MPO Policy and Procedures Manual - Indianapolis Metropolitan ...

MPO Policy and Procedures Manual - Indianapolis Metropolitan ... MPO Policy and Procedures Manual - Indianapolis Metropolitan ...


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Acronym List AGT: Automated Guideway Transit BRT: Bus Rapid Transit CAAA: 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments CAC: Citizen’s Advisory Committee CAMPO: Columbus Area Metropolitan Planning Organization CIRTA: Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority CMAQ: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program CMS: Congestion Management System DMD: Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development DPW: Indianapolis Department of Public Works EJ: Environmental Justice IAA: Indianapolis Airport Authority IDOE: Indiana Department of Education INSTIP: Indiana Statewide Transportation Improvement Program ISDH: Indiana State Department of Health FHWA: Federal Highway Administration FTA: Federal Transit Administration HUD: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development IDEM: Indiana Department of Environmental Management INDOT: Indiana Department of Transportation IPTC/IndyGo: Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (Public Transit Provider) IRTC: Indianapolis Regional Transportation Council IRTIP: Indianapolis Regional Transportation Improvement Program JARC: Job Access and Reverse Commute, Section 5136 – a federally funded program 57

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