please give me your mailing address and I will try<br />

to<br />

> >burn a disc and send it to you as soon as I can.<br />

> ><br />

> >Your field of work sounds very interesting. After<br />

all<br />

> >these years in this field you must be feeling very<br />

> >privileged to have had an impact on the lives of<br />

many<br />

> >people and continuing to do so, indirectly and<br />

without<br />

> >them even relizing it.<br />

> ><br />

> >I had an interest in science and engineering in high<br />

> >school, but my interests became mild when I got to<br />

> >college. I have been long time big admirer of Nikola<br />

> >Tesla and still am. I almost decided to attend Iowa<br />

> >State U. to pursue an electrical engineering degree,<br />

> >but life had other plans.<br />

> ><br />

> >It's so hard to find time for extra-curricular<br />

> >activities these days. My working life have<br />

dominated<br />

> >much of my life for a long time.<br />

> ><br />

> >I hope to join you all on some of the discussions in<br />

> >the future. I was excited when I found Panyasin, but<br />

I<br />

> >guess I joined during the time when everyone elses<br />

> >interests have disappated. And so... I got back into<br />

> >the tango of working life again.<br />

> ><br />

> >I will talk to you later.<br />

> >Again, send me your mailing address and I will burn<br />


disc for you.<br />

> ><br />

> >Hakpang,<br />

> >Thaksin<br />

> ><br />

> ><br />

> >On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, "Blv Tanovan" wrote:<br />

> ><br />

> ><br />

> >Dear Thaksin,<br />

> >Thank you for your message. Now that you have said<br />

it,<br />

> >I believe I remember seeing pictures of your house<br />

in<br />

> >North Carolina on a webpage somewhere. Splendid view<br />

>of<br />

> >the Appalachians at a distance, that should remind<br />

you<br />

> >of the Chiangmai region? I attended a Hydro Vision<br />

> >conference at the convention center in Charlotte, NC<br />

a<br />

> >couple of years back. That part of the country is<br />

very<br />

> >peaceful and scenic.<br />

> >If you still have a <strong>CD</strong> for the Panyasinh website,<br />

>could<br />

> >you please send me a copy?<br />

> >Despite having lived in the US for over 26 years<br />

now,<br />

> >that was the first time that I participated in a<br />

> >Lao online discussion group. I think there is much<br />

to<br />

> >be done in the communication area between Lao<br />

> >expatriates, so if it's at all possible, I would<br />

like<br />

> >to see the web site maintained somewhere ready for<br />


Right now, we seem to be concentrating our volunteer<br />

> >efforts on the Symposium on the Lao History, and<br />

>that's<br />

> >fine. But pretty soon, we should be able to embark<br />

on<br />

> >other productive subjects of mutual interest. We<br />

need<br />

>a<br />

> >communication media that Lao students and young<br />

> >professionals from across the borders feel<br />

comfortable<br />

> >about accessing and use for their benefit, to learn<br />

> >from one another, and if possible formulate and<br />

voice<br />

> >opinions that count and can make a difference. I<br />

> >think Kongkeo made a commendable move in the right<br />

> >direction and I would like to see that momentum<br />

> >continue. If today's generation is only interested<br />

in<br />

> >music, poetry, movies, casual chats, and never look<br />

> >further than their immediate surroundings, they<br />

would<br />

> >have missed their chance to make an impact on Lao<br />

> >culture, history, and society.<br />

> >Regards,<br />

> >Bolyvong Tanovan<br />

> >15795 SW Bobwhite Cir. Beaverton OR 97007<br />

> ><br />

> > >From: tuksinluv@ragingbull.com<br />

> > >To: bolyvong_t@hotmail.com<br />

> > >Subject: Re: Message Board for Muanglao.com<br />

> > >Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 05:25:47 -0800 (PST)<br />

> > ><br />

> > >Dear Dr. Bolyvong,<br />

> > ><br />

> > >Glad to hear that you had a good feast over the<br />

> > >weekend. I did my usual Lao thing and went to some

friends' house. He and his wife invited me over<br />

>along<br />

> > >with many other friends. We drank, sang some<br />

>Karaoke,<br />

> > >and ate Lao dishes.<br />

> > ><br />

> > >I live in West Jefferson, North Carolina. It is a<br />

> >small<br />

> > >town up in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains.<br />

>I'm<br />

> > >about 35 miles from Northeastern Tennessee and<br />

about<br />

> >16<br />

> > >miles from SouthWestern tip of Virginia. About 30<br />

> >miles<br />

> > >down the mountains from my town is Appalachian<br />

State<br />

> > >University, located in Boone, North Carolina. It<br />

is<br />

> > >named after Daniel Boone. To see my Laotian<br />

friends,<br />

>I<br />

> > >usually would have to drive about 2 1/2 hours to<br />

> > >Charlotte or Greensboro, NC.<br />

> > ><br />

> > >North Carolina is one of the oldest states in the<br />

US<br />

> > >and it has produced a lot of people who've made<br />

huge<br />

> > >impact this country and the world. I really enjoy<br />

> > >living here.<br />

> > ><br />

> > >I've not been to Oregon and the Northwest area of<br />

>the<br />

> > >US extensively. I passed by the Oregon on my way<br />

to<br />

> > >Washington several years ago, very nice landscape.

> > >Anyways, the panyasin.net web site is left idle<br />

for<br />

> >now<br />

> > >since there's not that much interests from our<br />

> >members.<br />

> > >Our volunteer webmaster, Sack, has gone on to do<br />

>other<br />

> > >stuff. He's also a very hard worker. He's a chef<br />

at<br />

>a<br />

> > >restaurant, so his time to do extra curricular<br />

> > >activities are limited. He did send me a copy of<br />

the<br />

> > >Dreamweaver 4 software, which he used to create<br />

the<br />

> >web<br />

> > >site. I can do updates and add/delete contents<br />

with<br />

> >it.<br />

> > >As far as the old old panyasin web site, I've<br />

> > >downloaded it at the beginning and burned the<br />

>content<br />

> > >onto a disc and sent it to aii Ken.<br />

> > ><br />

> > >I guess our interests in things come and go, and<br />

for<br />

> > >most of us these days we are stuck with spending<br />

>more<br />

> > >time making a living and pay the bills than doing<br />

>any<br />

> > >other things else.<br />

> > ><br />

> > >I will talk to you later. I hope the Symposium<br />

will<br />

>be<br />

> > >a success.

> > >Hakpang,<br />

> > >Thaksin<br />

> > ><br />

> ><br />

><br />

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><br />

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