Untitled - The Chinati Foundation

Untitled - The Chinati Foundation

Untitled - The Chinati Foundation


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in conversation with<br />

John Chamberlain Klaus Kertess<br />


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2005<br />


MARFA, TX<br />

M A R I A N N E S T O C K E B R A N D : I’d like to<br />

welcome all of you today to our conversation<br />

and introduce the two participants.<br />

Klaus Kertess is an art historian<br />

and was the founder of the Bykert<br />

Gallery in 1966, where he remained<br />

director until 1975. Kertess has been<br />

the curator at the Parrish Museum<br />

in Southampton, and subsequently<br />

at the Whitney Museum, where he<br />

curated, among others, the ’95 Biennial.<br />

He was also adjunct curator at<br />

the Joslyn Museum. His writings include<br />

essays on Roni Horn, Robert Irwin,<br />

Barry Le Va, Brice Marden, and<br />

Joan Mitchell, to name just a few. But<br />

more importantly, for our context, is<br />

the fact that Klaus wrote the essay for<br />

John Chamberlain’s catalogue raisonné,<br />

which was published in 1986.<br />

He has followed John Chamberlain’s<br />

work for decades and can confidently<br />

be called the outstanding scholar<br />

in this field.<br />

K L A U S K E RT E S S : Oh my god.<br />

M S : [laughing] I made that up!<br />

K K : I’m sure you did.<br />

M S : Well, it would be redundant to<br />

say anything more than the name of<br />

our other, second participant: John<br />

Chamberlain.<br />

O P E N H O U S E E N C H I N AT I<br />

S Á B A D O 8 D E O C T U B R E D E 2 0 0 5<br />

T E AT R O G O O D E - C R O W L E Y,<br />

M A R FA , T X<br />

M A R I A N N E S T O C K E B R A N D : Quisiera dar-<br />

les a todos ustedes la bienvenida hoy a<br />

nuestra conversación y presentarles a<br />

los dos participantes. Él es Klaus Ker-<br />

tess, un historiador del arte y fundador<br />

de la Galería Bykert en 1966, donde<br />

permaneció como director hasta 1975.<br />

Kertess ha sido curador del Museo Pa-<br />

10<br />

conversa con<br />

J O H N C H A M B E R L A I N : First, I’d like to<br />

take this opportunity to express my<br />

appreciation for Marianne Stockebrand,<br />

and all that she did for this<br />

exhibition. It’s quite an undertaking<br />

to collect forty things from people<br />

and get them to loan ’em to you, with<br />

your promise to give them back to<br />

’em. So I really want to let her know<br />

that I appreciate it quite a lot. Thank<br />

you, dear.<br />

K K : So, can we talk about those urethane<br />

pieces a little?<br />

J C : I thought we would lie a lot.<br />

K K : We could do that too.<br />

J C : Okay.<br />

K K : This is really the first time there<br />

have been this many of the foam<br />

pieces shown. Could you talk a little<br />

about how you came to work with the<br />

urethane in 1966?<br />

J C : [growls]<br />

K K : That will take you three hours,<br />

right?<br />

J C : About two hours.<br />

K K : Okay.<br />

J C : Well, to go back to the beginning,<br />

on my way to the studio one day, I<br />

decided to make a move—this was<br />

around 1965–66. I made a move on<br />

another set of materials, which were<br />

the extension of some drawings I<br />

was doing related to music, and the<br />

French curve. I guess that was the beginning<br />

of my approach to a sevenyear<br />

event of working with odd kinds<br />

rrish, en Southampton, y posteriormen-<br />

te del Museo Whitney, donde curó, entra<br />

otras, la exhibición bienal de 1995. Se<br />

ha desempeñado también como cura-<br />

dor asociado en el Museo Joslyn. Entre<br />

sus escritos figuran ensayos sobre Roni<br />

Horn, Robert Irwin, Barry Le Va, Brice<br />

Marden y Joan Mitchell, para nombrar<br />

sólo unos cuantos. Pero de mayor im-<br />

portancia, dentro de nuestro contexto,<br />

es el hecho de que Klaus es el autor del<br />

ensayo que aparece en el Catalogue<br />

Raisonné de John Chamberlain, pu-<br />

blicado en 1986. Kertess ha realizado<br />

investigaciones sobre la obra de Cham-<br />

berlain durante varias décadas y se le<br />

puede considerar sin duda el estudioso<br />

más destacado dentro de este campo.<br />

K L A U S K E RT E S S : Dios mío.<br />

M S : ¡Eso yo lo inventé!<br />

K K : No me cabe la menor duda.<br />

M S : Bueno, resultaría redundante men-<br />

cionar otra cosa que el nombre de nues-<br />

tro segundo participante: John Cham-<br />

berlain.<br />

J O H N C H A M B E R L A I N : En primer lugar,<br />

quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad<br />

para expresar mi aprecio por Marian-<br />

ne Stockebrand y todo lo que ella ha<br />

hecho por esta exhibición. Es un ver-<br />

dadero reto conseguir cuarenta cosas<br />

prestadas por diferentes personas con<br />

la promesa de devolvérselas. Así que<br />

a ella debo reiterarle mi gratitud por<br />

lo que ha puesto de su parte. Gracias,<br />


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