MPO Policy and Procedures Manual - Indianapolis Metropolitan ...

MPO Policy and Procedures Manual - Indianapolis Metropolitan ... MPO Policy and Procedures Manual - Indianapolis Metropolitan ...


58 developed to fund local programs that offer job access and reverse commute services to provide transportation for low-income individuals who may live in the city and work in suburban locations LRT: Light Rail Transit LRTP: Indianapolis Long-Range Transportation Plan MCCOG: Madison County Council of Governments MDC: Indianapolis Metropolitan Development Commission MPA: Metropolitan Planning Area MPO: Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization NAAQS: National Ambient Air Quality Standards NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act PEA: Planning Emphasis Area RFP / RFQ: Request for Proposal / Request for Qualifications Rural STP: Rural counterpart to urban STP program SAFETEA-LU: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users SIP: State Implementation Plan required by the CAA to show how the State will meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for each type of air pollutant. SRTS: Safe Routes to School Program STP: Urban Group 1 Surface Transportation Program TE: Transportation Enhancement Grant Program TEA-21: Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (prior Transportation Bill to SAFETEA- LU) teMPO: MPO quarterly newsletter TMA: an urbanized area with populations exceeding 200,000 are designated Transportation Management Areas UNIGOV: Consolidation of the City of Indianapolis and Marion County governments UPWP: Unified Planning Work Program US EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency

Appendix A Urbanized Area/Metropolitan Planning Area Map 59

Appendix A<br />

Urbanized Area/<strong>Metropolitan</strong> Planning Area Map<br />


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