Technology Assessment - Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning ...

Technology Assessment - Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning ... Technology Assessment - Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning ...

Representative Automated People Movers<br />

Fact Summaries<br />










Representative Medium Performance Monorail Systems<br />

Fact Summaries<br />




Representative Cable-Driven Systems<br />

Fact Summaries<br />








Representative Fast Transit Links<br />

Fact Summaries<br />


Representative Personal Rapid Transit Systems<br />

Fact Summaries<br />







The development of a transit system should not be undertaken merely because technology is<br />

available and right-of-way exists. The usefulness of a transit system will depend on technical and<br />

non-technical conditions that exist or appear attainable before implementation efforts are<br />

undertaken. Before conceptualizing the system, there is a need for evidence that the<br />

technology/routing will supply services that satisfy genuine needs in the selected <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

corridors. To select the most appropriate technology and alignment for the <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

applications, it is necessary to compare alternatives with one another. The following methodology<br />

has been developed for adoption.<br />

We developed a list of evaluation factors. Figure No. 17: "Evaluation Methodology" shows<br />

the recommended process that can be used to discriminate between the alignment and technology<br />

alternatives. Five major groups were identified:<br />

• Transit technology constraints;<br />

• Alignment feasibility;<br />

• Affordability;<br />

• Attractiveness;<br />

• User convenience.<br />

Evaluations and comparisons of the selected corridor and various transit technologies<br />

require the adoption of several planning criteria within all groups, including (but not limited to) the<br />

following.<br />

4.1 Transit <strong>Technology</strong> Constraints<br />

Physical Limitations<br />

Is the overall design concept suitable for urban applications (grade capability, curvability<br />

limitations, weather resistance, safety, other)?<br />

Performance Limitations<br />

What is the maximum speed in the urban environment?<br />

What is the performance in severe weather conditions?<br />

What is the passenger ride comfort?<br />

Operational Limitations<br />

What is the passenger capacity?<br />

What is the evacuation procedure in the urban environment?<br />

Is it suitable for cargo movement (if desired)?<br />



Risks<br />

Is it proven?<br />

Is it safe?<br />

Is the system implementation feasible?<br />

4.2 Alignment Feasibility<br />

Right-of-Way Impacts<br />

Is adequate right-of-way available and feasible?<br />

Are specific real estate sites available for stations?<br />

Do obstacles exist? (Are there any underground utilities, structures, and/or geological formations<br />

that would interfere with construction?)<br />

Station Locations<br />

Is the transit system easy to use?<br />

Are there access roads for emergency and service vehicles?<br />

Is station implementation practical?<br />

The capability of transit systems to handle considerable grades and turns gives the designer<br />

flexibility in providing passenger and vehicle access to stations. Station locations are influenced by<br />

terrain, geology, the existence of underground structures and utility lines, and the availability and<br />

configuration of suitable sites. Two types of stations have been identified for the <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

corridors, including:<br />

• Terminal stations located at the ends of a transit system;<br />

• Intermediate stations located along a transit system.<br />

Alignment Design Standards<br />

Horizontal Alignment<br />

Are tight turns acceptable (feasible) for the performance of the system (and passenger comfort)?<br />

A preferred system alignment may require curves that are too sharp for the vehicle's turning<br />

radius. Too many horizontal curves may cause rider discomfort and increase the wear on lateral<br />

guidance wheels. Where the guideway surrounds the vehicle (for the elevated systems), either the<br />

guideway, the dynamic envelope, the horizontal geometry, or combinations of these three factors<br />

may control horizontal curves and clearances. However, where the vehicle surrounds the guideway,<br />

as with monorails, the dynamic envelope may control lateral curves and clearances throughout the<br />

length of the guideway. Since the technology type has not been selected, various cases must be<br />

considered.<br />

Horizontal alignment can be affected by the options available for locating columns or other<br />

supporting structures. Since guideway strength and flexibility are functions of span length, spacing<br />

between supporting structures can become critical. Curved guideway alignments frequently require<br />

intermediate support. This support is usually provided by columns located within the crossing or<br />

by bends.<br />

In addition, the particular alignment is contingent upon adequate space for the footings.<br />


Vertical Alignment<br />

Are grades and column height (for the elevated system)s acceptable (feasible) for performance of<br />

the system (and passenger comfort)?<br />

Minimum vehicle clearance is defined as the vertical distance between the top of the vehicle<br />

and the nearest fixed obstruction above. The American Association of State Highway and<br />

Transportation Officials (AASHTO) requires a 16-ft vertical clearance under a guideway on state<br />

highways and interstate systems. Also, 16 ft should be the minimum clearance for local routes<br />

below the guideway, "where such clearance is not unreasonably costly and where needed for<br />

defense requirements." Segments of the guideway, which must span roads, rail tracks or other types<br />

of crossings, may require deviations from a constant grade in order to satisfy vertical clearance<br />

requirements.<br />

Environmental Impacts<br />

How does transit technology physically impact this environment?<br />

Potential impacts to adjacent land uses need to be considered, including noise, vibration,<br />

air quality, and compatibility with land-use types. Impacts to the natural environment should also<br />

be considered.<br />

4.3 Affordability<br />

Can we afford to build and operate this technology?<br />

Capital Costs<br />

Does this alignment reduce the system length to maintain minimum system cost ?<br />

Is this technology cost effective for this application?<br />

Based on the alignment configuration (length, spans, double/single trackway/<br />

guideway/busway, number of stations and track switches, other), it is possible to rate the<br />

affordability of the alignment/technology alternatives.<br />

The resolution of some of these issues, particularly in the area of exact alignment, may<br />

require engineering determinations. They also require policy considerations because of cost<br />

implications (capital and O&M), possible community concerns, or a degradation of service or ride<br />

comfort.<br />

Operation and Maintenance Costs<br />

Does this technology offer the best life cycle costs?<br />

Funding Potential<br />

Is this technology within funding limits for this type of application?<br />

Can this technology be a candidate for a demonstration project under various public/private<br />

initiatives?<br />

Certain types or levels of technology may be more readily fundable than others.<br />


Economic Enhancement Potential<br />

Will the system implementation enhance land values, rental rates and business activities?<br />

Does this project make long-term economic sense and attract investors?<br />

4.4 Attractiveness<br />

Will this technology attract residents and visitors, and induce new trips?<br />

Ride Experience<br />

How will passengers perceive the ride both from the ride comfort and overall experience point of<br />

view?<br />

Certain types of technology may be more comfortable and attractive than others.<br />

Ride Safety and Security<br />

How will passengers perceive the ride both from the ride safety and security?<br />

Visual and Aesthetic Impacts<br />

How does transit technology visually impact this environment?<br />

When designing transit systems, a few viewpoints should be considered–that of the system<br />

user and that of the impacted urban environment.<br />

Visual Barriers<br />

Station and guideway structures should not degrade scenic views of natural or historic sites<br />

from locations where these views are normally enjoyed by the public. Guideways should not limit<br />

desirable views. The view from hotels, for instance, should not be obstructed.<br />

Adverse Impacts of Shade<br />

Shade and shadow patterns (for elevated systems) should be considered in relation to their<br />

effects on adjacent land use and on the right-of-way. By blocking sunlight, elevated structures may<br />

contribute to problems of cast shadows on nearby uses. Consideration should also be given to any<br />

blocking of the sun's rays to facilities which require them.<br />

Visual Intrusion on Residences and Commercial Establishments<br />

The system should be aligned and stations placed to minimize visual intrusion on public and<br />

private spaces. Public spaces are especially sensitive to visual intrusion. Guideway placement<br />

within the urban environment that allows riders a view into private residences, hotel rooms, or<br />

offices exemplifies visual intrusion. Occupants of facilities adjacent to guideways should also be<br />

spared the kaleidoscopic effects of passing vehicles.<br />

Overall Image<br />

Will transit technology improve the overall image of the <strong>Indianapolis</strong> metropolitan area?<br />


The quality of the overall image is vital to the success of the project in terms of attracting<br />

residents and visitors making repeated trips.<br />

4.5 User Convenience<br />

Market Served<br />

Is the transit system easily accessible from various destinations?<br />

Transit System Integration<br />

Can the transit system operate in this environment, integrate with other systems (bus, Clarian<br />

Health People Mover, future rail) and be upgraded in the future?<br />

Are intermodal transfers convenient and time efficient?<br />

Would the station entry zone provide ample space for transfer to access modes and safe<br />

pedestrian circulation?<br />

The comfort and efficiency of the transferring passengers should be of prime concern in<br />

this project.<br />

Travel Time/Frequency<br />

Does this alignment reduce the system length to maintain minimum travel time?<br />

How long does a trip to a specific destination take?<br />

How long does a patron wait at the station?<br />

Does the system length permit high frequency of service?<br />

Long systems would require a large fleet of vehicles.<br />

Parking Availability<br />

Is there existing parking available or is there sufficient space to build dedicated parking lots?<br />

Parking areas for the transit stations should provide sufficient spaces to eliminate commuter<br />

parking on local roadways. Entrances to on-site parking should be placed to minimize interference<br />

with local traffic.<br />

Patronage Potential<br />

What is the patronage potential of the transit line?<br />

Each technology for the <strong>Indianapolis</strong> corridors will need to be assessed in terms of the<br />

potential patronage levels and the ability to serve urban passenger circulation markets.<br />

* * *<br />

In the process of establishing our evaluation criteria and methodology, we primarily focus<br />

on whether our study will be able to define the overall "Transit System Effectiveness."<br />

Does the transit system overcome the natural and artificial barriers of <strong>Indianapolis</strong> corridors?<br />

Does the transit system serve identified travel patterns?<br />

Does the transit system overcome traffic congestion in the corridors?<br />


Does the transit system overcome adverse weather conditions?<br />

Does the transit system serve primary destinations in the corridors?<br />

Does the system attract new riders?<br />

Alternative transit technologies of many kinds could be conceived to serve the <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

corridors. Therefore, a clear understanding of the physical and operational characteristics of transit<br />

system and the <strong>Indianapolis</strong> applications must be established, as only a limited number of<br />

technologies are truly applicable.<br />







5.1 Diversified <strong>Technology</strong> Selection for Wide Range of Performance<br />

Based on this transit technology assessment, it appears that there are several options for<br />

various <strong>Indianapolis</strong> corridor applications. Subsequent corridor related analysis will determine<br />

which categories of specific technologies should be pursued depending on line-haul, feeder, or<br />

circulation needs. In the subsequent phases of this study, we will identify and recommend a specific<br />

transit technology for a specific type of application. For example, Automated Rapid Transit<br />

systems for a high density corridor with fluctuating passenger demand, medium performance<br />

monorail systems for suburban areas or areas where synergy of the LRT vehicle and the bus is<br />

desirable, Automated People Mover systems for downtown or activity center circulation, cabledriven<br />

systems for short A to B applications, etc. In addition, we will suggest various innovations,<br />

such as using on-board surveillance equipment and other advance security technologies.<br />

Selected advanced technologies typically offer good promise for most of the applications.<br />

However, many authorities worldwide hesitate to apply them out of lack of understanding of their<br />

benefits, costs, and availability.<br />

To further illustrate our methodology remarks that passenger capacities of various transit<br />

modes tend to be somewhat misleading, if taken from site specific context, we have developed a<br />

comparison chart for all technology categories discussed in this report. Figure No. 18: “Passenger<br />

Capacities of Transit Technologies” compares various transit technologies against each other,<br />

based on passenger capacity range. It clearly shows that Automated Rapid Transit is the most<br />

capacity demand responsive technology, although its limits have not yet been adequately<br />

demonstrated for elevated systems. The recent automation of Paris Metro is an excellent example<br />

of benefits of advanced technologies. No conventional technology can be flexible enough from the<br />

vehicle quantity management and headway decrease point of view. It should be recognized that<br />

performance borders between Automated Rapid Transit and automated high performance monorails<br />

and high capacity Automated People Movers will eventually diminish, for example, depending on<br />

the success of the high capacity, fully automated monorail project for Clark County in Nevada.<br />

Fast Transit Links will also evolve as the primary solution, although the market has not matured to<br />

embrace them. Most people do not realize the usefulness, simplicity, and effectiveness of cabledriven<br />

systems. However, caution needs to be applied, as historically there have been ill-balanced,<br />

politically driven attempts to misapply the technology, such as the recently dismantled system for<br />

Charles deGaulle International Airport.<br />

To better assist in understanding system capacities, we have provided Figure No. 19:<br />

“Transit System Line Capacity Determination”, which explains that the line capacity as a function<br />

of the train car-consist configuration, the operating headway and the vehicle capacity. For at-grade<br />

light rail vehicles operating in a mixed traffic environment, the street intersection conditions often<br />

dictate the line performance.<br />

The following is a comparison between elevated transit systems and at-grade light rail transit<br />

for better understanding of a variety of factors, which determine the overall success of the system<br />

from the passenger and operator perspectives.<br />

It is important not select technologies based on theoretical maximum speed capabilities.<br />

If the distance between stations is short, there is no sufficient time to accelerate to achieve the<br />

maximum speed. For that reason, lower speed Automated People Movers or monorails can<br />

accomplished the same result as high performance rail vehicles for selected application.<br />


FIGURE NO. 18<br />



Passenger Capacities of Transit Technologies<br />

Rapid Transit Systems<br />

At-grade Light Rail Systems<br />

Elevated Light Rail Systems<br />

Commuter Rail Systems<br />

Bus Rapid Transit Systems<br />

Automated Rapid Transit Systems<br />

High Performance Monorail Systems<br />

Automated People Movers<br />

Medium Performance Monorails<br />

Cable-Driven Systems<br />

Fast Transit Links<br />

Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)<br />

0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000<br />

System Capacity: passengers per hour per direction (pphpd)<br />

Conventional Line Haul Transit Systems<br />

Advanced Elevated Line Haul Transit Systems<br />

Light Guideway Circulation and Feeder Transit Systesms<br />

Selected Transit Technologies Under Development<br />


FIGURE NO. 19<br />



Transit System Line Capacity Determination<br />

30000<br />

Vehicle Capacity (passengers per hour per direction - pphpd)<br />

25000<br />

20000<br />

15000<br />

10000<br />

5000<br />

0<br />

1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0<br />

Operating Headway (min.)<br />

2 cars 3 cars 4 cars 5 cars 6 cars<br />

Car Size: 100 passengers<br />


To offer another important example, it should be realized that typically, the maximum design<br />

speed of at-grade light rail vehicles is typically meaningless. In the US, light rail vehicles have<br />

65 mph capability; however, the statistics show that the average speed of light rail vehicles on all<br />

nationwide systems is only 12 mph, due to system integration into the urban setting (which is<br />

comparable to the speed of a street car pulled by horses in the 1920s).<br />

The representative systems, presented in the previous chapter, offer certain characteristics,<br />

which may or may not affect operation and utilization of selected technology. In order to better<br />

understand any implementation constraints, it is appropriate to illustrate these characteristics in<br />

generic form. Figure No. 20: “Major Elements of a Transit System” illustrates physical<br />

characteristics of transit systems regardless of the category and performance.<br />

5.2 Comparison Between Elevated Transit and At-grade Light Rail Transit<br />

The inability of conventional at-grade Light Rail Transit to provide full-service transit<br />

throughout urban areas, the need for innovations to achieve that goal, and the main avenues for the<br />

development of either conventional or advanced elevated urban public transportation systems are<br />

clear if not widely recognized. However, progress on elevated advanced system development has<br />

been slow and ill-balanced worldwide, and many programs may have been prematurely aborted.<br />

The planning, developing, installing and operating advanced systems have proved to be far more<br />

complex than expected for procuring authorities, primarily due to frequent lack of political support<br />

and misunderstanding of benefits demonstrated on the limited number of systems scattered around<br />

the world.<br />

The benefits that appear to be available through the exploitation of elevated transit systems<br />

with advanced features have not been accepted by many established consultants, are poorly<br />

understood by many of the authorities that would have to install and operate them, and are unknown<br />

to most of the potential beneficiaries. Consequently, there is no powerful political force, except<br />

selected countries, such as Japan and individual regional governments such as British Columbia,<br />

Canada, pressing for the application of advanced technologies.<br />

High installation and operation costs severely limit the use of rail transit in general, however<br />

this does not necessarily apply to elevated systems. It has been shown that the cost on many recent<br />

conventional light rail projects has been approaching the cost of elevated systems, particularly if<br />

sections of elevated guideways or tunnels are necessary. For example, the cost per kilometer of<br />

elevated light rail guideway currently under construction in San Jose, California is over $25 million<br />

in a low-density environment with few underground utilities. Furthermore, the life cycle costs of<br />

conventional technologies are substantially higher in comparison with advanced technologies, due to<br />

high labor costs. High labor cost and low effectiveness associated with traditional rail systems, and<br />

lack of "passenger friendly”, personal features should be recognized in the technology selection<br />

process.<br />

We have created a detailed comparison between all studied elevated transit systems and<br />

conventional at-grade Light Rail Transit. Figure No. 21: “Comparison of Elevated Systems with<br />

At-Grade Light Rail Transit” compares various modes against each other using several criteria,<br />

reflecting the limitations of candidate technologies. They are based on the following key<br />

parameters:<br />

• Affordability: Can <strong>Indianapolis</strong> afford to build and operate this technology?<br />

• Accessibility: Is the technology easy to use in the <strong>Indianapolis</strong> environment?<br />

• Reliability: Does the technology meet its advertised performance?<br />

• Travel time: How long does a trip take?<br />




• Adaptability: Can the technology operate in the <strong>Indianapolis</strong> environment, integrate<br />

with other systems, and be upgraded in the future?<br />

• Impact on environment: How does the technology impact the physical environment?<br />

• Safety and Security: How safe is the technology to use and does it offer sufficient<br />

security features?<br />

• Energy: Is the technology energy efficient?<br />

• Capacity: Is the technology capable of meeting the range of projected ridership<br />

demands?<br />

The somewhat generic comparison above has been conducted without taking a specific<br />

corridor application in consideration. The transit network needs in metropolitan areas are diverse,<br />

and there is always a place for a combination of various technologies, including elevated and atgrade<br />

options.<br />

5.3 Advantages of Advanced Systems<br />

We have identified the following advantages of an advanced system for the <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

application:<br />

• Superior destination coverage<br />

• Long system life<br />

• High class image<br />

• Environmental friendly<br />

• Passenger friendly (high ride comfort and convenience), including for disabled and<br />

elderly<br />

• Short boarding/deboarding time<br />

• Good integration into the urban environment<br />

• Demand oriented (vehicles can be added or removed from service)<br />

• Slimmer guideways possible<br />

• Rapid construction<br />

• Smaller vehicles<br />

• Intermediate stations possible<br />

• Low life cycle costs (initially driverless or can be upgraded in future))<br />

• High safety and security.<br />


5.4 Summary of Findings and Conclusions<br />

We are pleased to report the following findings:<br />

• Both Conventional and Advanced Elevated Transit technologies have been in<br />

operation worldwide and are mature for implementation in <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

• Advanced Elevated Transit technologies are superior in comparison with<br />

conventional transit technologies<br />

• Conventional Elevated Transit technologies can be upgraded to automated operation<br />

for future use<br />

• The difference between rapid transit and high capacity Automated People Movers<br />

will eventually disappear as transit automation is gaining recognition and support<br />

worldwide<br />

• High performance monorails have been successfully applied to high capacity, urban<br />

applications, primarily in Japan<br />

• Automated People Mover Systems should be a part of any future transit network as<br />

they fill the technological gap necessary for full service transit<br />

• As a rule, elevated transit technologies are superior in comparison to at-grade Light<br />

Rail Transit<br />

• Light Rail Transit systems should not be elevated (unless for very short distances).<br />

There are more cost efficient and technologically superior options<br />

• Commuter and DMU technologies are applicable for the link to the <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

International Airport, but the technology availability is limited and performance<br />

geared towards suburban needs rather than transit<br />

• Clarian Health People Mover offers sufficient capability and performance for a<br />

sophisticated downtown <strong>Indianapolis</strong> circulation system which could work as an<br />

integrated part of the entire transit network, including major corridor line haul<br />

systems.<br />

MPO should consider a full service transit approach, which is only feasible with a<br />

combination of technologies working in concert in a simple to use network. In order to achieve the<br />

best value, all transit technologies should be given continued consideration, as alternative system<br />

routings are being selected. The final selection of a "best bet" technology should be made through a<br />

competitive process in the subsequent phases of this project.<br />

5.5 Next Steps<br />

We recommend the following next steps:<br />

• Presentation on Transit Technologies<br />

• <strong>Assessment</strong> of the applicability of Clarian Health People Mover system for future<br />

extensions to downtown and entire downtown circulation network<br />

• Recommend specific best candidate technologies for the selected corridors.<br />


* * *<br />

Jakes Associates, Inc. is fully prepared to stand behind our recommendations and assist the<br />

MPO in the successful and complete implementation of the considered transit systems.<br />


<strong>Indianapolis</strong> <strong>Metropolitan</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> Organization<br />

Department of <strong>Metropolitan</strong> Development<br />

City of <strong>Indianapolis</strong><br />

1841 City-County Building<br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong>, Indiana 46204<br />

317.327.5149<br /><br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong> <strong>Metropolitan</strong> Area Rapid Transit Study<br />

Project Office<br />

Landmark Center, Fifth Floor<br />

1099 North Meridian Street<br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong>, Indiana 46204<br />

317.423.4300<br />

Schimpeler/American Division<br />

10400 Linn Station Road<br />

Louisville, Kentucky 40223-3839<br />

502.339.9663<br /><br />

Schimpeler/American Division<br />

6417 North Carrolton Avenue<br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong>, Indiana 46220<br />

317.259.8915<br /><br />

501 North Broadway<br />

St. Louis, Missouri 63102<br />

314.335.4911<br /><br />

Jakes Associates, Inc.<br />

1940 The Alameda, Suite 200<br />

San Jose, California 95126-1427<br />

408.249.7200<br /><br />

Manuel Padron & Associates, Inc.<br />

1175 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 414<br />

Atlanta, Georgia 30361<br />

404.873.3206<br />

Paul I. Cripe, Inc.<br />

7172 Graham Road<br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong>, Indiana 46250<br />

317.842.6777<br /><br />

Infinite<br />

212 W. 10th Street, Suite A225<br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong>, Indiana 46202<br />

317.955.9456<br /><br />

Shrewsberry & Associates<br />

7168 Graham road, Suite 100<br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong>, Indiana 46250<br />

317.841.4799<br /><br />

Barnes and Thornburg<br />

11 S. Meridian Street<br />

<strong>Indianapolis</strong>, Indiana 46204-3535<br />

317-231-7349<br />

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