Scandinavian history in the Viking age - Department of Anglo-Saxon ...

Scandinavian history in the Viking age - Department of Anglo-Saxon ...

Scandinavian history in the Viking age - Department of Anglo-Saxon ...


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<strong>Scand<strong>in</strong>avian</strong> History <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Vik<strong>in</strong>g Age<br />

[O87] The cross goes north. Process <strong>of</strong> conversion <strong>in</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn Europe AD 300-1300, ed. M. Carver<br />

(2003) [ASNC]<br />

[O89]. Scand<strong>in</strong>avia and Europe 800-1300: Contact, conflict and coexistence, edd. J. Adams and K.<br />

Holman. Medieval texts and culture <strong>of</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn Europe; 4 (2004) [UL 592:12.c.200.3]<br />

[O90] Sagas, sa<strong>in</strong>ts and settlements, edd. P. Bibire and G. William. The Nor<strong>the</strong>rn World 11 (2004)<br />


AA Acta archaeologica [UL T468.b.1, R.168; Haddon]<br />

AArkiv Antikvariskt arkiv [Haddon]<br />

ADNVAO Avhandl<strong>in</strong>ger utgitt av Det norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, II: Hist.-filos. klasse<br />

ÁÍF Árbók h<strong>in</strong>s íslenska fornleifafélags [UL P599.b.1]<br />

Alvíssmál Alvíssmál [UL P592.c.76, T.406]<br />

ANF Arkiv för nordisk filologi [UL P775.c.15]<br />

ANOH Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie [UL P592.c.26, R.65]<br />

ANS <strong>Anglo</strong>-Norman studies [UL P540.c.64]<br />

APS Acta philologica Scand<strong>in</strong>avica [UL P775.c.20]<br />

AQDGM Ausgewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters<br />

ASE <strong>Anglo</strong>-<strong>Saxon</strong> England [UL P474.c.34]<br />

BONIS Bibliography <strong>of</strong> Old Norse-Icelandic studies [1963-83, UL P752:1.c.11; 1984-present,<br />

http://embla.bib.sdu.dk/bonis/]<br />

CM Collegium medievale [UL P532.c.168, T.965]<br />

CSA Current Swedish archaeology (and predecessors) [UL P595.b.1]<br />

DHT Dansk historisk tidsskrift [UL P597.c.2, T.105]<br />

EETS (SS) Early English text society (second series)<br />

EME Early medieval Europe [UL T.971]<br />

EHR English historical review [UL P500.c.17, T.74]<br />

FM Forum Medievale (Middelalderforum)<br />

FSR Fróðskaparrit [UL P911:34.c.1]<br />

FV Fornvännen: journal <strong>of</strong> Swedish antiquarian research [Haddon]<br />

FS Frühmittelalterliche Studien [UL T532.b.1]<br />

Hiku<strong>in</strong> Hiku<strong>in</strong> [UL P597.c.24]<br />

ÍF Íslenzk fornrit<br />

JASS Jysk arkæologisk selskabs skrifter<br />

JBS Journal <strong>of</strong> Baltic studies [UL P589.b.1, T.289]<br />

JDA Journal <strong>of</strong> Danish archaeology [UL P597.b.6]<br />

JEA Journal <strong>of</strong> European archaeology [UL P468.c.131]<br />

JEGP Journal <strong>of</strong> English and Germanic philology [UL P701:4.c.1, W.283]<br />

JMH Journal <strong>of</strong> medieval <strong>history</strong> [UL P532.c.68, T.607]<br />

KÅ Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift [UL P62:5.c.1]<br />

Kuml Kuml: årbog for jysk arkæologisk selskab [Haddon]<br />

KVHAA Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien<br />

LAR Lund archaeological review [UL P592.b.16, R.168]<br />

MGH Monumenta Germaniae historica<br />

MGH AA MGH auctores antiquissimi<br />

MGH DD MGH diplomata<br />

MGH EPP MGH epistolae<br />

MGH PL MGH poetae lat<strong>in</strong>i aevi Carol<strong>in</strong>i<br />

MGH SS MGH scriptores<br />

MGH SRG MGH scriptores rerum Germanicarum <strong>in</strong> usum scholarum<br />

MGH SRM MGH scriptores rerum Merov<strong>in</strong>gicarum<br />

MLUHM Meddelanden från Lunds universitets historiska museum [UL P592.c.41]<br />

MM Maal og m<strong>in</strong>ne [UL P593.c.1, R.78]<br />


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