Paper 21 reading list - Faculty of History

Paper 21 reading list - Faculty of History

Paper 21 reading list - Faculty of History


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JH Laffey ‘Municipal imperialism in 19th-century France’, Historical Reflections 1 (1974), 81–114<br />

ET Stokes English Utilitarians and India (1959), 1–80, <strong>21</strong>9–33 and 268–69<br />

HL Wesseling ‘The Giant that was a Dwarf, or the Strange <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Dutch Imperialism’, JICH 16, 3 (1988)<br />

D Denoon Settler Capitalism (1983)<br />

DG Creighton Dominion <strong>of</strong> the North (Canada)<br />

JM Ward Empire in the Antipodes: Australasia 1840–60<br />

1 4 I N D E P E N D E N C E A N D D E P E N D E N C E I N L A T I N A M E R I C A<br />

14a)<br />

a) ‘The reconstruction <strong>of</strong> imperial administration made inevitable the Spanish Empire’s collapse’. Is this an<br />

adequate explanation <strong>of</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> Spanish dominion in Latin America?<br />

b) Was independent Latin America submitted to a new kind <strong>of</strong> imperial subordination?<br />

4. The Invention <strong>of</strong> Latin America<br />

Appelbaum, Nancy. Race and Nation in Modern Latin America. Durham, NC : Duke University Press.<br />

Chasteen, John Charles, Americanos: Latin America’s Struggle for Independence. New York: Oxford University Press,<br />

2008.<br />

Gootenberg, Paul, ed. Cocaine: Global histories. London: Routledge, 1999.<br />

Holden and Eric Zolov. Latin America and the United States: A documentary history. New York: Oxford University<br />

Press, 2 nd edition, 2011.<br />

Skidmore, Thomas and Peter H. Smith. Modern Latin America. New York: Oxford University Press. 7 th edition, 2010.<br />

T. Anna Spain and the Loss <strong>of</strong> America<br />

P. Bakewell <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Latin America<br />

G. Paquette Enlightenment, governance and reform in Spain and its empire, 1759-1808<br />

L. Bethell Brazil: Empire and Republic, 1822-1930. Cambridge: CUP, 1999, 3-42.<br />

A. Knight Mexico: The Colonial Era. Cambridge: CUP, 2006.<br />

J Lynch The Spanish American Revolutions 1808–1826 (1973)<br />

J Tutino From Insurrection to Revolution in Mexico<br />

B.R. Hamnett ‘Process and Pattern: A Re-Examination <strong>of</strong> the Ibero-American Independence Movements,<br />

1808-1826’ Journal <strong>of</strong> Latin American Studies 29:2 (1997): 279-328.<br />

A. McFarlane ‘Rebellion in Late Colonial Spanish America: A Comparative Perspective’ Bulletin <strong>of</strong> Latin<br />

American Research 14:3 (1995): 313-338.<br />

A. McFarlane ‘Identity, Enlightenment and Political Dissent in Late Colonial Spanish America’<br />

Transactions <strong>of</strong> the Royal Historical Society 6 th Series. 8 (1998): 309-336.13b<br />

(14b<br />

R Miller Britain and Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries<br />

L Bethell (ed.) Cambridge <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Latin America, vols 4 and 5<br />

DCM Platt Business Imperialism 1840–1930<br />

V. Bulmer-Thomas The Economic <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Latin America since Independence<br />

F. Dawson The First Latin American Debt Crisis<br />

Brazil<br />

R Graham Britain and the Onset <strong>of</strong> Modernization in Brazil 1850–1914 (1968)<br />

AG Frank Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America, Part 3<br />

R Conrad The Destruction <strong>of</strong> Brazilian Slavery<br />

L Bethell The Abolition <strong>of</strong> the Brazilian Slave Trade

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