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<strong>POLITECNICO</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>MILANO</strong><br />

Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale<br />

Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria Spaziale<br />



Relatore: Prof. Michèle R. LAVAGNA<br />

Co-relatore: Prof. Paolo MAGGIORE<br />

Aprile 2008<br />

Anno Accademico 2006/07<br />

Tesi di Laurea di:<br />

Andrea SIMONETTO<br />

Matr. 680744

Cite as<br />

@MASTERSTHESIS{Simonetto_ms_08,<br />

AUTHOR = {Simonetto, Andrea},<br />

c○2008 Andrea Simonetto<br />

Submitted March 26th, 2008<br />

TITLE = {{Distributed And Robust Control For Space Multi<br />

Agent Systems}},<br />

}<br />

SCHOOL = {Department of Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Milano},<br />

YEAR = {2008},<br />

month = {April},

M.C. Escher (1898 - 1972), Moebius Strip II (Red Ants) 1963<br />

To who will have the patience to understand my words<br />



Nowadays Multi Agent Systems are increasingly being studied in space applications, mainly<br />

for their reliability, robustness, fault tolerance and cost effectiveness. Although the research<br />

in this area started in Computer Science field at least twenty years ago, the challenges and<br />

open issues are still several, since the application scenario is completely different. This thesis<br />

main aim is, first, to understand the Space Multi Agent System state of the art, starting from<br />

the proposed mission by NASA and ESA, second, to study deeply two applicative scenarios,<br />

namely a formation flying mission and an asteroid exploration one. Different algorithms and<br />

formal techniques have been analyzed in order to built a fully distributed and robust controller<br />

for the system. The overall agent architecture embodies both a high level control and a low<br />

level one; the former uses a suitable extension of a potential field formulation, called Artificial<br />

Physics, which let the basic approach capable of dealing with multiple tasks and skills; on<br />

the other hand, the latter is a trajectory control and a communication network assurance<br />

one. The first is a non linear Lyapunov control, formulated in a H∞ framework, extending<br />

a previous approach to let it robust and reliable to perturbations and model uncertainties.<br />

The second is a dynamic potential field/token-based algorithm, which is a modification of<br />

standard potential field techniques and it increases the overall performances in terms of global<br />

connectivity and efficiency. Several simulation scenarios have been tested, both in formation<br />

flying contests, like Prisma ESA mission, and in asteroid belt environment, showing good<br />

results for reliability, robustness and wide application areas.<br />

Keywords: Multi Agent Systems, Distributed Control, Robust Control, Artificial Physics,<br />

Non Linear Lyapunov Control, Sensor Networks.<br />



A Master Thesis means a lot of mental effort, both to be able to focus on a particular and<br />

very specific topic for long time, and not to feel either disappointed or upset if something<br />

does not work as it should. Since the latter occurred very often I would like to thank all the<br />

people who have helped me during these long eight months, or maybe more.<br />

First of all, my advisor Michèle, who is a very busy person, but she made me understand<br />

how to work by myself and how to develop a scientific research. She was always kind and<br />

she gave me a lot of advices, supporting me in the hardest moments. Moreover she made the<br />

amazing experience to work abroad possible for me, thus I could not thank her a lot. Then,<br />

of course, the other professors who helped me developing my thesis, Paul and Katia, both<br />

US researchers. Paul was great, he kept pushing me to do better than my best and finally I<br />

managed to do something he liked. He is the person I would like to have as a friend and he<br />

is also a great researcher. Thanks Paul. Katia has a lot of experience, thus her advices were<br />

deep and very helpful for me to understand better how to formulate my problem. I remember<br />

the first meeting with them, they were so suspicious about me, but by the end, they were so<br />

glad to have worked with me. It is something to be proud of. Thanks.<br />

I want to thank my parents, who supported me in this adventure abroad, I imagine they<br />

missed me a lot, or at least I hope, thus thanks dad and mommy, I missed you too. I am<br />

very proud of them, they are very open minded people, I cannot ask for better ones.<br />

Then, of course, my friends. I am very pleased to have a lot of names on this list. And you,<br />

the reader, please don’t miss a name! First my friends from Carnegie Mellon and US: Kevin,<br />

the funniest German I have ever met, I am looking forward for other amazing pool matches;<br />

Giuseppe, very awesome times together, Philadelphia, the swimming pool, the canoeing, I<br />

hope to work with you someday; Joe, Pras, Robin, Sean, Jack I really like those guys. And<br />

then, more: Joe, Becca, Marie, Paul, Eric, Holly, Mike, Garret, Alex Sasha, I had really great<br />

time with you. Thanks for the birthday party and all the attentions you gave me, the moka,<br />

all the ride back to my place, all the fabulous dishes, the skiing stuff, Thanksgiving party<br />

and the superbowl party and even more. Finally, Andrea, a good guy who pretends to get<br />

his PhD next year, isn’t he fun?<br />

I want to mention all my great friends of ASP, another amazing thing I had the pleasure<br />

to do. Thanks Elena, who is very smart and cute, I really like her, even if I cannot remember<br />


vi<br />

the exact date of her birthday, sorry girl. Francesca, very long mails, very nice talks, she<br />

is very cool doing very amazing math stuff. I really like her as well. Then in some order,<br />

my forever roomy Lo, Gianma the easy-going guy, Francesco and Franz the normative boys,<br />

Martino Daniele and Marco from Chicago, Davide and Pietro who know how to make a<br />

wash machine work, Alessandro the physician, Stefania and Umberto the mathematicians,<br />

Giacomo, Giorgio, Andrea the open-door man, who met me a lot of time ago, in a certain<br />

competition. I have to tell you the truth, I let you win that time.<br />

How could I forget my friends all over the World? Like Paul in France, Thanos, Fani and<br />

Kostas in Greece, Tamara in Croatia, and even more. Roberta, Goran, Antonio, Ines, Bene,<br />

Nico and other funny guys and ladies. We had great times wherever we were.<br />

What about my Uni friends? Very pleased to have met them all. Mauro now at Toulouse,<br />

very easy man, I remember the days just at the end of July, nobody at school, only me and<br />

you. Who on Earth made us do that? Maffez, very smart man, I really like him, and he is<br />

very impressive in skiing, somehow. Paolo, very very nice, sorry for that girl man. Giorgio<br />

and Ricki and some testosterone moments. Alfu, the most particular one, he really thinks<br />

Armani could have a chance to win something. Sorry, but anyway I like you. Bart, now<br />

in German, who was a true surprise for me, you are so smart! Great. Castel, in ESA, the<br />

most easy-going person I have ever met, always drinking beer, always optimizing something,<br />

amazing. Luca, very deep person, now at Atlanta, the man who helped me with my mind<br />

most in those days at Pitt. I still cannot understand how a tiramisù could cost thirty bucks!<br />

Great NYC. And then all the other: Davide, thanks a lot for the – unfortunately not used<br />

– asteroid model; Fede, thanks for your support, your good words, your friendship; Monica,<br />

in France, very cool to work with you; Dano, very cool discussions, you are so funny; Fabri,<br />

Francesco, Nazi, Michele, Matteo, Marco, Alessandro, Roberto, Gabriele, Marcello, Luca,<br />

Giulio, Elisa, Fabio, Daniele, Luca, Marco, Michele, Alberto, Davide, Dario. I think there is<br />

somebody missing, but I hope they could forgive me.<br />

Then, of course my friend of adventures at university: Guido. I barely understand you,<br />

but I like you after all. I am very pleased to have met you, although I cannot agree on<br />

everything you say, and I have some difficulties to work with you. I am joking, of course.<br />

Thanks for your practical perspective on life and science, it served me a lot to understand<br />

better what was going on. Thanks for all the discussions, the ideas, the funny trips, the nice<br />

girls, thanks man, I hope you could do whatever you want.<br />

I am so pleased to have met you all, friends, you can make it as I had. I remember three<br />

things. The first, an economics book with a long long bibliography, the second, an Iranian<br />

who kept writing third order integrals, finally, some Fusion conference papers I had to read<br />

to understand the research at CMU in October. Well, I have a very long biblio, I could have<br />

had sixth order integrals, but I found a better solution and, by the end, I managed to submit<br />

my own paper to the Fusion conference. Everything is possible guys, just go out and do it.<br />

Finally, my closest friends. Vale, who helped me feeling at home also when I was overseas.<br />

Very funny moments together, the lake over all. Eleonora, from the coolest high school<br />

ever, thanks for the long discussions, your friendship and the basketball matches. You have

absolutely to come to my thesis party. Then, the three people I care most. My best friend,<br />

as a brother for me, Roberto, Bob, who is actually an architect. No one is perfect after all.<br />

Thanks for everything, really everything. Since your English is worse than mine, I put here<br />

just a ⋆, and we will discuss later on what I would have liked to write to thank you. Thanks<br />

thanks thanks a lot, your are a great friend, although you have a lot of defects. Then my<br />

sister, my true sister, Tiziana. I really love here, she is very cute, smart, carina e coccolosa.<br />

Thanks Tita, for everything, for just being you. I hope the thesis is intriguing enough for<br />

you, I really hope, because I do not want write it another time!<br />

Last on this list, You. I don’t know what is going to happen, but I want to thank You<br />

for all your mind, your Love, everything you gave me in such a short period of time. I will<br />

never forget how You made me feel. Thanks.<br />

Thanks to everybody,<br />

vii<br />

andrea =)



ABSTRACT iii<br />


SUMMARY xiii<br />


1.1 Multi Agent System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1<br />

1.2 Proposed Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

1.2.1 Prisma and Swarm missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

1.2.2 Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

1.2.3 ANTS project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

1.2.4 APIES feasibility study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />


2.1 Typical scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

2.1.1 Formation flying in Prisma Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

2.1.2 Main asteroid belt exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

2.2 Agent architecture and assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

2.3 Multi agent techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16<br />

2.3.1 Space multi agent system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

2.3.2 Formal methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

2.3.3 Artificial Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20<br />

2.4 Work’s framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />


3.1 Artificial Physics Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

3.1.1 AP state of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

3.2 Extension of AP formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

3.3 Formal methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />

3.4 Information propagation and knowledge bounded agents . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />


x CONTENTS<br />

3.4.1 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />

3.4.2 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

3.5 Distributed scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />


4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

4.2 Possible solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

4.2.1 Potential field approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

4.2.2 SDRE approach for non linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

4.2.3 Non linear Lyapunov control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

4.3 Long period dynamic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

4.3.1 Robust non linear Lyapunov control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

4.3.2 HJI equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

4.3.3 R as a function of the state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38<br />

4.4 Short period dynamic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

4.5 Final Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />


5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41<br />

5.2 Artificial Physics and Token based algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42<br />

5.3 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43<br />

5.4 Positioning Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

5.4.1 Standard algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

5.4.2 Dynamic Potential Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

5.5 Potential Field and Motion Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49<br />


6.1 Formation Flying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

6.1.1 Atmospheric drag effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

6.1.2 Gravitational effects, J2 and J22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52<br />

6.2 Asteroid belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54<br />

7 RESULTS 57<br />

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57<br />

7.1.1 Scalability proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58<br />

7.2 Goal Manager example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58<br />

7.3 Formation flying scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60<br />

7.3.1 Unperturbed and perturbed results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60<br />

7.3.2 Montecarlo analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61<br />

7.4 Communication network deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66<br />

7.4.1 2D Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66<br />

7.4.2 3D Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

CONTENTS xi<br />

7.5 Asteroid belt scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70<br />

7.5.1 The physical part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70<br />

7.5.2 The communication part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73<br />

8 FINAL REMARKS 77<br />

8.1 Thesis final remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77<br />

8.2 Future developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77<br />

8.2.1 Decisional Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77<br />

8.2.2 Physical part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78<br />

8.2.3 Communication part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78<br />

8.2.4 Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78<br />



A.1 Introduzione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i<br />

A.1.1 Principali Contributi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii<br />

A.2 Formulazione del Problema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii<br />

A.3 Controllo di Alto Livello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii<br />

A.4 Controllo Robusto della Traiettoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii<br />

A.5 Architettura di Comunicazione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii<br />

A.6 Modelli per le Perturbazioni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv<br />

A.7 Risultati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv<br />

A.7.1 Controllo di alto livello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv<br />

A.7.2 Controllo della traiettoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv<br />

A.7.3 Dispiegamento della rete di comunicazione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii<br />

A.7.4 Cintura degli asteroidi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii<br />

A.8 Sviluppi Futuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix



This work deals with multi agent system and, since they are a quite new research topic in<br />

space area, the project is in first instance a collection of ideas, then a detailed analysis of two<br />

typical scenarios: formation flying and asteroid belt exploration missions.<br />

The focus is on understanding how these kind of systems could be applied in space envi-<br />

ronments, in particular how to assure reliability, verifiability and thus robustness. First the<br />

problem is outlined with some proposed mission in this direction, e.g. NASA ANTS mission<br />

to the asteroid belt, second the agent control is shown. Both the high level control, i.e. a<br />

distributed goal manager, and a low level control, an H∞ non linear control for the physical<br />

part, and a dynamical potential field-token based control for the communication architec-<br />

ture, are developed and tested, showing high reliability, wide area of applicability and good<br />

performances.<br />

Chapter division<br />

Chapter 1. Here the framework of the work is presented with some proposed mission in<br />

the multi agent systems contest, both from ESA and NASA.<br />

Chapter 2. The problem is formulated, outlining both the high level control and the low<br />

level control for each agent. The chosen approach for the goal manager is an Artificial<br />

Physics/ Potential Fields approach.<br />

Chapter 3. The high level control is developed extending the Artificial Physics formulation<br />

to more complex scenarios with multiple goals and capabilities.<br />

Chapter 4. The low level control for the physical part is examined and derived. The final<br />

control is a long dynamic - short dynamic control. For the long dynamic one a H∞ non linear<br />

Lyapunov control is used, and its robustness is proved. Then for the short dynamic control<br />

two solutions are proposed.<br />

Chapter 5. The communication network deployment control is developed here, using a<br />

dynamical potential fields approach, in which the communication among the agents is dictated<br />


xiv CONTENTS<br />

by tokens, which are information packets.<br />

Chapter 6. The perturbation models are briefly discussed here.<br />

Chapter 7. Main results are shown here. First, for goal manager, second for the physical<br />

part, third for the communication network deployment and finally for the whole control.<br />

Main contributions<br />

The original contributions in this thesis are several:<br />

� The Potential Field - Artificial Approach is firstly extended to the multiple goals and<br />

skills case, using matrices algebra (Chapter 3).<br />

� The non linear Lyapunov control is applied to a perturbed system, the spacecraft tra-<br />

jectory control, extending it using an H∞ control. The necessary and sufficient con-<br />

ditions for stability is then derived. This application resulted in a paper submitted to<br />

AIAA/AAS Conference 2008 (Chapter 4).<br />

� The Potential Fields approach is integrated in a token - based algorithm to assure min-<br />

imal communication and high value of connectivity. Then this is tested in environment<br />

with obstacles, which has never been done before. This results in a paper submitted to<br />

IEEE Fusion Conference 2008 (Chapter 5).<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

This Master Thesis has been developed partly in Italy, in Milan, within the Politecnico<br />

di Milano, somehow even in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino, but mostly in US at<br />

Carnegie Mellon University. I would like to thank everyone who helped me in these three<br />

top-level universities and who made this possible.<br />

Milano, March 2008


1<br />


[...] to boldly go where no one has gone before.<br />

Gene Roddenberry (1921 - 1991)<br />

The chapter is completely dedicated to understand how the new concepts of Multi Agent<br />

Systems and Distributed Systems enter in the space research. First of all, why they are studied<br />

and their advantages are discussed, then an overview of the current proposed missions is<br />

presented.<br />

1.1 Multi Agent System<br />

Space science always leads Man to think to the most challenging ideas to try to catch<br />

the beauty of the cosmos. It is not new that many technological breakthroughs come from<br />

space research. Moreover, the multidisciplinarity, the fusion of different types of knowledge,<br />

the never similar problems are only some of its several amazing pros.<br />

Nowadays, new interpretations of what a space system actually is are appearing in the<br />

scene, in particular the concepts of distributed architecture, formation of satellites and swarm<br />

of agents. The advantages behind approaches of this kind are several, at least many as the<br />

challenges involved in. First of all, the relative simplicity of the single agent – spacecraft,<br />

robot or satellite – in terms of manufacturing, testing, electronics. The smaller the agent is,<br />

the simpler the making and, moreover, the cheaper. Second, having in mind an architecture<br />

of many agents, the reliability is improved and this is a key feature for a space mission to be<br />

founded. The biggest communication satellites have to be tested in many ways to be reliable<br />

enough to fly, moreover they are less fault tolerant as a multi spacecraft system may be. It<br />

is then worth to mention that, in a vision like this, the idea of series productions could be<br />

thought even in space research.<br />



Distributed architectures could be a reasonable, maybe the only one, option when the<br />

missions to be performed are particularly risky, as the exploration of asteroid belt, or they<br />

involve formation flying concepts, as a large interferometric telescope.<br />

In Table 1.1 the differences between the two types of approaches are shown. As it seems<br />

evident, the distributed system key disadvantages, or challenges to handle, are related to the<br />

design of the system as a whole.<br />

Single agent systems Multi agent systems<br />

Design Complex Simple for the single agent<br />

Software Could have several functions<br />

Communications Important<br />

Basic functions, but complex global<br />

verification<br />

Important for the whole system and<br />

critical between the agents<br />

Manufacturing Complex Simpler and possible in series<br />

Tests Several and Complex<br />

Reliability<br />

Fault tolerance<br />

Cost High<br />

Reasonable for the several test and<br />

internal redundancy<br />

Reasonable for internal redundancy,<br />

but critical<br />

Quite impossible for the system as a<br />

whole but simpler for single agents<br />

High for the intrinsic redundancy<br />

High for the intrinsic redundancy<br />

Lower and dependent on the num-<br />

ber of agents<br />

Table 1.1: Comparison between single agent and multi agent approaches<br />

The fact that the single agent itself could be very basic and simple hides the global complexity<br />

of the complete system. The communication architecture and the control design has to be<br />

faced, in particular the control has to be as simpler as possible, but it has to include some<br />

functions to handle the system as a whole. Moreover, the idea that the total architecture can<br />

not be tested on the ground is quite critical.<br />

The present work deals with the agent control to assure both robust task execution and<br />

communication network building.<br />

Space system design involves many research areas; in fact, the concept of distributed<br />

systems is not new in the literature, in particular in computer science, where problems like<br />

those are called usually M ulti Agent Systems, or MAS, and they have been studied since<br />

1980 [Woo02], [Syc98]. There are several novelties in trying to apply the computer science<br />

methods to space science: first of all the scenario, which is completely different. Typically,<br />

the MAS are robots which have to perform some scheduled tasks, as explore a region, rescue


people, play soccer. Thus the scenario is basically bi-dimensional and the relative distances<br />

are small in comparison to the involved dynamic. Furthermore the system is composed usually<br />

by relatively few agents, less than 100, and the communication is thought as complete and<br />

faster than the decisional process of the robots. These features are not those a space engineer<br />

could expect from a Space MAS, SMAS. The scenario is three dimensional, the distance<br />

could be large respect to the dynamic, thus the environment may be addressed as sparse, the<br />

agents would be more than 1000 and, in the end, the communication could not be complete,<br />

see Table 1.2.<br />

Dimensions<br />

Distances in compar-<br />

ison to dynamics<br />

MAS SMAS<br />

Typically 2, could be 3 in UAVs sce-<br />

narios<br />

Small<br />

3<br />

Large<br />

Number of agents 10 - 100 10 - 1000<br />

Communication Often complete Often incomplete<br />

Environment Dense Typically sparse<br />

Table 1.2: Comparison between MAS and SMAS<br />

Thus, the challenges are several: using the methods of computer science, try to model a<br />

SMAS and, eventually, change the tools in order to fit them to the different scenario. It is<br />

also possible, and highly recommended in some cases, to develop completely new algorithms.<br />

1.2 Proposed Missions<br />

This is the framework in which the most important space agencies are in. In particular,<br />

in the following sections an overview of the most promising missions of both NASA and ESA<br />

is provided. This list is not complete but it could give a good insight on what is going on in<br />

space research.<br />

1.2.1 Prisma and Swarm missions<br />

Prisma Mission<br />

Prisma mission [1] provides a technology demonstration mission for the in-flight validation<br />

of sensor technologies and guidance/navigation strategies for spacecraft formation flying and<br />

rendezvous. Prisma is originating from an initiative of the Swedish National Space Board<br />

(SNSB) and the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) and provides a precursor mission for<br />

critical technologies related to advanced formation flying and In-Orbit-Servicing. Prisma<br />

mission launch window is fixed for the beginning of 2009.


Figure 1.1: The Prisma mission<br />

The Prisma test bed comprises the fully maneuverable micro-satellite Main as well as<br />

the smaller passive sub-satellite Target. The two spacecraft will be injected into a Sun-<br />

synchronous dusk-dawn orbit at an altitude of 700 km.<br />

The mission objectives of Prisma may be divided into the validation of sensor and actu-<br />

ator technology related to formation flying as well as the demonstration of experiments for<br />

formation flying and rendezvous.<br />

ESA’s magnetic field mission Swarm<br />

The objective of the Swarm mission [2], scheduled for 2010, is to provide the best ever survey<br />

of the geomagnetic field and its temporal evolution, and gain new insights into improving the<br />

knowledge of the Earth’s interior and climate.<br />

The Swarm concept consists of a constellation of three satellites in three different polar<br />

orbits between 400 and 550 km altitude. High-precision and high-resolution measurements<br />

of the strength and direction of the magnetic field will be provided by each satellite. In<br />

combination, they will provide the necessary observations that are required to model various<br />

sources of the geomagnetic field. GPS receivers, an accelerometer and an electric field instru-<br />

ment will provide supplementary information for studying the interaction of the magnetic<br />

field with other physical quantities describing the Earth system - for example, Swarm could<br />

provide independent data on ocean circulation.<br />

The multi-satellite Swarm mission will be able to take full advantage of a new generation<br />

of magnetometers enabling measurements to be taken over different regions of the Earth<br />

simultaneously. Swarm will also provide monitoring of the time-variability aspects of the<br />

geomagnetic field, this is a great improvement on the current method of extrapolation based<br />

on statistics and ground observations. The geomagnetic field models resulting from the<br />

Swarm mission will further our understanding of atmospheric processes related to climate<br />

and weather and will also have practical applications in many different areas, such as space


weather and radiation hazards.<br />

Figure 1.2: The Swarm mission concept<br />

1.2.2 Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer<br />

The Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer (TPF-I) mission, by NASA, will search for<br />

habitable worlds around nearby stars and look for indicators of the presence of life. Working<br />

with infrared wavelengths, TPF-I complements the search made by the Terrestrial Planet<br />

Finder Coronagraph (TPF-C) in visible wavelengths. This combination provides the strongest<br />

possible confirmation of the presence of indicators of habitable worlds, Figure 1.3.<br />

TPF-I is in the pre-formulation phase of its development. The observatory mission concept<br />

includes five formation flying spacecraft: four 4-meter-class mid-infrared telescopes and one<br />

combiner spacecraft to which the light from the four telescopes is relayed to be combined and<br />

detected. The observatory will be deployed beyond the Moon’s orbit for a mission life of 5<br />

to 10 years.<br />

New technologies are being developed to allow spectroscopic measurements of light from<br />

extrasolar planets, including:<br />

1. formation flying telescopes to work together as one extended observatory, providing<br />

unprecedented angular detail and sensitivity that no telescope on the ground could<br />

ever achieve;<br />

2. starlight-suppression technology so that light from a planet’s star will be dimmed by a<br />

factor of a million, making the planet’s light visible;


3. new cryogenic coolers, making it possible for a new generation of detectors to find<br />

Earth-like planets.<br />

In this context it is important to note that the formation flying concept is one of the main<br />

challenge of the project, [LLJB07], [3].<br />

1.2.3 ANTS project<br />

Figure 1.3: The TPF interferometer<br />

The Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm (ANTS) concept mission, by NASA, will involve<br />

the launch of a swarm of autonomous pico-class (approximately 1kg) spacecraft that will<br />

explore the asteroid belt for asteroids with certain scientific characteristics. Figure 1.4 gives<br />

an overview of the ANTS mission. In this mission, a transport ship, launched from Earth,<br />

will travel to a point in space where net gravitational forces on small objects (such as pico-<br />

class spacecraft) are negligible (a Lagrangian point). From this point, 1000 spacecraft, that<br />

have been manufactured en route from Earth, will be launched into the asteroid belt. This<br />

environment presents a large risk of destruction for large (traditional) spacecraft. Even with<br />

pico-class spacecraft, 60 to 70 percent of them are expected to be lost. Because of their small<br />

size, each spacecraft will carry just one specialized instrument for collecting a specific type<br />

of data from asteroids in the belt.<br />

To implement this mission, a heuristic approach is being considered, which provides for<br />

a social structure to the spacecraft that uses a hierarchical behavior analogous to colonies or<br />

swarms of insects, with some spacecraft directing others. Artificial intelligence technologies<br />

such as genetic algorithms, neural nets, fuzzy logic, and on-board planners are being investi-<br />

gated to assist the mission to maintain a high level of autonomy. Crucial to the mission will<br />

be the ability to modify its operations autonomously, to reflect the changing nature of the<br />

mission and the distance and low bandwidth communications back to Earth. Approximately<br />

80 percent of the spacecraft will be workers that will carry the specialized instruments (e.g.,<br />

a magnetometer, x-ray, gamma-ray, visible/IR, neutral mass spectrometer) and will obtain<br />

specific types of data. Some will be coordinators (called rulers or leaders) that have rules that


decided the types of asteroids and data the mission is interested in and that will coordinate<br />

the efforts of the workers. The third type of spacecraft are messengers that will coordinate<br />

communication between rulers and workers, and communications with the mission control<br />

center on Earth.<br />

Figure 1.4: An overview of ANTS mission<br />

The swarm will form sub-swarms, each under the control of a ruler, which contains models<br />

of the types of science that are to be pursued. The ruler will coordinate workers, each of which<br />

uses its individual instrument to collect data on specific asteroids and feeds this information<br />

back to the ruler, who will determine which asteroids are worth examining further. If the<br />

data matches the profile of a type of asteroid that is of interest, an imaging spacecraft will be<br />

sent to the asteroid to ascertain the exact location and to create a rough model to be used<br />

by other spacecrafts for manœuvering around the asteroid. Other teams of spacecrafts will<br />

then coordinate to finish mapping the asteroid to form a complete model, [RHRT06], [4].<br />

1.2.4 APIES feasibility study<br />

APIES (Asteroid Population Investigation & Exploration Swarm) is a mission developed by<br />

EADS Astrium in response to an European Space Agency (ESA) Call for Ideas for swarm<br />

missions, based on the utilization of a large number of spacecrafts working cooperatively<br />

to achieve the mission objectives. APIES is intended to be the first interplanetary swarm


mission, designed to explore the asteroid main belt. This is one the least known parts of the<br />

Solar System, yet holding vital information about its evolution and planet formation. APIES<br />

aims to characterize a statistically significant sample of asteroids, exploring the main belt in<br />

great detail, measuring mass and density and imaging over 100 of these objects, at a stroke<br />

more than doubling the number of Solar System bodies visited by man-made spacecraft.<br />

Using the latest advances in system miniaturization, propulsion, onboard autonomy and<br />

communications, the APIES mission can achieve these ambitious goals within the framework<br />

of a standard ESA mission. APIES has completed a Mission Feasibility Study as part of<br />

the General Studies Programme (GSP) of ESA, whose purpose is to evaluate novel missions,<br />

concepts, methods, and to identify their research and development needs beyond currently<br />

running programmes.<br />

Figure 1.5: The HIVE carrier spacecraft with the BEEs<br />

In the baseline concept, the target orbit for the APIES swarm is based on a HIVE helio-<br />

centric circular orbit at 2.6 AU. This orbit selection is the result of a trade-off between the<br />

need of achieving a high rate of asteroid flybys (hence targeting a high density region of the<br />

asteroid belt) and that of adequately sampling the diversity of the asteroid population (and<br />

so targeting a Main Belt zone where the population is mixed, with representatives of most<br />

of the known asteroid spectral classes). To achieve the final operational orbit, it is envisaged<br />

that the APIES swarm will be transported by the HIVE carrier spacecraft, with the BEEs,<br />

the spacecrafts, deployed only after reaching the asteroid belt, figure 1.5. APIES is designed<br />

for a Soyuz/Fregat launch, capable of injecting a mass of up to 1420 kg into a Mars flyby<br />

trajectory. The HIVE, still carrying the BEEs, will take advantage of a Mars gravity assist<br />

and then use its own Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) system to reach its 2.6 AU final circu-<br />

lar heliocentric orbit. It has been estimated that with the Soyuz/Fregat launcher and Mars<br />

gravity assist, an SEP system can deliver about 850 kg of payload (total ad-up mass for the<br />

BEEs, which are thought to be less than 50 kg each) to a circular orbit at 2.6 AU within a


3-year transfer time. An additional 3-4 years may then be needed for the deployment of the<br />

BEEs swarm to its nominal operational formation.<br />

After reaching the asteroid belt, the BEEs will separate from the HIVE and create a<br />

swarm ’cloud’ centered on the HIVE, [D’A04], [2].<br />


Launch date 2025 −<br />

Objective Asteroid belt Asteroid belt<br />

Spacecraft mass 1 kg 50 kg<br />

Spacecraft number 1000 19<br />

Table 1.3: Comparison between ANTS and APIES missions



2<br />


It is possible to make things of great complexity out of things that are very simple.<br />

There is no conservation of simplicity.<br />

Stephen Wolfram (1959 - )<br />

In this chapter the formulation of the problem is described. First of all, the chosen sce-<br />

narios for SMAS are outlined, then connected critical issues are presented. To try to make<br />

first design hypotheses, several MAS techniques are analyzed in details, in particular in the<br />

framework of formal methods. In the end, the work is outlined and described in its parts.<br />

2.1 Typical scenarios<br />

As stated, the proposed missions are basically of two type:<br />

1. formation flying systems;<br />

2. exploration missions.<br />

These scenarios have characteristic features which have to be understood before a rea-<br />

sonable design could start. This is typical: given a problem, the solution could be sought.<br />

In space research, however, it is not so obvious. Often for cost reasons a good design is not<br />

the one perfect for one and only one mission, but it is the one which could be used for many<br />

different aims. It is crucial, in this view, to try to develop a solution which is general enough<br />

to be used for a family of problems.<br />

Another very peculiar issue in space research is the system scalability. As it has been<br />

shown, the future SMAS are going to be very large in comparison with MAS. Thus the<br />

scalability of the algorithms has to be proved.<br />



To analyze the algorithms which have to be developed, two missions have been selected,<br />

one per type, namely<br />

1. Prisma mission;<br />

2. main asteroid belt exploration.<br />

2.1.1 Formation flying in Prisma Mission<br />

The mission objectives of Prisma may be divided into the validation of sensor and actuator<br />

technologies related to formation flying and the demonstration of experiments for formation<br />

flying and rendezvous. It will support and enable the demonstration of autonomous space-<br />

craft formation flying, homing, and rendezvous scenarios, as well as close-range proximity<br />

operations. The mission schedule foresees a launch of the two spacecraft in 2009. Both Main<br />

and Target will be injected by a Dnepr launcher into a sun-synchronous orbit at 700-km<br />

altitude and 98.2 deg inclination. A dusk-dawn orbit with a 6 or 18 h nominal local time at<br />

the ascending node (LTAN) is targeted. Following a separation from the launcher, the two<br />

spacecraft will stay in a clamped configuration for initial system checkout and preliminary<br />

verification. Once the spacecraft are separated from each other, various experiment sets for<br />

formation flying and in-orbit servicing will be conducted within a minimum targeted mission<br />

lifetime of eight months. Spacecraft operations will be performed remotely from Solna, near<br />

Stockholm, making use of the European Space and Sounding Rocket Range (Esrange) ground<br />

station in northern Sweden. The Sband ground-space link to Main supports commanding<br />

with a bit rate of 4 kbps and telemetry with up to 1 Mbps. In contrast, communication with<br />

the Target spacecraft is only provided through Main acting as a relay and making use of<br />

a Main-Target intersatellite link (ISL) in the ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) band with a data<br />

rate of 19.2 kbps. The Main spacecraft has a wet mass of 150 kg. In contrast to the highly<br />

maneuverable Main spacecraft, Target is a passive and much simpler spacecraft, with a mass<br />

of 40 kg [GM07], [PG05], [DM06]. Hence the mission key features can be summarized as<br />

follows<br />

� 2 s/cs;<br />

� communication architecture: sensor → relay → Earth;<br />

� Earth environment/perturbations.<br />

2.1.2 Main asteroid belt exploration<br />

ANTS proposed spacecraft<br />

The proposed spacecraft for ANTS mission has, [4]<br />

� power: 100 mW battery;<br />

� material: 1 kg, 100 m 2 /kg;


� locomotion: solar sail.<br />

Sail achieves dynamic attitude control through capability for dynamic change in its mor-<br />

phology, thus changes the effective area and distribution of solar reflectivity to change its<br />

acceleration and momentum vectors to achieve required orbit and orientation.<br />

Asteroid belt<br />

The asteroid belt is the region of the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of<br />

the planets Mars and Jupiter. It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called<br />

asteroids or minor planets. The asteroid belt region is also termed the main belt to distinguish<br />

it from other concentrations of minor planets within the Solar System, such as the Kuiper<br />

belt and scattered disk.<br />

Figure 2.1: Main asteroid Belt<br />

More than half the mass within the main belt is contained in the four largest objects:<br />

Ceres, 4 Vesta, 2 Pallas, and 10 Hygiea. All of these have mean diameters of more than


400 km, while Ceres, the main belt’s only dwarf planet, is about 950 km in diameter. The<br />

remaining bodies range down to the size of a dust particle.<br />

The asteroid belt formed from the primordial solar nebula as a group of planetesimals,<br />

the smaller precursors of the planets. Between Mars and Jupiter, however, gravitational<br />

perturbations from the giant planet imbued the planetesimals with too much orbital energy<br />

for them to accrete into a planet. Collisions became too violent, and instead of sticking<br />

together, the planetesimals shattered. As a result, most of the main belt’s mass has been<br />

lost since the formation of the Solar System. Some fragments can eventually find their way<br />

into the inner Solar System, leading to meteorite impacts with the inner planets. Asteroid<br />

orbits continue to be appreciably perturbed whenever their period of revolution about the<br />

Sun forms an orbital resonance with Jupiter. At these orbital distances, a Kirkwood gap<br />

occurs as they are swept into other orbits [1].<br />

Even if perturbed, main asteroid orbital parameters are known with a reasonable uncer-<br />

tainty; for example Ceres semi-axis is known with 10 −9 1 − σ relative error. Nonetheless,<br />

since mass measurement is more complex, the physical parameters have significatively more<br />

uncertainty, also in the order of 50%, thus this is the most relevant problem in the perturba-<br />

tion model determination. In Table 2.1, the first ten more massive asteroids, which will be<br />

included in the perturbation model [2] [3].<br />

Name Mass [ M⊙ × 10 −10 ] a [AU] e [deg] i [deg] Ω [deg] ω [deg] θ [deg]<br />

Ceres 4.39 ± 0.04 2.7659 0.07976 10.58 80.40 73.15 215.80<br />

Vesta 1.69 ± 0.11 2.3619 0.08936 7.13 103.91 150.18 341.59<br />

Pallas 1.59 ± 0.05 2.7716 0.23075 34.84 173.13 310.34 199.72<br />

Hygiea 0.47 ± 0.23 3.1367 0.11790 3.84 283.45 313.03 91.71<br />

Psyche 0.087 ± 0.026 2.9193 0.13953 3.09 150.34 227.80 141.36<br />

Eunomia 0.042 ± 0.011 2.6436 0.18728 11.73 293.27 97.90 354.91<br />

Hermione 0.0305 ± 0.0013 2.7208 0.08195 6.60 147.93 85.36 154.86<br />

Parthenope 0.0258 ± 0.001 2.4521 0.10019 4.62 125.62 195.25 230.35<br />

Massalla 0.024 ± 0.004 2.4088 0.14276 0.70 206.50 255.49 38.98<br />

Table 2.1: Main asteroids masses and orbital parameters at 2007 – April – 10.0.<br />

The mission<br />

The key features of this mission include<br />

� ≫ 2 s/cs – scalability proof;<br />

� multi communication architecture, typical: sensor → relay → ... → hub → Earth, but<br />

it could be different depending on the agent design;<br />

� asteroid belt environment/perturbations.


And the main assumptions on the environment<br />

� reduced two-body gravitational field;<br />

� the gravitational effects of asteroids will be considered as a perturbation force and this<br />

is reasonable if the agents are far from them;<br />

� the rendezvous will not be considered and the agents will be always out of the spheres<br />

of influence of asteroids.<br />

2.2 Agent architecture and assumptions<br />

As it could be understood from these two scenarios, there are different problems to handle.<br />

First of all the spacecrafts have to perform particular missions, they have targets and they<br />

do have not to collide with other objects or each other. This can be called the physical part,<br />

PP, of the control.<br />

Then the spacecrafts are supposed to communicate, both among each other and with<br />

Earth, therefore, since communications are one of the most critical issue in space design, the<br />

communication network deployment and maintenance part, CP, of the control is, at least, as<br />

important as the PP.<br />

Since the multi agent system has to be highly autonomous, both parts have to be thought<br />

in a way they could be very flexible and simple enough to permit real time control by the<br />

agent itself. This is quite obvious since the environment in which the agents will operate is<br />

very dynamic and the Earth – agent communications could take too long. Moreover, this<br />

leads to reduce the communication among the agents as much as possible.<br />

Of course the agents, before even switching on the control, have to decide what to do,<br />

therefore they have to plan in which way they have to act. As stated, this decision has to<br />

be taken with the less communication possible among the agents, then it has to be real time<br />

and robust enough. Hence, the architecture is the one in Figure 2.2.<br />

The main assumptions on the agents are<br />

� they are knowledge and resource bounded, thus they do not have the knowledge of the<br />

whole environment and they have to cooperate to fulfill the tasks;<br />

� they can move use continuous thrust motors, electrical driven in the formation flying<br />

scenario, solar sail driven in the asteroid exploration one, [4];<br />

� they can communicate, both broadcasting or using a peer to peer protocol, but the<br />

range of communication is limited;<br />

� they have sensors to determine their current state and the state of what they sense;<br />

� they can be either explorers or communicators, which means that some agents can have<br />

the capabilities to perform scientific researches – the explorers – but they have lim-<br />

ited communication capabilities; on the contrary other agents cannot perform scientific


Low Level Control High Level Control<br />

Goal Manager<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

❈ ❈❈❈❈❈<br />

PP CP<br />

Agent<br />

Figure 2.2: The control architecture.<br />

measurements, but they can communicate in a better way, maybe also with Earth – the<br />

communicators. This implies that explorers cannot communicate each other and they<br />

need communicators to relay data back to Earth; communicators can send information<br />

to other communicators and some of them, the communicator Hubs, can send data back<br />

to Earth, Table 2.2.<br />

Explorers Hubs Communicators<br />

Scientific payload yes no no<br />

Communication only with communicators with all and Earth with all but not with Earth<br />

Table 2.2: Agent composition.<br />

Since, the goal manager and the couple (PP,CP) have to be though in the context of<br />

MAS, the next sections will review some basic concepts of this topic.<br />

2.3 Multi agent techniques<br />

Two paradigms dominate the design of multi agent systems. The first, that will be called<br />

the traditional paradigm, is based on deliberative agents and (usually) central control, while<br />

the second, the swarm paradigm, is based on simple agents and distributed control. In the<br />

past two decades, researchers in the Artificial Intelligence and related communities have, for<br />

the most part, operated within the first paradigm. They focused on making the individual<br />

agents, be they software agents or robots, smarter and more complex by giving them the<br />

ability to reason, negotiate and plan action. In these deliberative systems, complex tasks can<br />

be done either individually or collectively. If collective action is required to complete some


task, a central controller is often used to coordinate group behavior. The controller keeps<br />

track of the capabilities and the state of each agent, it decides which agents are best suited<br />

for a specific task, it assigns it to the agents and coordinates communication between them.<br />

Deliberative agents are also capable of collective action in the absence of central control;<br />

however, in these cases agents require global knowledge about the capabilities and the states<br />

of other agents whom they may form a team with. Acquiring such global knowledge may be<br />

expensive and thus impractical for many applications. For instance, a multi agent system<br />

may break into a number of coalitions containing several agents, each coalition being able to<br />

accomplish some tasks more effectively than a single agent can. In one approach to coalition<br />

formation, the agents compute the optimal coalition structure and form coalitions based on<br />

this calculation [LJGM05].<br />

Swarm Intelligence represents an alternative approach to the design of multi agent sys-<br />

tems. Swarms are composed of many simple agents. There is no central controller directing<br />

the behavior of the swarm, rather, these systems are self-organizing, meaning that construc-<br />

tive collective (macroscopic) behavior emerges from local (microscopic) interactions among<br />

agents and between agents and the environment. Self-organization is ubiquitous in nature,<br />

bacteria colonies, amoebas and social insects such as ants, bees, wasps, termites, among oth-<br />

ers, are all examples of this phenomenon. Swarms offer several advantages over traditional<br />

systems based on deliberative agents and central control: specifically robustness, flexibility,<br />

scalability, adaptability, and suitability for analysis. Simple agents are less likely to fail than<br />

more complex ones. If they do fail, they can be entirely pulled out or replaced without signif-<br />

icantly impacting the overall performance of the system. Distributed systems are, therefore,<br />

tolerant of agent error and failure. They are also highly scalable, increasing the number of<br />

agents or task size does not greatly affect performance. In systems using central control,<br />

the high communication and computational costs required to coordinate agent behavior limit<br />

the system size to at most a few dozen agents. Finally, the simplicity of agent’s interactions<br />

with other agents makes swarms amenable to quantitative mathematical analysis. The main<br />

difficulty in designing a swarm is understanding the effect individual characteristics have on<br />

the collective behavior of the system.<br />

Traditional paradigm Swarm paradigm<br />

Control (usually) central distributed<br />

Agent software complex simple<br />

Communication intensive minimal<br />

Time to act long short<br />

Scalability no yes<br />

Reliability poor very good<br />

Table 2.3: Comparison between traditional and swarm paradigm.


2.3.1 Space multi agent system<br />

In space multi agent systems challenges could be still more. Not least amongst these are<br />

the complex interactions between heterogeneous components, the need for continuous re-<br />

planning, re-configuration and re-optimization, the need for autonomous operation without<br />

intervention from Earth, and the need for assurance of the correct operation of the mission.<br />

In missions such as ANTS [RHRT06], that will be highly autonomous and out of contact<br />

with ground control for extended periods of time, errors in the software may not be observable<br />

or correctable after launch. Because of this, a high level of assurance is necessary for these<br />

missions before they are launched. Testing of space exploration systems is done through<br />

simulations, since it would be impractical or impossible to test them in their final environment.<br />

Although these simulations are of very high quality, often very small errors get through and<br />

can result in the loss of the entire mission, as it is thought to have happened with Mars Polar<br />

Lander Mission [CS00].<br />

Complex missions like these exacerbate the difficulty of finding errors, and will require<br />

new mission verification methods to provide the level of software assurance that for example<br />

NASA requires to reduce risks to an acceptable level. Errors under such conditions can rarely<br />

be found by inputting sample data and checking for correct results. To find these errors<br />

through testing, the software processes involved would have to be executed in all possible<br />

combinations of states (state space) that the processes could collectively be in. Because<br />

the state space is exponential (and sometimes factorial) to the number of states, it becomes<br />

intestable with a relatively small number of processes. Traditionally, to get around the<br />

state explosion problem, testers artificially reduce the number of states of the system and<br />

approximate the underlying software using models. This reduces the fidelity of the model<br />

and may mask potential errors. A significant issue for specifying (and verifying) swarms is<br />

support for analysis and identification of emergent behavior. The idea of emergence is well<br />

known from biology, economics, and other scientific areas. It is also prominent in computer<br />

science and engineering, but the concept is not so well understood by computer scientists<br />

and engineers, although they encounter it regularly. Emergent behavior has been described<br />

as system behavior that is more complex than the behavior of the individual components, [...],<br />

often in ways not intended by the original designers [PV97]. This means that when interacting<br />

components of a system whose individual behavior is well understood are combined within a<br />

single environment, they can demonstrate behavior that can be unforeseen or not explained<br />

from the behavior of the individual components.<br />

2.3.2 Formal methods<br />

Formal methods [Rou06] are proven approaches for assuring the correct operation of complex<br />

interacting systems, being them mathematically-based tools and techniques for specifying and<br />

verifying systems. They are particularly useful for specifying complex parallel and distributed<br />

systems, where the entire system is difficult for a single person to fully understand and<br />

when more than one person was involved in the development. With formal methods, certain


properties may be proposed to hold, and prove that they hold. In particular, this is invaluable<br />

for properties that cannot be tested on Earth. By its nature, a good formal specification can<br />

guide researchers to propose and verify certain behaviors (or lack of certain behaviors) that<br />

they would often not think of when using regular testing techniques. Moreover, if properly<br />

applied and used in the development process, a good formal specification can guarantee<br />

the presence or absence of particular properties in the overall system well in advance of<br />

mission launch, or even implementation. Indeed, various formal methods offer the additional<br />

advantage of support for simulation, model checking and automatic code generation, making<br />

the initial investment well worth while. It has been stated that formal analysis is not feasible<br />

for emergent systems, due to their complexity and intractability, and that simulation is the<br />

only viable approach for analyzing emergence of a system [BP03]. For space missions in<br />

general, relying on simulations and testing alone is not sufficient even for systems that are<br />

much simpler than the swarm missions, as noted above. The use of formal analysis would<br />

complement the simulation and testing of these complex systems giving additional assurance<br />

of their correct operation. Given that one mistake can be catastrophic to a system and result<br />

in the loss of money and years of work, development of a formal analysis tool, even at a great<br />

cost, could have huge returns also if only one mission is kept from failing.<br />

Verifying emergent behavior is an area that has been addressed very little by formal meth-<br />

ods, though some work has been done in this area by computer scientists, analyzing biological<br />

systems [SB01] [Tof91]. However, formal methods may provide guidance in determining pos-<br />

sible emergent behaviors that must be considered. Formal methods have been widely used<br />

for test case generation to develop effective test cases. Similar techniques may be used with<br />

formal methods, not to generate a test plan, but to propose certain properties that might or<br />

might not hold, or certain emergent behaviors that might arise.<br />

The Formal Approaches to Swarm Technologies, FAST, project has surveyed formal meth-<br />

ods and formal techniques to determine whether existing formal methods, or a combination<br />

of existing methods, could be suitable for specifying and verifying swarm-based missions and<br />

their emergent behavior [RR04] [RH05] [RR06]. Various methods have been surveyed based<br />

on a small number of criteria that were determined to be important in their application to<br />

intelligent swarms. These include:<br />

� support for concurrency and real time constraints;<br />

� formal basis;<br />

� (existing) tool support;<br />

� past experience in application to agent based and/or swarm based systems;<br />

� algorithm support.<br />

A large number of formal methods, that support the specification of one between, but<br />

not both, concurrent and algorithmic behavior, have been identified. In addition, there


is a large number of integrated or combination formal methods that have been developed<br />

over recent years, with the goal of supporting the specification of both concurrency and<br />

algorithms. Although the survey identified a few formal methods, to used to specify swarm<br />

based systems, initially only two formal approaches were found that had been used to analyze<br />

the emergent behavior of swarms, namely Weighted Synchronous Calculus of Communicating<br />

Systems (WSCCS) [Tof91] and Artificial Physics [SG99] [SY99a].<br />

The following is a brief description of some specification techniques that have been used<br />

for specifying social, swarm, and emergent behavior:<br />

� Weighted Synchronous Calculus of Communicating Systems (WSCCS), a process alge-<br />

bra, was used by Tofts to model social insects. WSCCS was also used in conjunction<br />

with a dynamical system approach for analyzing the non-linear aspects of social insects.<br />

� X-Machines have been used to model cell biology and modifications, such as Commu-<br />

nicating Stream X-Machines that also seem to have potential for specifying swarms<br />

[Hol88].<br />

� Dynamic Emergent System Modeling Language (DESML), a variant of UML, has been<br />

suggested for use in modeling emergent systems [Kin98].<br />

� Cellular Automata have been used to model systems that exhibit emergent behavior<br />

(land use) [vN96].<br />

� Artificial Physics, which uses physics-based modeling to gauge emergent behavior, has<br />

been used to provide assurance for formation flying as well as other constraints on<br />

swarms.<br />

NASA is currently developing its own formal language based on a mix of the first two<br />

languages and some others, since it thinks that the two are not sufficient by their own.<br />

DESML, though very interesting, has not been chosen because it had not been used or<br />

evaluated outside of the thesis it was developed under. Cellular Automata have not been<br />

selected because they do not have any built in analysis properties for emergent behavior and<br />

because they have been primarily used for simulating emergent systems. Artificial physics,<br />

which is very promising, has not been selected by NASA because of the newness of the<br />

approach [RHRT06].<br />

2.3.3 Artificial Physics<br />

Although Artificial Physics, AP, has not been considered by NASA, it is worth enough to be<br />

analyzed in details, because it could offer several advantages upon the other formal methods.<br />

Moreover, the fact it is quite new is not really a problem, since its newer approach could lead<br />

to reconsider old issues under different perspectives.<br />

AP is a physics oriented approach to construct a coordinated task-allocation algorithm<br />

for cooperative goal-satisfaction [SY99a]. This has to be used by the single agent within the<br />

system and it enables coordination without negotiation and with limited communication.

2.4. WORK’S FRAMEWORK 21<br />

Basically the approach consists in the calculation of a potential function, based on what<br />

a single agent can sense, and in a derivation of the actions that agent has to make. For<br />

this reason the name “Potential Field approach” will be used as well as “Artificial Physic<br />

approach”.<br />

The AP idea can be summarized as<br />

� physics oriented approach, so AP is in the context of formal methods and emergent<br />

behavior can be verified by mathematical tools as statistical mechanics;<br />

� complete reactive behavior, since agents act only as a response of what they sense; this<br />

leads to both scalability and real time algorithms;<br />

� potential function calculation, therefore the approach is very close to the ones used<br />

for example in robot/rover path planners [ZW02], [GC00] [Rei92], [ZS04], [BL92], this<br />

means that space researchers could have a good background to deal with AP.<br />

These properties can respond to the ones expressed before, and since AP could be com-<br />

plete, simple and close enough to previous tested algorithms, it is chosen for this work.<br />

Although the approach is appealing, it has to be kept in mind that it is quite new, thus<br />

only basic test cases have been analyzed in previous works.<br />

2.4 Work’s framework<br />

The work deals with the development of a distributed control for a SMAS using an AP<br />

approach. First of all, the high level control has to be developed, in chapter 3. This is not<br />

the mere application of AP, but a suitable extension of this approach has to be derived to<br />

take into account different capabilities and goals. It is clear that in specifying these properties<br />

some assumptions have to be made. Then, the PP and CP of the control have to be analyzed,<br />

the former in a way which leads to a robust and reliable motion control, chapter 4, the latter<br />

in order to assure the communication network deployment minimizing the communication<br />

effort among the agents, chapter 5. Finally, the perturbation models, which describe the<br />

environments, have to be developed, chapter 6.


Low Level Control High Level Control<br />

Goal Manager (chap. 3, Algorithm 1)<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

✄<br />

PP<br />

(chap. 4, Algorithm 2)<br />

❈ ❈❈❈❈❈<br />

Agenti<br />

CP<br />

(chap. 5, Algorithm 3)<br />

Figure 2.3: Work outline.<br />

✛<br />

✛<br />

✲<br />

Agentj<br />

Information sharing<br />

(chap. 3 and chap. 5)<br />

✲<br />

Environment<br />

Targets and Perturbations<br />

(chap. 3 to 6)


3<br />


People just naturally assume that dogs would be incapable of working together on some sort<br />

of construction project. But what about just a big field full of holes?<br />

Jack Handey (1949 - )<br />

In this chapter the Goal Manager is developed in the framework of Artificial Physics.<br />

First, AP is extended in a suitable way to take into account also multiple tasks and capabilities,<br />

then information sharing mechanism is outlined pointing out key issues.<br />

3.1 Artificial Physics Formulation<br />

Let A = {a1, a2, . . . aN} be the set of agents, which could be spacecrafts but also robots or<br />

whatever. Let G = {g1, g2, . . . , gM} be a set of goals, possibly dynamically changing. These<br />

two sets can be located in a goal space, G, thus A ∈ G and G ∈ G. Let x be the coordinates<br />

of agents and goals in the goal space. Using this notation, both a displacement vector, Dij,<br />

and a metric, dij, can be defined on G as<br />

Dij ≡ xi − xj<br />

dij ≡ ||xi − xj|| 2<br />

(3.1)<br />

(3.2)<br />

Since, in some domains, goals do not have physical properties, the components of Dij are<br />

not necessarily physical distances.<br />

Then it is to assume that:<br />

� the agents have the ability to perceive the displacement vector in the goal space and<br />

they can perceive the properties of other adjacent agents and goals. This may be done<br />

by sensors, integrated into the agents;<br />



� each agent knows about the types of resources that other agents may have.<br />

These two assumptions are necessary since agents who progress within the goal space need<br />

some information regarding properties of other agents and goals. Moreover it is also to assume<br />

that:<br />

� each agent has a performance capability, mi ∈ R, that can be measured by standard<br />

measurement units, which enable quantification of the agents’ task execution;<br />

� there is a scaling method which is used to represent the displacement of the agents in<br />

the goal space and to evaluate the mutual distances between goals and agents within<br />

this space.<br />

These assumptions are necessary since distances are a significant factor in the AP model.<br />

Moreover it is to assume that goal satisfaction can be achieved progressively. That is, a<br />

goal may be partially satisfied at one instant, and its remaining non satisfied part may be<br />

completed at another point in time.<br />

Then, another basic assumption in AP is that each agent, ai, has a fixed capability,<br />

mi, and each goal requires only a capability to be satisfied. Therefore agents can do only a<br />

single task for goals which require only a single task. This assumption is quite strong and<br />

in the following sections will be removed and the AP approach will be extended in a very<br />

straightforward way.<br />

G<br />

A<br />

• a1<br />

• a3<br />

• an ◦ g1<br />

• an<br />

�<br />

��<br />

• a2<br />

d2n<br />

❅<br />

❅❅❅❅❅<br />

dn4<br />

G<br />

◦ g4<br />

◦ gm<br />

Figure 3.1: Goal space, sets and metric.<br />

Given these assumptions, each agent, ai, in every time instant can compute a potential<br />

function as<br />

◦ g2<br />

◦ g3<br />

Φi = �<br />

Φa(mn, din) + �<br />

Φg(mm, dim) (3.3)<br />

n<br />



where Φa and Φg are suitable potentials, the former takes into account the mutual repulsion<br />

between the agents, since it is not reasonable that many agents perform the same goal, and<br />

it could be in the form<br />

Φa ∝ mn<br />

din<br />

(3.4)<br />

The latter represents the natural attraction towards the goal, which requires a certain amount<br />

of capacity to be fulfilled, mm, and it could be in the form<br />

Φg ∝ − mm<br />

dim<br />

The n and m are the sensed agents and goals.<br />

(3.5)<br />

Example. Just to clarify, an example can be made. Let the goals be the fixing of holes<br />

on a surface, bigger the hole, bigger the value of m. The agents have a certain capability<br />

which is their size, bigger the agent bigger its mi. During time, the agents can eventually fix<br />

a certain amount of a hole, so m for that hole can decrease, and in fact m = m(t).<br />

Once computed the potential function, the agents have to derive the force, since they<br />

have to move towards the minimum of the potential field, which is of course time dependent.<br />

The calculation is straightforward being<br />

F i = −mi∇Φi<br />

(3.6)<br />

The dimensions of vector F i depend on the dimensions of the coordinate vector, x, which<br />

depends on the goal space representation. For example in the scenario of the holes, G is a<br />

subset of R × R and F i is a bidimensional vector.<br />

In Table 3.1 the match between MAS and the shown physical approach is shown.<br />

Multi agent system Physical model<br />

Agent Dynamic particle<br />

Goal Static particle<br />

Agent’s capability Particle’s mass<br />

Agent’s location Particle’s location<br />

Algorithm for goal allocation Formal method for calculating<br />

the evolution of displacement<br />

Table 3.1: The match between MAS and physical model.<br />

The force vector, whom the agent has to act accordingly to, has to be projected by the<br />

same agent in a meaningful space for itself. Let ◦ be the projection transformation, hence<br />

each agent has to compute<br />

Ai = F i ◦ Vi<br />



where Ai is the vector of the final actions and Vi is the suitable space for the agent ai.<br />

In the given example, the projection is straightforward since it is only an identity. In fact,<br />

the force vector is indeed a control force, and the example could be regarded as a feedback<br />

control.<br />

3.1.1 AP state of the art<br />

AP has been developed independently by two groups of researchers. The first belongs to<br />

University of Wyoming at Laramie, this is the Spears group; the second is located at Carnegie<br />

Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and it is represented by the person of Onn Shehory. Basically<br />

the approach is the same, but the former group is more focused on real physical goal space,<br />

while the latter is interested in very large MAS for both web and market applications.<br />

Spears. The main idea of Spears group is to try to use the AP approach to move a cluster<br />

of robots in a sort of formation. Therefore the goal space has a complete physical meaning<br />

[SG99]. In Figure 3.2 an example of artificial potential calculation for moving robots: as it<br />

can be seen, the introduction of a virtual agent, which represents the mean motion of the<br />

cluster, is exploited. The Spears group is not the only one which uses the AP in this way,<br />

[EK06].<br />

Figure 3.2: Artificial physics for formations of robots<br />

Shehory. The studies of this second group are both more interesting and more general.<br />

Focused both on web services and market transactions, they imply distributed algorithms<br />

among very large teams of agents. As stated in some papers, the AP approach is practically<br />

the only one capable to deal with very large MAS [SY99a].


3.2 Extension of AP formulation<br />

The main strong assumption of AP is that each agent, ai, has a fixed capability, mi, and<br />

each goal requires only a capability to be satisfied. This can be easily removed.<br />

Let the agents, ai ∈ A, i = 1, . . . , n, have multiple capabilities and let C be the matrix of<br />

the total A set capabilities. Then let the goals, gi ∈ G, i = 1, . . . , m, require more tasks to<br />

be fulfilled and let T be the matrix of the total G set tasks.<br />

C can be seen as<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

C ≡ ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

c11 c12 c1k<br />

c21 c22 c2k<br />

. ..<br />

cn1 cn2 cnk<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

(3.8)<br />

thus C ∈ R n × R k , being k the total number of the capabilities the agents have. Each<br />

coefficient of the C matrix, cij is nothing else but a real number which states how well the<br />

agent ai could perform the task j.<br />

Whereas T can be seen as<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

T ≡ ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

t11 t12 t1q<br />

t21 t22 t2q<br />

. ..<br />

tm1 tn2 tmq<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

(3.9)<br />

thus T ∈ R m × R q , being q the total number of the tasks the goals require. Each coefficient<br />

of the T matrix, tij is nothing else but a real number which states how much of the task j<br />

serves to fulfil the goal gi. It is straightforward that T is time dependent.<br />

Clearly k � q since otherwise the agents could not perform the goals. Let k = q, with<br />

no loss of generality. By the assumptions of extended AP approach, each agent can write k<br />

potentials which live in the goal space G as<br />

Φ w i = �<br />

αnicnwciw Φa(din) + �<br />

βnitnwciw Φg(dim) , w = 1, . . . , k (3.10)<br />

n<br />

m<br />

where, as before, Φa and Φg are suitable potentials, the former takes into account the<br />

mutual repulsion between the agents, since it is not reasonable that many agents perform<br />

the same goal; the latter represents the natural attraction towards the goal, which requires a<br />

certain amount of capacity to be fulfilled. Note that the potentials have lost their dependence<br />

on capabilities. In the end α and β are coefficients.<br />

For each Φ w i and for each ai, a force vector can be computed as<br />

F w i = −∇Φ w i (3.11)<br />

Then, by a suitable projection transformation, each agent can compute the real action.<br />

Note that, in this case, force vectors could be mutually contrasting, thus the transformation<br />

has to include some conflict detection/solver techniques, F.<br />

�<br />

Ai = F F 1 i ◦ V 1 i , F 2 i ◦ V 2 i , . . . , F k i ◦ V k �<br />

i<br />



3.3 Formal methods<br />

As stated, AP formulation is chosen for this work mainly because it could be seen as a formal<br />

method, thus it could verify the presence of emergent behavior. In the new extended AP<br />

version, since classical mechanics does not provide many different properties a body can have<br />

more than inertia properties, statistical mechanics has to be used as suggested by [SY99a],<br />

[DM06]. This parallelism, although it is not difficult to develop, will not be explored in this<br />

work.<br />

3.4 Information propagation and knowledge bounded agents<br />

Since the agents are knowledge bounded, they cannot have a global representation of the<br />

environment and thus they may not have any target. This can overcome through a suitable<br />

information sharing architecture, which have to use the communication less as possible.<br />

Different techniques have been proposed to solve the target assignment problem via in-<br />

formation sharing, for example [SB07a] shows how a broadcast coupled with a distributed<br />

algorithm could be optimal in some cases, namely when the environment is sparse. Other<br />

approaches, [SN08], [YS06], use randomly peer to peer sent packets of information, which<br />

have the advantage to decrease the communication effort.<br />

Even if, the suitable algorithm could be a mix of the two, since the target assignment<br />

frequency is supposed to be low compared to motion dynamics and typical communications,<br />

the broadcast approach is adopted. Moreover, this approach is simpler than the peer to peer<br />

one.<br />

3.4.1 Example<br />

To try to understand how the information sharing mechanism works an example can be made.<br />

Let g1, g2, g3 be three asteroids in a three dimensional space and let ai ∈ A be the agents, the<br />

spacecrafts, randomly located in the space, which have to choose which asteroid reach. Each<br />

ai has three different capabilities, {ci1, ci2, ci3}, which could be, for example: take photos,<br />

communicate, detect water. Each asteroids, gj requires, at the beginning, a certain amount<br />

of capabilities, {tj1, tj2, tj3}, which can be thought as proportional to the asteroid surface. At<br />

the initial time τ0, only a subset of the agents, A ⊆ A, can actually sense the asteroids, and,<br />

supposing the could have a complete knowledge of the object, they can set the {tj1, tj2, tj3}<br />

for each asteroid they sense. Thus each ai ∈ A can define its own TS, which is the sensed T<br />

matrix as:<br />

where j ∈ {sensed object}.<br />

TS =<br />

�<br />

tj1 tj2 tj3<br />

. . .<br />

Then, using the Goal Manager, namely the potential field 3.10 and the following formulae,<br />

with T = TS, they can decide which asteroid reach. Chosen their target, namely j, they<br />

3.5. <strong>DI</strong>STRIBUTED SCHEDULING 29<br />

change the {tj1, tj2, tj3} accordingly, subtracting their capacities<br />

{tj1, tj2, tj3}τ1 = {tj1, tj2, tj3}τ0 − {ci1, ci2, ci3} (3.13)<br />

and broadcast the information adding to the packet also the time in which they decided, thus<br />

where TRi = TS at τ1.<br />

Msgi ≡ {TRi , τ1}<br />

When other agents receive the information arriving from different sources, they added it<br />

to what the have sensed, TS, they form a new T as<br />

�<br />

�<br />

T = TS ∪<br />

where the i–th agent is the one who has broadcast them the information.<br />

Then they decide, subtract and broadcast. This process of receiving and sending has a<br />

i<br />

TRi<br />

fixed frequency, depending on the sparsity of the systems.<br />

It has to be noted that in some cases agents have to decide upon conflicting messages,<br />

since the information path is not unique. To solve these conflicts policies could be added<br />

to the agent control, but by now, only a simple policy has been developed: the time policy.<br />

The newest message has to be followed and if more messages than one are the newest, a<br />

random choice is performed. Using this policy the greater the agent number is, the more<br />

accurate the target assignment is. Defining a Sum operator which embodies the policy, the<br />

T determination has to be changed accordingly as<br />

3.4.2 Algorithm<br />

�<br />

T = Sum(TS, SumiTRi )<br />

The final, Goal Manager algorithm is, for each agent, ai the Algorithm 1<br />

3.5 Distributed scheduling<br />

As stated, in most of the cases, in the context of multi agent systems conflicts appear. This is<br />

the case of overlapping requests of the same resource, for example, when two explorers would<br />

like to use the same communication antenna to relay data back to Earth. This problem can be<br />

solved in the framework of distributed scheduling using different approaches, like decoupling<br />

strategies [BL08], but it will not face in this work.


Algorithm 1 Goal Manager and sharing mechanism, at τ = τ⋆<br />

1: TS = Sense(Environment)<br />

2: TR = {}<br />

3: repeat<br />

4: Td =GetMsg<br />

5: TR = Sum(TR, Td)<br />

6: until (No more messages)<br />

7: T = Sum(TS, TR)<br />

8: /*Goal Manager Start*/<br />

9: Φw i , eq. 3.10<br />

10: F w i , eq. 3.11<br />

11: Ai, eq. 3.12<br />

12: /*Goal Manager End*/<br />

13: Form TR, eq. 3.13<br />

14: BroadCast Msg ≡ {TR, τ⋆+1}


4<br />


Go, Traveler. Go anywhere. The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest.<br />

Philip J. Farmer (1918 - )<br />

In this chapter the physical part of the control is developed. First of all, the tracking<br />

problem is presented as a reasonable solution in the scenarios which have to be explored.<br />

Then different approaches to track the targets are shown, and it is explained how a suitable<br />

anna algorithm for long period dynamics, coupled with a short period dynamic control, is a<br />

reasonable solution which mixes both lightweight and robust features.<br />

4.1 Introduction<br />

The physical part of the control is in charge of moving agents towards dynamic evolving<br />

targets and since, the scenarios involve only physical goals, the problem which has to be<br />

solved could be formulated as:<br />

Given an initial condition on the state variables, x0, of each agent, ai, at the time t0, find<br />

the optimal control u which leads x0 → xf , the target state variables, at the time tf .<br />

The problem which each agent has to solve could be seen in two main ways:<br />

� as a Lambert problem, but, since this involves a lot of computational effort, it is not<br />

reasonable for a real time calculation;<br />

� as a tracking problem/feedback control, to be resolve either using AP approach or, that<br />

is the same in this case, with a suitable feedback control law. In this way, although it<br />

is not necessary, it is convenient for the control effort, to set tf → ∞, thus the problem<br />

becomes an infinite horizon control.<br />



4.2 Possible solutions<br />

4.2.1 Potential field approach<br />

The potential field approach has been used by ESA in different demonstrative softwares for<br />

SMAS [IP07]. The target position global knowledge is the key assumption of an equilibrium<br />

shaping technique, in order to find an optimal set of parameters which can lead the system<br />

towards a final equilibrium. Since in the scenarios of this work the information is not global<br />

but distributed, this assumption has to be removed and that parameter set has to be tuned<br />

in another way.<br />

Although this could be easily done, problems arising from the use of such a formulation<br />

could be difficult to overcome. The main one is that the control u is far from being optimal,<br />

as long as a suitable term in the potential field is not included. This term would shape<br />

the geometry of the space according to the geodetic lines of the dynamical system, thus it<br />

would exploit the space properties, instead of involving useless control effort. Although this<br />

approach could be easily developed dealing with a linearized system, it is not straightforward<br />

in a complete non linear one, since it involves a sort of dynamic inversion. For that reason<br />

this approach will not be used.<br />

4.2.2 SDRE approach for non linear systems<br />

The use of a feedback control, which takes into account the dynamical system non linearity,<br />

could be a suitable approach for the tracking problem. Initially developed for intelligent<br />

missiles applications, it has revealed some capabilities in space area since few years.<br />

The basic idea is to write the non linear dynamical system in an affine way [Bra04] [PB04],<br />

assuring that the dynamic matrices are not singular for x ∈ {x0, . . . , xf }. Thus, since the<br />

reduced two-body problem in a cartesian coordinate system is<br />

¨r = − κ<br />

r + u + w (4.1)<br />

r3 where κ is the planetary constant and w is the perturbation acceleration vector, it can be<br />

rewritten in the affine shape, introducing the state vector x = {r, ˙r} T as<br />

⎡<br />

03<br />

I3<br />

⎤<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

˙x = ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

− − −− − − −−<br />

− κ<br />

⎥ ⎢ ⎥<br />

⎦ x + ⎣−<br />

− −−⎦<br />

(u + w) (4.2)<br />

I3 03<br />

r3 I3<br />

� �� � � �� �<br />

A(x)<br />

B<br />

Since it is clear that the the matrix A can not be singular, the control problem can be<br />

formulated using a State Dependent Riccati Equation, SDRE, introducing an error variable<br />

e ≡ x − xf and writing a suitable cost function J as<br />

J ≡<br />

� ∞<br />

t0<br />

03<br />

⎤<br />

e ′ Q e + u ′ R u − γ 2 w ′ w dt (4.3)


Then u has to be found in a H∞ context thus it satisfies a particular steady state Riccati<br />

Equation. Two main problems arise from this kind of approach:<br />

� the use of cartesian coordinates lead to worse results than the use of more suitable set<br />

of coordinates; this has a numerical explanation;<br />

� the control u does not take into account collision avoidance.<br />

Both the first and the second problem can be fixed; in fact for the former a different set<br />

of coordinates has to be chosen, whereas for the latter two main ideas could be used:<br />

� a dynamical separation between long period and short period, thus the long takes in<br />

consideration the tracking problem, and the short the collision avoidance problem. The<br />

latter has to be formulated in a suitable way.<br />

� The control u could be written as<br />

u = −Ky, with y = f(ρa, ρT ) (4.4)<br />

where f(ρa, ρT ) is a suitable function which depends on the distance among agents ρa<br />

and with the target ρT . This leads to an output feedback control [Gad07] which is both<br />

too complex to resolve real time and possibly ill conditioned.<br />

The above considerations lead to the choice of a dynamical separation and the use of a<br />

different set of variables.<br />

4.2.3 Non linear Lyapunov control<br />

Although state dependent, the SDRE approach is nothing else but an extention of the usual<br />

linear control to non linear systems. It could offer some advantages but, since the system<br />

is highly non linear, the use of a non linear control, whose approach is very close to SDRE,<br />

could be more suitable.<br />

First of all, using the non singular equinoctial variables, which are chosen as the set of<br />

coordinate system, to have better numerical results, the equations of motion 4.1, neglecting<br />

the perturbations, can be written as [Naa02]<br />

where<br />

˙x = B(x) u (4.5)


� the state vector x = {a, P1, P2, Q1, Q2, l0} T is related to the classical elements set as<br />

�<br />

⎧<br />

⎪⎨<br />

⎪⎩<br />

a = a<br />

P1 = e sin ¯ω<br />

P2 = e cos ¯ω<br />

Q1 = tan i<br />

2<br />

Q2 = tan i<br />

2<br />

sin Ω<br />

cos Ω<br />

l0 = ¯ω + M − nt<br />

⎧<br />

⎪⎨<br />

⎪⎩<br />

a = a<br />

e =<br />

�<br />

P 2 1 + P 2 2<br />

i = 2 tan−1 �<br />

Q2 1 + Q22 Ω = tan −1<br />

ω = tan −1<br />

� Q1<br />

Q2<br />

� P1<br />

M = l − tan −1<br />

P2<br />

�<br />

�<br />

− tan −1<br />

with ¯ω = ω + Ω and l = l0 + nt. Moreover the true longitude, L, can be defined starting<br />

from the mean longitude l as L = ¯ω + θ. In the end l0, which is the mean longitude<br />

at epoch is set in a way so that the equations of motion loose the constant term and<br />

l0 → 0 for t → ∞; in fact l0,0 = l − nlf /nf ;<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

B(x) = ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

with<br />

2a 2 (P2 SL − P1 CL)<br />

h<br />

− pCL<br />

h<br />

pSL<br />

h<br />

2a 2 p<br />

hr<br />

r � P1 + � 1 + p�<br />

�<br />

r SL<br />

h<br />

r � P2 + � 1 + p�<br />

�<br />

r CL<br />

h<br />

0 0<br />

0 0<br />

− pa � (P1SL + P2CL) + 2b<br />

�<br />

a<br />

h(a + b)<br />

�<br />

b = a 1 − P 2 1 − P 2 2 , h = nab ,<br />

r<br />

h =<br />

h<br />

κ(1 + P1SL + P2CL)<br />

� P1<br />

P2<br />

p<br />

ra(1 + r − )(P1CL − P2SL)<br />

h(a + b)<br />

In the framework of Lyapunov control, this theorem holds<br />

�<br />

� Q1<br />

Q2<br />

p<br />

r = 1 + P1SL + P2CL<br />

, C ≡ cos , S ≡ sin<br />

�<br />

(4.6)<br />

0<br />

− P2(Q1CL − Q2SL)r<br />

h<br />

P1(Q1CL − Q2SL)r<br />

h<br />

r(1 + Q2 1 + Q2 2)SL<br />

2h<br />

r(1 + Q2 1 + Q2 2)CL<br />

2h<br />

− r(Q1CL<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

− Q2SL) ⎦<br />

h<br />



Figure 4.1: Classical orbital parameters


Theorem. Given a positive definite function, V = V (x) in Ω, which can be called a Lya-<br />

punov function, if the time derivate of V is negative definite in a subset ¯ Ω of Ω, then the<br />

system is asymptotical stable in ¯ Ω.<br />

Thus choosing V as<br />

V = 1<br />

2 δx′ Q δx , δx = x − xf (4.8)<br />

since the time derivate can be written as<br />

D<br />

Dt V = δx′ Q δ ˙x = δx ′ Q Bu (4.9)<br />

because ˙xf = 0, taking u as<br />

u = − 1<br />

2 K B′ Q ′ δx (4.10)<br />

with K ≻ 0, the time derivate of V is negative definite.<br />

This approach has different advantages, both it involves simple calculations which could<br />

be done in real time and it assures the asymptotical stability of the control. Of course, it has<br />

to be extended for the case in which also perturbations are taken into account and, moreover,<br />

it has to be united to a short period dynamic control for collisions avoidance.<br />

It has to be noticed that the dynamic separation is reasonable since the space environment<br />

is supposed to be sparse, this means that defining a typical free path length, λ, as the path<br />

length an agent has to travel before it encounters another agent, and defining the typical<br />

averaged length which the agent travels in a time step, δℓ, the relation λ ≫ δℓ holds.<br />

4.3 Long period dynamic<br />

4.3.1 Robust non linear Lyapunov control<br />

In this section the work of [Naa02] will be extented, taking into account the perturbations.<br />

The equations of motion are<br />

The problem can be reformulated in the H∞ approach as:<br />

˙x = B(x) [u + w] (4.11)<br />

Find both a definite positive Lyapunov function V whose time derivate<br />

D<br />

V = ∇V ˙x = ∇V B (u + w) (4.12)<br />

Dt<br />

is negative definite, and the minimal u which makes the cost function<br />

L(x, u, w) =<br />

� ∞<br />

stationary with the maximum value of perturbations w.<br />

This statement leads to solve<br />

t0<br />

δx ′ ˜ Q δx + u ′ R u − γ 2 w ′ w dt (4.13)<br />

0 = min<br />

u max<br />

w [L(x, u, w) + ∇ V B (u + w)] (4.14)<br />

which is called the Hamilton – Jacobi – Isaacs, HJI, equation [GG96].


4.3.2 HJI equation<br />

The equation 4.14 can be resolved with iterative techniques and, in fact, the resulting algo-<br />

rithm is not so different from a SDRE approach.<br />

The result is that [AKL06]<br />

⎧<br />

u = − 1<br />

2 R−1 B ′ (∇V ) ′<br />

⎪⎨<br />

⎪⎩<br />

w =<br />

where<br />

1<br />

2γ 2 B′ (∇V ) ′<br />

0 = (∇ V ) B ′<br />

It is simple to rewrite the last equation as<br />

� �<br />

I3<br />

− R−1 B (∇ V )<br />

γ2 ′ + δx ′ Q˜ δx<br />

(4.15)<br />

0 = 2∇ V B ′ (u + w) + δx ′ ˜ Q δx (4.16)<br />

and seek an iterative solution for ∇ V , starting from u 0 and w 0 [BM00]. For this solution<br />

also a Galerkin approximation could be used, but, since this way leads to sixth order integrals<br />

for the dimension of the state space, it is not selected.<br />

The algorithm 4.15 has two main disadvantages, the first is to find a good starting point<br />

for the convergence, the second is that it includes a pseudo-inverse calculation. The way in<br />

which these problems can be fixed is by adapting the control to the case A = 0 in a new way.<br />

The first step is seeking a solution for the Lyapunov control in the form<br />

V = 1<br />

2 δx′ Q δx (4.17)<br />

which is reasonable, then substituting it in the solution of HJI equation<br />

0 = δx ′ Q B ′<br />

� �<br />

I3<br />

− R−1 B Q δx + δx<br />

γ2 ′ Q˜ δx (4.18)<br />

thus leading to a particular symmetric equation,<br />

0 = δx ′<br />

�<br />

Q B ′<br />

� �<br />

I3<br />

− R−1 B Q +<br />

γ2 ˜ �<br />

Q δx = δx<br />

� �� �<br />

W<br />

′ W δx (4.19)<br />

which is nothing but a particular Riccati equation, which can be called for simplicity anna<br />

equation for the palindrome. Resolving anna implies determining Q, so that<br />

Q B ′<br />

�<br />

�<br />

B Q = ˜ Q (4.20)<br />

− I3<br />

+ R−1<br />

γ2 which could be found using a Newton algorithm approach, since the equation is non linear, but<br />

it would lead to the same problems as before. Since it is basically the same using as control


weights the couple ( ˜ Q, R) or (Q, R), the problem can be reformulated, without numerical<br />

problems, assuring that both �<br />

and<br />

− I3<br />

+ R−1<br />

γ2 w ≥ wmax<br />

where wmax is the maximum expected value of the perturbations.<br />

�<br />

≻ 0 (4.21)<br />

The algorithm, which can be called anna algorithm, can be summarized as follows<br />

(4.22)<br />

� Choice a couple (Q, R) and γ which satisfy the definite positiveness of the matrix 4.21<br />

� Calculate both u and w using<br />

⎧<br />

� verify w ≥ wmax<br />

⎪⎨<br />

⎪⎩<br />

u = − 1<br />

2 R−1 B ′ Q δx<br />

w = 1<br />

2γ 2 B′ Q δx<br />

(4.23)<br />

As stated, this approach is the optimal solution of an H∞ problem in which the anna<br />

equation holds<br />

˜Q = Q B ′<br />

�<br />

− I3<br />

+ R−1<br />

γ2 �<br />

B Q<br />

It is important to note that since wmax is known, and u is bounded, in fact u < ū, it is<br />

possible that for some perturbation the control effort could not be sufficient to overcome the<br />

perturbation. However this is a design problem and not really a control problem.<br />

4.3.3 R as a function of the state<br />

In most of the cases, it is reasonable to have a thrust which is almost constant over time. This<br />

can be achieved using a control weight, R, which is modulated on the state, thus R = R(x).<br />

Moreover if R is symmetric and definite positive for each x the control can be proved to be<br />

stable, thus<br />

(∀x(R(x) ≻ 0) ∧ (R(x) = R(x) ′ )) ⇒<br />

� �<br />

D<br />

V ≺ 0<br />

Dt<br />

Proof. The proof is straightforward, since R is symmetric and definite positive, there exists<br />

a Cholesky decomposition thus<br />

R = HH ′<br />

with H = H(x), hence the time derivative of the Lyapunov function V is<br />

D<br />

V = −1<br />

Dt 2 δx′ Q B H H ′ B ′ Q ′ δx<br />

� �� �<br />

y<br />

= − 1<br />

2 y′ y ≺ 0<br />


4.4 Short period dynamic<br />

As stated, the collision avoidance can be handle using a suitable short dynamic control, thus<br />

each agent trajectory is modified in an optimal way to face possible conflicts. Designing such<br />

a control law is not trivial because it has to be, at least<br />

� real time;<br />

� robust enough to overcome perturbations and model/sensor errors.<br />

It could be thought that a suitable repulsion force, in a potential field way, could solve the<br />

problem easily. This is not the case, since potential functions have local minima which cannot<br />

assure a optimal control. Mainly there are two reasonable approaches, the first is to use an<br />

optimal feedback control, in the fashion of LQR or H∞, coupled with a velocity Potential<br />

field, as in [IP07] or [MY07]. This leads to good results and lightweight control. The key idea<br />

is to define a velocity field that make the spacecraft move far from the obstacles and close to<br />

the targets. Then a feedback control is added to obtain the required velocity.<br />

Another reasonable approach is the one of [IH02], [Arm04], even if it has to be extended<br />

to let it be fully distributed and moreover it has to be integrated into the long dynamic<br />

control law. The concept of [Arm04] approach, which it will be called AA now on, could be<br />

summarize as follows:<br />

Given the initial and the final positions of all the agents, find the optimal control law which<br />

enables them to reach their goals without any collisions.<br />

The AA involves linear simplifications, the global knowledge of where each agent is, and<br />

moreover it assumes to have a reliable perturbation model. Since these three main points are<br />

not acceptable for the problem which has to be faced, some extensions have to be thought<br />

and developed. First of all, the linear behavior assumption can be adopted if the reference<br />

orbit is the actual one, thus it is dynamically changing by the long dynamic control; second,<br />

the algorithm has to be thought as distributed, thus a policy, of a suitable decisional function<br />

has to be found and added. In the end, the control law has to be robust enough to face<br />

uncertainty in the perturbation model.<br />

4.5 Final Algorithm<br />

In this section only the long dynamic algorithm is exploited. Each agent, every time step,<br />

knowing its own target use the Algorithm 2.


Algorithm 2 Long dynamic control<br />

1: x ← (Actual State)<br />

2: xf ← (Target)<br />

3: δx = x − xf<br />

4: B = f(x), eq. 4.7<br />

5: R = R(x), section 4.3.3<br />

6: u, eq. 4.23


5<br />


Democracy means government by discussion,<br />

but it is only effective if you can stop people talking.<br />

Clement Attlee (1883 - 1967)<br />

This chapter deals with the communication network assurance part of the control, thus,<br />

first of all, the problem is formulated in the context of graph theory and sensor networks.<br />

Then, a standard potential field/ distributed algorithm is presented and extended using a<br />

dynamic – token based approach. Various policies which determine the way in which tokens<br />

are sent and kept are examined on the basis of local connectivity.<br />

5.1 Introduction<br />

Communications are critical in space environment since, once they are lost, the entire mis-<br />

sion could be lost, or at least out of control. Although SMAS are designed to be highly<br />

autonomous, trying to have a almost constant connection with the agents is at least reason-<br />

able and perhaps required, thus the communication network has to be deployed.<br />

Communications can be divided in two main group:<br />

� peer to peer, or P2P, in which the information is sent to one and only one agent per<br />

time;<br />

� broadband, in which the information is just spread everywhere, therefore every agent in<br />

the communication range can have access to it.<br />

Of course the former is less time consuming, given a certain amount of byte to be sent,<br />

or it could send more information, given the time interval. On the contrary, the latter is<br />

simpler since it does not involve complex mechanism to individuate where the other agents<br />



are, although this is not a really hard problem. In fact agents know where the others are and<br />

with an electronic phasing antenna, also the mechanical difficulties could be overcome.<br />

Defining:<br />

� graph: a set of vertices V connected together by edges E; therefore the a graph G can<br />

be represented by a V and a connectivity matrix KE, which states which vertice is<br />

connected to which. Hence<br />

G ≡ (V, KE); (5.1)<br />

� k-connectivity: the graph G is k – connected if and only if for each vertice Vi there<br />

exists at least k connections.<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

5<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Figure 5.1: A 3-connected graph<br />

The control problem for the communication part can be written as:<br />

Given, in every time instant, the position of the explorers, built a k-connected graph with the<br />

communicators.<br />

Where k has to be chosen to assure a good fault tolerance property.<br />

5.2 Artificial Physics and Token based algorithm<br />

Dynamically deploying effective networks is difficult for a variety of reasons. First, the com-<br />

municators will not have a priori knowledge of where the explorers will go, nor of the environ-<br />

ment in which they must deploy. Second, to coordinate their deployment they must maintain<br />

communication with each other or coordinate without communication. Even if communica-<br />

tion between the agents is available, its use has to be minimized, both to make bandwidth<br />

5<br />

3<br />

5<br />



available for explorers to relay information back to a possible hub and to allow commands to<br />

be relayed to agents. Third, there is typically no clearly defined deployment stage, thus the<br />

ad hoc network needs to be maintained for the explorers while the communicators deploy to<br />

their positions. Finally, the agents may need to constantly rearrange to adjust to explorers<br />

movement or failed communicators, since typically they cannot provide coverage to the whole<br />

environment.<br />

A variety of approaches have been developed for this problem. In ad hoc networks and<br />

sensor networks, distributed algorithms, which can assure k - connected graphs [BR05], allow<br />

robust robot positioning [SL02] and provide good coverage [MS01], have been applied in rela-<br />

tively open environments. However those efforts largely ignore situations in which signals are<br />

impeded by obstacles, like walls or asteroids, or in which only a small dynamically changing<br />

part of environment needs coverage.<br />

Artificial Physics and Potential field are lightweight and robust way of positioning agents<br />

in a clustered and complex environment [HS02], often not requiring any communication to<br />

coordinate. However, potential fields are best suited for spreading agents out across an<br />

environment, not focusing them on dynamically changing areas. Hence, for this application,<br />

key extensions to Artificial Physics and potential fields were required to take advantage of<br />

their strengths while meeting problem constraints.<br />

The central idea of this work is to dynamically change the applicable potential fields based<br />

in the current overall needs of the team. If the potential fields can be appropriately varied,<br />

the agents will robustly move to locations where a connected network can be formed.<br />

The key to the dynamic potential field approach is to ensure that each communicators is<br />

influenced by appropriate fields at appropiate times. Specifically, the team must configure<br />

itself so that some communicators move near to the explorers, while others position themselves<br />

to relay massages to and from the hub. To achieve this, each agent sends out requests for<br />

other agents to connect it back to the hub or in the hub’s case, sends out requests to be<br />

connected to the network. These requests are in the form of tokens. When an agent receives<br />

a token it either keeps the token, adds a potential field corresponding to the request for<br />

support represented by the token, or passes the token on to another agent (which faces the<br />

same choice). By controlling the number of tokens each agent sends out, the number of links<br />

the team tries to form with the requester can effectively be controlled. The policy by which<br />

an agent decides to keep a token, and add the corresponding field, or pass the token on,<br />

dictates the effectiveness and the nature of the network.<br />

5.3 Problem Statement<br />

Let S = {S1, . . . , Sn, H} be a set of moving agents, Si, the explorers, and a hub H, and let<br />

C = {C 1 , . . . , C m } be a set of communication agents, the communicators. The basic aim is<br />

to position C to create a network which connects each Si to H.<br />

Si is assumed to be independent of C i but both can move at the same speed. Si and C i<br />

have a maximum range of communication, dc. It is assumed that every agent can sense where


the others are if they are within their communication range and agents can distinguish be-<br />

tween explorers and communicators. This may be done by overhearing messages broadcasted<br />

by other agents. Let S ⊆ S and C ⊆ C be the subsets of explorers and communicators a<br />

agent can sense respectively.<br />

Let<br />

Let x be the position of a generic agent at a given time, while the hub, H is stationary.<br />

Pi(Sk) = {Sk, C i , . . . , C q , H}<br />

be a possible communication path from Sk ∈ S to H, thus the distance between two consec-<br />

utive elements, pi, of Pi(Sk) is at most dc,<br />

|x(pi) − x(pi−1)| ≤ dc<br />

Two paths from the same explorer are different if they involve different communicators:<br />

Pi(Sk) �= Pj(Sk) ⇔ ∄ C i |(C i ∈ Pi(Sk)) ∧ (C i ∈ Pj(Sk))<br />

Among all the Pi(Sk) which have at least a C i in common, a minimal path can be defined<br />

as the one which involves the minimum number of communicators:<br />

minPi(Sk) = Pi(Sk) if |Pi(Sk)|is minimum<br />

All the different paths from the same explorer can be grouped in the local subset of different<br />

paths, P (Sk): P (Sk) = {. . . , Pi(Sk), . . . } where<br />

∀Pi(Sk), Pj(Sk) | (i �= j) ∧ (Pi(Sk), Pj(Sk) ∈ P (Sk)) ⇒<br />

⇒ Pi(Sk) �= Pj(Sk)<br />

Let the local connectivity c be c = |C| and let the connectivity explorer - Hub at a given<br />

time t, be<br />

Ki(t) = |P (Si)|<br />

Thus, Ki(t) = 0 means there are no communication paths from Si to H, thus Si is not<br />

connected. The primary goal of C is to avoid this happening. In Figure 5.2 the connectivity<br />

is 1 for S1 and 2 for S2. Let the global connectivity at a given time be<br />

K(t) is 1 in Figure 5.2.<br />

K(t) = min<br />

i Ki(t)<br />

A communicator is useful if it is on a minimal path. Let the used communicators subset<br />

be the subset:<br />

�<br />

�<br />

�<br />

U = minPi /S<br />

i<br />

i.e., the useful communicators. Define efficiency, E, as the ratio of useful communicators to<br />

total communicators:<br />

E = |U|/|C|


H<br />

C 2<br />

C 3<br />

C 4<br />

Figure 5.2: An example of possible network which connects two explorers, S1 and S2 and<br />

communicators C 1 , . . . , C 4 to the hub H. The dashed line are communication links, the black<br />

line is a wall.<br />

In Figure 5.2, E = 3/4 , since C 1 is not on a minimal path.<br />

C 1<br />

Let < K > and < E > be the average global connectivity over time and the average<br />

efficiency over time respectively.<br />

Finally let v be the environment change rate, characterized as the maximum rate a com-<br />

municator has to move to prevent the network breakdown. This gives a rough measure of<br />

the environment difficult for C.<br />

The problem is to:<br />

5.4 Positioning Algorithm<br />

�<br />

�<br />

max min K(t)<br />

0≤t≤tmax<br />

The basic concept of AP and potential field is to overlap fields representing different influences<br />

on the agent. The agent then simply follows the gradient down the resulting field. The basic<br />

potential function, Jj, utilizes the Lennard - Jones formulation [SY99a], resulting in:<br />

Jj( � S, � C) = α �<br />

Si∈ � S<br />

� �6 � �12 dcfs dcfs<br />

−2 +<br />

+ β<br />

rCj Si rCj Si<br />

�<br />

Cq∈ � � �6 � �12 dcfc dcfc<br />

−2 +<br />

rCj Cq rCj Cq C<br />

S 1<br />

S 2<br />

(5.2)<br />

where � S ⊆ S and � C ⊆ C are the subsets of explorers and communicators which influence a<br />

agent, r C j Si and r C j C q are the relative distances between Cj and the agents in those subsets.<br />

The communication distance dc and the fs and fc coefficients determine the function shape.<br />

The coefficients α and β state whether to move further from explorers or communicators. If<br />

| � S| = 1, | � C| = 0, Jj( � S, � C) would have a minimum at a distance dcfs from Si; below that<br />

distance Jj( � S, � C) would increase not to prevent agents from being too near one another,


while above that distance it would increase to keep agents in the communication range. Once<br />

the potential function has been evaluated, the agent moves toward the local minimum.<br />

In the next sections different versions of this approach will be presented. What varies<br />

among the versions are � S and � C, i.e., which agents effect the potential field. First the basic<br />

potential field algorithm, in which � S = S and � C = C, i.e., where the potential field is<br />

influenced by all agents in sensor range. Second, a version where tokens are passed around<br />

the team, with the agent represented by the token being an influence in � S and � C.<br />

5.4.1 Standard algorithm<br />

In the basic algorithm, referred to as standard, � S = S and � C = C, thus every sensed agent<br />

influences the potential field shape. This leads to the agents spreading out the environment,<br />

since Jj( � S, � C) makes the relative distances among agents almost the same. The main problem<br />

with the standard approach is that, when the environment is large, spreading out is not an<br />

acceptable solution, since coverage can not be assured.<br />

5.4.2 Dynamic Potential Fields<br />

The key is to have the communicators move to the parts of the environment where explorers<br />

are, not just anywhere. Since in the standard approach the balance between attractive<br />

and repulsive force, i.e., the potential field gradient, determines the spreading pattern, it is<br />

reasonable that if communicators could cooperate they could turn off useless repulsive forces,<br />

which avoid them to move in critical position, and they could move in better locations. This<br />

approach, which dynamically changes the potential field to follow, will be called dynamic.<br />

The algorithm works as follows: every agent sends a message to N randomly chosen<br />

C i ∈ C, in which they request help maintaining the network. The information is packed in<br />

a token, τ = {x, c, explorer/communicator}. This could be accepted by the other agents or<br />

resent.<br />

By a intelligent choice based on the information on the token, this dynamic token potential<br />

field approach can overcome the problems of the standard approach.<br />

A simple example can show the token algorithm features and better performance over the<br />

standard approach. Let the situation be the one in Figure 5.3 (left), and let the communica-<br />

tors be in equilibrium, i.e., at minima in the potential field. If the S1 moves right and S2 up,<br />

in the standard approach, C 1 tries to follow both sensors breaking the network; moreover C 2<br />

and C 3 repulse each other and they can not help C 1 . In the dynamic approach C 1 follows<br />

S 1 and informs C 2 , which moves to help it maintain the network.<br />

The choice of what tokens to send and, moreover, what to do with them, is made by<br />

defining a policy. Three different policies has been defined, namely C policy (connectivity),<br />

TC policy (threshold connectivity) and RC policy (resend connectivity). In following sections<br />

each policy will be described.<br />

Each communicator follows the algorithm shown in Algorithm 3. For every time step,<br />

they form a token τ = {x, |C|, communicator} (Algorithm 3 line 1), then they keep sending


H<br />

C 3<br />

C 2<br />

C 1<br />

Initial situation<br />

S 1<br />

S 2<br />

Standard<br />

H<br />

H<br />

C 2<br />

Token Algorithm<br />

Figure 5.3: Standard vs. Token algorithm behavior in an example. S1 and S2 are moving in<br />

opposite directions causing the network break in the former but not in the latter.<br />

and receiving tokens imax times and they group them in T . imax is fixed by the policy, if<br />

imax = 1 they simply delete the tokens they do not use. The determination of which tokens<br />

are important is made using a policy (Algorithm 3 line 12 - 16), which forms � S, � C and, if<br />

imax > 1, the token τ to be resent. Then they compute the potential function and move<br />

(Algorithm 3 line 18 - 19).<br />

C policy<br />

Agents with a low local connectivity are in the most critical positions of the network, thus<br />

they need more help. For that reason, C policy is based on local connectivity encouraging<br />

communicators to keep the tokens of low connected agents and move toward them. It works<br />

as follows: let NR be the number of received tokens, the communicator sorts the received NR<br />

tokens so that the first has the lowest c and the last the highest (Algorithm 4 - line 3), then<br />

it determines the subsets � S and � C using M ≤ NR agents, which the first M tokens refer to<br />

(Algorithm 4 - lines 5 - 11). Then it deletes the remaining tokens since for C policy imax = 1.<br />

TC policy<br />

The policy is the same of C policy, but includes a criterion for determine whether a com-<br />

municator is useful or not. Since each agent can not know if it is on a minimal path, this<br />

criterion is based on the number of received token, NR. If this is very high it means that<br />

the communicator is very useful, since a lot of agents request its help; if there was only a<br />

C 3<br />

C 3<br />

C 2<br />

C 1<br />

C 1<br />

S 2<br />

S 2<br />

S 1<br />

S 1


Algorithm 3 Token Algorithm<br />

1: τ = {x, |C|, communicator}<br />

2: imax ← Policy<br />

3: for i = 0 to imax do<br />

4: for k = 0 to N do<br />

5: Send(τ) → Random(C r ∈ C)<br />

6: end for<br />

7: T = {∅}<br />

8: repeat<br />

9: TA =GetToken ← (C r ∈ C ∨ S r ∈ S)<br />

10: T = T ∪ TA<br />

11: until (No more messages)<br />

12: if imax > 1 then<br />

13: ( � S, � C, τ) ← Policy(T )<br />

14: else<br />

15: ( � S, � C) ← Policy(T )<br />

16: end if<br />

17: end for<br />

18: J = J ( � S, � C)<br />

19: x ← x + (∇xJ ) dx<br />

Algorithm 4 C policy<br />

1: imax = 1<br />

2: NR ← |T |<br />

3: Sort(T ): c(T1) ≤ c(TNR )<br />

4: � S = {∅}, � C = {∅}<br />

5: for j = 1 to M ≤ NR do<br />

6: if communicator(Tj) = 0 then<br />

7: S � = { S, � S(Tj)}<br />

8: else<br />

9: C � = { C, � C(Tj)}<br />

10: end if<br />

11: end for


agent connected to it, it would receive at least N tokens. On the other hand, if few tokens<br />

are received, the communicator is in an useless position.<br />

Therefore, when a comm receives less tokens than a specified threshold, it computes a<br />

different potential function where the repulsive part is neglected. This is done to allow that<br />

communicator to move closer to other communicators to reach, eventually, critical location<br />

in the network.<br />

The threshold can be different for explorers and communicators, in the sense that the<br />

repulsive part of the � S subset is neglected if the number of received tokens NR is less than<br />

TS, whereas the one of the � C subset is neglected if the number of tokens is less than TC.<br />

Thus the potential function is<br />

�Jj( � S, � C, NR) = α �<br />

Si∈ � S<br />

Algorithm 5 TC policy<br />

1: C - policy(from line 1 to line 11)<br />

2: Change J to � J ( � S, � C, NR)<br />

RC policy<br />

� �6 � �12 dcfs<br />

dcfs<br />

−2 + (tokens ≥ TS)<br />

+<br />

rCj Si<br />

rCj Si<br />

β �<br />

� �6 � �12 dcfc<br />

dcfc<br />

−2 + (tokens ≥ TC)<br />

rCj Cq rCj Cq C q ∈ � C<br />

The policy is the same of C policy, but imax > 1, thus, after communicator determined � S<br />

(5.3)<br />

and � C it resends some of the tokens it did not use. It keeps on sending and receiving tokens,<br />

until i = imax, when this condition is satisfied, it computes the potential field using the last<br />

determined � S and � C. This allows to better determine � S and � C, since it spreads the infor-<br />

mation of where the low local connectivity areas are. In fact, in low local connectivity areas<br />

communicators could be not sufficient to satisfy all the helping requests, while in high local<br />

connectivity ones, communicators are less useful. By passing the not used tokens through<br />

the network this can be avoided making less useful communicators move where it is needed.<br />

The choice of which tokens have to be resent is made by the connectivity value. In<br />

particular, each communicator forms a new token, which carries not only its information, but<br />

also Q tokens, from M + 1 to M + Q (Algorithm 6 line 13 - 15).<br />

5.5 Potential Field and Motion Control<br />

In the previous sections the shaping of suitable potential fields have dictated where each<br />

spacecraft has to move, which is towards the minimum of their local potential field. This<br />

means, that giving a fixed spatial step at every time instant, each agent knows the location<br />

in space which has to be reach. The key issue is, then, how to actually reach that location,<br />

since the environment will be perturbed and the model/sensors will be affected by errors.


Algorithm 6 RC policy<br />

1: imax = number > 1<br />

2: NR ← |T |<br />

3: Sort(T ): c(T1) ≤ c(TNR )<br />

4: � S = {∅}, � C = {∅}<br />

5: for j = 1 to M ≤ NR do<br />

6: if communicator(Tj) = 0 then<br />

7: S � = { S, � S(Tj)}<br />

8: else<br />

9: C � = { C, � C(Tj)}<br />

10: end if<br />

11: end for<br />

12: τ = {x, |C|, communicator}<br />

13: for j = M + 1 to Q ≤ NR − M do<br />

14: τ = {τ, x(Tj), c(Tj), communicator/explorer(Tj)}<br />

15: end for<br />

Although this control will not develop here, it seems reasonable that a suitable feedback<br />

robust control can be an answer, since the fixed spatial step is usually small compared to the<br />

global dynamics. That feedback control will be not different from a relative motion control<br />

in the fashion of [MY07], among the others.


6<br />


The true felicity of life is to be free from anxiety and perturbations<br />

to understand and do our duties to God and man, and to enjoy the present without any<br />

serious dependence on the future<br />

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC - 65)<br />

Here the perturbation models are analyzed and derived, both for Earth environment, drag,<br />

J2, J22, and for Asteroid main belt.<br />

6.1 Formation Flying<br />

The Prisma mission involves sun-synchronous orbits, it involves small satellites and a 700 km<br />

altitude perigee. For these reasons the significative perturbations are<br />

� atmospheric drag effect;<br />

� gravitational effects, namely J2 and J22.<br />

6.1.1 Atmospheric drag effect<br />

The acceleration due to atmospheric drag, aD, can be compute as [PS06]<br />

aD = − 1 S<br />

ρ<br />

2 m CDv 2 ˆv (6.1)<br />

where ρ is the density, S is the surface, CD is the drag coefficient, m the mass, v the velocity<br />

modulus and ˆv is the velocity unit vector.<br />



6.1.2 Gravitational effects, J2 and J22<br />

The external geo-potential function at any point P specified by the spherical coordinates<br />

(r, δ, λ) can be expressed as[Cho02], [PS06]<br />

U = − κ<br />

�<br />

1 −<br />

r<br />

∞�<br />

n=2<br />

Jn<br />

� �n RE<br />

r<br />

Pn(sin δ) +<br />

∞�<br />

n�<br />

n=2 m=1<br />

Jnm<br />

� � �<br />

n<br />

RE<br />

Pnm(sin δ) cos m(λ − λT )<br />

r<br />

where κ is the planetary constant, RE is the Earth radius, and Pi, Pij suitable spherical<br />

functions.<br />

For the J2 term, considering the spherical triangle ABC,<br />

C<br />

A<br />

λ<br />

θ<br />

i<br />

Figure 6.1: Spherical Triangle.<br />

sin δ = sin i sin θ<br />

Thus substituting in the geo-potential function and calculating the partial derivatives in the<br />

orbital frame<br />

fr = ∂U<br />

∂r<br />

fθ = 1 ∂U<br />

r ∂θ<br />

R<br />

= −3κJ2<br />

2 E<br />

r4 B<br />

δ<br />

� 2 2 �<br />

1 − 3 sin i sin θ<br />

R<br />

= −3κJ2<br />

2 E<br />

r4 sin2 i sin θ cos θ<br />

fh = 1 ∂U<br />

r sin θ ∂i<br />

= −3κJ2<br />

r4 sin i cos i sin θ<br />

As regards J22, the term which needs to be written is<br />

R 2 E<br />

P22(sin δ) cos 2(λ − λT ) = 3(1 − sin 2 δ) cos 2(λ − λT )<br />

2<br />

(6.2)<br />


6.1. FORMATION FLYING 53<br />

Considering the spherical triangles ABC:<br />

Thus<br />

The second part can be written as<br />

but<br />

sin δ = sin i sin θ<br />

sin λ =<br />

cos i sin θ<br />

cos δ<br />

P22(sin δ) cos 2(λ − λT ) = 3(1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ) cos 2(λ − λT )<br />

cos 2(λ − λT ) = 1 − 2 sin 2 (λ − λT ) = 1 − 2(sin λ cos λT − cos λ sin λT ) 2 =<br />

= 1 − 2(sin 2 λ cos 2 λT + cos 2 λ sin 2 λT − 2 sin λ cos λ sin λT cos λT )<br />

sin 2 λ = cos2 i sin 2 θ<br />

1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ<br />

and, by the spherical triangles ABC<br />

Hence<br />

cos 2(λ − λT ) =<br />

or also<br />

thus<br />

cos 2(λ − λT ) =<br />

sin λ cos λ =<br />

cos i sin θ<br />

cos δ<br />

cos θ<br />

cos δ<br />

= cos i sin θ cos θ<br />

1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ<br />

= 1 − 2(sin 2 λ cos 2 λT + cos 2 λ sin 2 λT − 2 sin λ cos λ sin λT cos λT ) =<br />

= 1 −<br />

= 1 − 2(sin 2 λ cos 2 2λT + sin 2 λT − sin λ cos λ sin 2λT ) =<br />

= 1 − 2<br />

2<br />

1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ<br />

P22(sin δ) cos 2(λ − λT ) =<br />

� cos 2 i sin 2 θ<br />

1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ cos2 2λT + sin 2 λT −<br />

cos i sin θ cos θ<br />

1 − sin2 i sin2 sin 2λT<br />

θ<br />

� cos 2 i sin 2 θ cos 2 2λT + sin 2 λT (1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ)<br />

�<br />

− cos i sin θ cos θ sin 2λT )<br />

= 3(1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ − 2 � cos 2 i sin 2 θ cos 2 2λT + sin 2 λT (1 − sin 2 i sin 2 θ)<br />

Rearranging the similar terms<br />

P22(sin δ) cos 2(λ − λT ) =<br />

− cos i sin θ cos θ sin 2λT ))<br />

= 3(1−2 sin 2 λT −sin 2 i sin 2 θ(1−2 cos 2 2λT −2 sin 2 λT )−2 sin 2 θ cos 2 2λT +2 cos i sin θ cos θ sin 2λT ) =<br />

= 3(c1 + c2 sin 2 i sin 2 θ + c3 sin 2 θ + c4 cos i sin θ cos θ)


Thus, in the orbital frame<br />

fr = ∂U<br />

∂r<br />

fθ = 1 ∂U<br />

r ∂θ<br />

fh = 1 ∂U<br />

r sin θ ∂i<br />

6.2 Asteroid belt<br />

R<br />

= 3κJ22<br />

2 E<br />

r4 3(c1 + c2 sin 2 i sin 2 θ + c3 sin 2 θ + c4 cos i sin θ cos θ)<br />

R<br />

= −κJ22<br />

2 E<br />

r4 3(2c2 sin 2 i sin θ cos θ + 2c3 sin θ cos θ + c4 cos i cos 2θ)<br />

R<br />

= −κJ22<br />

2 E<br />

r4 3(2c2 sin i cos i sin θ − c4 sin i cos θ)<br />

(6.4)<br />

The perturbation model for the asteroid belt can be derived considering the perturbative<br />

gravitational forces of the most massive objects. As shown in chapter 2 this model will<br />

include the most massive 10 asteroids. Thus the perturbative field in each point x induced<br />

by each asteroid i can be written as<br />

w(x) = − �<br />

i<br />

mi<br />

||x − xi|| 3 (x − xi) (6.5)<br />

The w has to be written in the orbital frame with a suitable rotation matrix.<br />

In Figure 6.2, the orbit of the selected asteroids.<br />

1<br />

0<br />

−1<br />

−6<br />

−4<br />

−2<br />

0<br />

2<br />

4<br />

Figure 6.2: First ten asteroid orbits, dimensions in AU.<br />

6<br />

The final distances between spacecrafts and asteroids will be in the order of 0.01 AU,<br />

because below that distance it is more convenient a feedback linearized approach for the<br />

control; therefore the maximum expected perturbation is in the order of 10 −8 m/s 2 , which<br />

can be handle easily with solar sail propulsion ∼ 10 −6 m/s 2 , as in [1].<br />

Since the uncertainties on the masses are quite important, in closer rendezvous, a method<br />

to handle this problem has to be used and applied in order to make a correct valuation of the<br />

−4<br />

−2<br />

0<br />

2<br />


6.2. ASTEROID BELT 55<br />

maximum perturbative force, thus the correct design of the control law. The Taylor series<br />

method of [Ber99], [Fer08] could be chosen.



7<br />


Telling the future by looking at the past assumes that conditions remain constant.<br />

This is like driving a car by looking in the rearview mirror.<br />

Herb Brody (1957 - )<br />

The main results are here shown. First, the goal manager behavior in the example pre-<br />

sented in chapter 3; second the non linear Lyapunov control in several tests in the framework<br />

of Prisma mission. Third the communication network deployment in two significative sce-<br />

nario; finally an asteroid belt example, in which the features of the whole control algorithm<br />

are shown.<br />

7.1 Introduction<br />

In this chapter the main results are presented, in particular<br />

� a goal manager simulation for the example shown in chapter 3; here the fully scalable<br />

behavior of task assignment is shown and the sharing information mechanism tested;<br />

� several tests for the non linear Lyapunov controller in the framework of Prisma mis-<br />

sion; here the algorithm robustness is proved using, among the others, a Montecarlo<br />

simulation;<br />

� two wall scenario, 2D and 3D, for the communication network deployment; here the<br />

behavior of token based algorithm is shown and proved to out-perform the standard<br />

one;<br />

� an asteroid belt scenario, in which the controls are coupled and shown.<br />



7.1.1 Scalability proof<br />

First of all the global agent algorithm has to be proved to be scalable, thus it has to be<br />

proved that the computational time for each agent does not increase increasing the agent<br />

number. This is quite straightforward, since the single pieces of the algorithm are completely<br />

distributed, hence the agent number do not affect the computation time. It has to be note<br />

that the communication and information sharing mechanism, in particular the number of<br />

messages each agent receives depends on the environment density and not directly on the<br />

number of agents. Since the scenario environments are supposed to be sparse, there is no<br />

scalability issue and thus the global algorithm is scalable.<br />

7.2 Goal Manager example<br />

As an example of the properties of the Goal Manager, the example of section 3.4.1, will be<br />

exploited. Let the environment be closed in a box, [−1, 1] × [−1, 1] × [−1, 1], as in Figure<br />

7.1, and let the red dots be three different asteroids, with a fixed initial T ∈ R 3×3 matrix,<br />

where each tij = 1/3. Let N be the agent number randomly located in the box and let C be<br />

a R N×3 random capacities matrix. C is normalized thus the global team capacities are equal<br />

to 1. Let dc = 1 be the communication/sensing range among the agents. Moreover let the<br />

agents move towards the chosen asteroid using straight lines.<br />

As a performance index can be chosen the final T matrix on the initial one, which repre-<br />

sents how much the goals have been satisfied. In Figure 7.1, the dynamical behavior of a set<br />

of N = 50 agents is depicted; the agents are the black dots, while the gray dashed lines are<br />

the communication links.<br />

In Figure 7.2, the first column of the final T on the initial one, is shown for 100 simulation<br />

runs. This represents how well the Goal Manager can assign a target to the agents, the lower<br />

the values the better the Goal Manager is; in particular a positive tij/(tij)0 means that the<br />

goal still needs tij/(tij)0 capacity to be fulfilled, whereas a negative tij/(tij)0 results in a<br />

excess of capacity. The choice of the first column does not affect the results evaluation, since<br />

every column is almost the same starting with a random choice on C. In Figure 7.2, the line<br />

thickness represents the results standard deviation.<br />

The shown results assure a good Goal Manager performance for N, which can fulfill the<br />

tasks within a 10% errors. This can be acceptable, since in the real case, the agents may<br />

have more capacities than necessary. Moreover, it has to be noted that the agent number<br />

is not significant per se but it is has to be compared to the initial connectivity, i.e. the<br />

communication distance. Few agents with a long communication distance could perform<br />

better than lot of agents with a very limited communication range.


1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

−1<br />

(a) τ = 1<br />

−1<br />

−1<br />

(c) τ = 5<br />

−1<br />

−1<br />

(e) τ = 9<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

−1<br />

(b) τ = 3<br />

−1<br />

−1<br />

(d) τ = 7<br />

−1<br />

−1<br />

(f) τ = 11<br />

Figure 7.1: Dynamical behavior of a set of N = 50 agents: the agents are the black dots, the<br />

asteroids are the red dots, while the gray dashed lines are the communication links.<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

−0.5<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

1<br />



t ij /(t ij ) 0 value<br />

0.25<br />

0.2<br />

0.15<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

Goal Manager performances<br />

First Asteroid<br />

Second Asteroid<br />

Third Asteroid<br />

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100<br />

Agent number, N<br />

Figure 7.2: Goal Manager performances, the line thickness represents the results standard<br />

deviation.<br />

7.3 Formation flying scenarios<br />

The Prisma mission has been used to test the physical part of the distributed algorithm, in<br />

particular it has been supposed that the Target spacecraft has to rendezvous with the Main<br />

one in operative orbit, which is the real case, from the initial orbit in which it is left by the<br />

launcher. In fact, the spacecrafts have impulsive rocket motors, but here low thrusters have<br />

been considered. At the beginning the nominal Main orbital parameters are [GM07]<br />

where RE is the Earth radius.<br />

ā ē ī ¯ω ¯ Ω ¯ θ<br />

RE+ 700 km 0 98.2π/180 0 0 0<br />

Table 7.1: Main initial orbital parameters.<br />

7.3.1 Unperturbed and perturbed results<br />

Three cases have been tested, Table 7.2<br />

The simulations parameters are: R = 1E − 4, ∆tI = 60 s, ∆tC = 60 s, where I and<br />

C mean Integration time step and Control time step, Q = diag{1/a 2 e, 1, 1, 10, 10, 1}, with<br />

ae = (aT + aM)/2, being aT the Target satellite semiaxis and aM the Main one.<br />

The drag due to the atmosphere and gravitational perturbations due to J2 and J22 have


a e i ω Ω θ<br />

1 st test – RE+ 600 km ē ī ¯ω ¯ Ω π/2<br />

2 nd test – – RE+ 500 km ē ī ¯ω ¯ Ω π/2<br />

3 rd test – • RE+ 400 km ē ī ¯ω ¯ Ω π/2<br />

Table 7.2: Tests initial conditions.<br />

been considered and since the actual orbit of Main has to be a sun-synchronous, the precession<br />

of the ascending node has not been controlled.<br />

Since the perturbation magnitude is ∼ 1 mm/s 2 and the control should be at least ∼ 1<br />

cm/s 2 , for a 100 Kg spacecraft, the use of low thrust electrical motors is, in fact, unpractical<br />

and perhaps infeasible. Here, only the control performances in terms of relative distances<br />

and Lyapunov function have been taken into account, leaving the thruster detailed design for<br />

further developments.<br />

In Figure 7.3, the unperturbed relative distances – in-track/cross-track/radial – are shown<br />

for the different tests. The chosen time interval is t ∈ [18, 21]h. While in Figure 7.4, the<br />

perturbed relative distances – in-track/cross-track/radial – are shown for the different tests.<br />

The chosen time interval is t ∈ [18, 21]h.<br />

From the graphs appear that the control can lead the Target spacecraft to a close approach<br />

with the Main spacecraft. The relative distance is within less than 5 km and this is reasonable<br />

to start a close rendezvous approach via linear feedback control.<br />

In Figure 7.5 the variation of Normalized Lyapunov functions for the unperturbed and<br />

perturbed case in the third test. The two curve cannot be distinguished. The normalization<br />

is made on the initial value.<br />

7.3.2 Montecarlo analysis<br />

As a final test on the algorithm quality a Monte Carlo analysis has been performed using, as<br />

state space, the uncertainties on the initial position of the Target spacecraft as<br />

a e i ω Ω θ<br />

RE+ 700km ± 100 km ē + 0.1 ī ± 10 ◦ ¯ω ± 10 ◦ ¯ Ω ± 10 ◦ π/2 ± 10 ◦<br />

Table 7.3: Monte Carlo initial condition intervals.<br />

In Figure 7.6 the relative distance results in the time frame t ∈ [20, 21]h. There, to make<br />

the graphs readable, only discrete instant trajectories are shown; for each simulation, the<br />

continuous trajectory would start from the top and it would stop at the bottom, as the one<br />

shown in black. Thus each simulated trajectory passes through the 0 km in track point. The<br />

results show a good performance of the control algorithm, allowing a close approach of less<br />

than 5 km.


Cross track [km]<br />

Radial [km]<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.2<br />

Relative unperturbed distance for t ∈ [18, 21] h<br />

−0.3<br />

25 30 35 40 45<br />

In track [km]<br />

50 55 60 65<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

−0.3<br />

−0.35<br />

−0.4<br />

−0.45<br />

−0.5<br />

Relative unperturbed distance for t ∈ [18, 21] h<br />

−0.55<br />

25 30 35 40 45<br />

In track [km]<br />

50 55 60 65<br />

Figure 7.3: Results: Close approach of the spacecrafts for different initial altitude: – 600 km,<br />

– – 500 km, – • 400 km, unperturbed case.


Cross track [km]<br />

Radial [km]<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

−1.5<br />

Relative perturbed distance for t ∈ [18, 21] h<br />

−2<br />

−100 −50 0<br />

In track [km]<br />

50 100<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

Relative perturbed distance for t ∈ [18, 21] h<br />

−1.5<br />

−100 −50 0<br />

In track [km]<br />

50 100<br />

Figure 7.4: Results: Close approach of the spacecrafts for different initial altitude: – 600 km,<br />

– – 500 km, – • 400 km, perturbed case.


Normalized Lyapunov function J<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25<br />

Time [h]<br />

Figure 7.5: Normalized Lyapunov Function


Cross track [km]<br />

Radial [km]<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

Relative distance for t ∈ [20, 21] h<br />

−1.5<br />

−40 −20 0 20 40<br />

In track [km]<br />

60 80 100 120<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

Relative distance for t ∈ [20, 21] h<br />

−1.5<br />

−40 −20 0 20 40<br />

In track [km]<br />

60 80 100 120<br />

Figure 7.6: Relative positions reached after 20 h. The black line is a representative trajectory.


7.4 Communication network deployment<br />

Two main scenarios have been analyzed to test the performance of the algorithm, namely<br />

� a 2D wall scenario;<br />

� a 3D wall scenario.<br />

Other, more complex, scenarios can be found in [SS08].<br />

7.4.1 2D Environment<br />

This apparently simple wall scenario tests the basic functionality of the algorithms. If the<br />

communicators do not move north of the wall, connectivity will be lost. Thus, spreading out<br />

is an inadequate strategy.<br />

The initial and a final state are shown in Figure 7.4.1, notice the explorers, black dots,<br />

move from west to east. In Figures 7.8 and 7.9 the obtained average results for 200 simulation<br />

runs are presented. The parameters for the experiments were:<br />

� for the scenario: |S| = 6, dc = 10, v = 0.016;<br />

� for the potential function: fs = 1/2, fc = 1/2, α = 100 |C|/|S|, β = 1;<br />

� for the policies: N = 2, (M, Q) = ([NR/2], 0) for C and TC policies, N = 2, (M, Q) =<br />

(1, 1) for RC policy, TS = 4, TC = 3, imax = 3.<br />

In the graphs B means Baseline, C C policy and so on. Bars are the value of average<br />

global connectivity of average efficiency. Black bars on the top of the bars are the standard<br />

deviations. Lines in the bars are the final value of K.<br />

(a) Initial State (b) Final State<br />

Figure 7.7: Simple wall simulations: black dots are explorers, white dots the communicators,<br />

dashed lines communication links, the triangle the hub. The box ticks distance is 5.<br />

Both < K > and < E > are significantly higher using the token algorithm than in the<br />

baseline. Moreover, note that in the |C| = 8, case the baseline can not assure a final global<br />

connectivity greater than one, while the other algorithms can. TC policy performs best<br />

here, which was expected since it makes communicators move in the north side of the wall<br />

neglecting the repulsive force of communicators already there. This was less decisive for<br />

14 communicators because with an increasing number of communicators resending is more<br />

important since it allows a better understand of critical locations.


Average Global Connectivity<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

B C TC RC B C TC RC<br />

|C| = 8 |C| = 14<br />

Figure 7.8: < K > for different |C|: B means Baseline, C C - policy and so on. Black bars<br />

on the top of the bars are the average standard deviations, whereas black lines in the bars<br />

are the final value of K.<br />

Average Efficiency<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

B C TC RC B C TC RC<br />

|C| = 8 |C| = 14<br />

Figure 7.9: < E > for different |C|: B means Baseline, C C - policy and so on. Black bars<br />

on the top of the bars are the average standard deviations.


7.4.2 3D Environment<br />

This 3D wall scenario tests the basic functionality of the algorithms in an environment closer<br />

to the real one, since the wall could be seen as an asteroid. Moreover to test code robustness,<br />

agents were disabled at a rate, kR. The initial and a final state are shown in Figure 7.4.2,<br />

notice the explorers, black dots, move from west to east. In Figures 7.11 and 7.12 the obtained<br />

average results for 50 simulation runs are presented. The parameters for the experiments were:<br />

� for the scenario: |S| = 3, |C| = 12, dc = 10, v = 0.02;<br />

� for the potential function: fs = 1/2, fc = 1/2, α = 100 |C|/|S|, β = 1;<br />

� for the policies: N = 2, (M, Q) = ([NR/2], 0) for C policy, N = 2, (M, Q) = (1, 1) for<br />

RC policy, imax = 3.<br />

In the graphs B means Baseline, C C policy and so on. Bars are the value of average<br />

global connectivity of average efficiency. Black bars on the top of the bars are the standard<br />

deviations. Lines in the bars are the final value of K.<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

−5<br />

−10<br />

−10<br />

−5<br />

0<br />

5<br />

10 −10<br />

(a) Initial State<br />

−5<br />

0<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

−5<br />

−10<br />

−10<br />

−5<br />

0<br />

5<br />

10 −10<br />

(b) Final State<br />

Figure 7.10: 3D wall simulations: black dots are explorers, white dots the communicators,<br />

dashed lines communication links, the triangle the hub.<br />

Both < K > and < E > are significantly higher using the token algorithm than in the<br />

baseline. Moreover, note that the baseline can not assure a final global connectivity greater<br />

than one, while the other algorithms can. The code robustness is proven.<br />

−5<br />

0<br />

5<br />



Average Global Connectivity<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

B C RC B C RC B C RC<br />

Kill rate = 0.00 Kill rate = 0.16 Kill rate = 0.33<br />

Figure 7.11: < K > for different |C|: B means Baseline, C C - policy and so on. Black bars<br />

on the top of the bars are the average standard deviations, whereas black lines in the bars<br />

are the final value of K.<br />

Average Efficiency<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

B C RC B C RC B C RC<br />

Kill rate = 0.00 Kill rate = 0.16 Kill rate = 0.33<br />

Figure 7.12: < E > for different |C|: B means Baseline, C C - policy and so on. Black bars<br />

on the top of the bars are the average standard deviations.


7.5 Asteroid belt scenario<br />

An Asteroid belt scenario has been developed to test both the single controls’ performance<br />

and how the two spacecraft types behave together. The scenario consists in three different<br />

explorers which have to follow two asteroids, one communicator Hub and a set of communi-<br />

cators; the initial data for the explorers, hub and asteroids are summarized in Table 7.5.<br />

a [AU] e [ ◦ ] i [ ◦ ] ω [ ◦ ] Ω [ ◦ ] θ [ ◦ ] Target<br />

1 st explorer 2.75 0 2 0 0 0 1 st asteroid<br />

2 nd explorer 2.8 0 2 0 0 0 1 st asteroid<br />

3 rd explorer 2.775 0 2 0 0 0 2 nd asteroid<br />

Hub 2.8 0 2 0 0 0 target orbit<br />

1 st asteroid 2.85 0 2 0 0 -2<br />

2 nd asteroid 2.8 0 2 0 0 -2<br />

target orbit 2.9 0 2 0 0 -2<br />

It has been assumed that<br />

Table 7.4: Explorers/Hub/Asteroids initial conditions.<br />

� the targets were pre-imposed by the goal manager and they were minor asteroids, here<br />

arbitrarily located, as in [1];<br />

� the spacecrafts had a mass of 1 kg and solar sail propulsion system as in [1];<br />

� the time frame was 3 years as in [2].<br />

7.5.1 The physical part<br />

To obtain smoother control results R is considered as a function of the state as<br />

�<br />

||δx||<br />

R = αRI3<br />

||δx0||<br />

where δx0 is the initial value of δx. The other simulations parameters are: αR = 0.25,∆tI =<br />

1 day, ∆tC = 1 day, where I and C mean Integration time step and Control time step,<br />

Q = diag{1/a 2 e, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, with ae = (aT + aM)/2, being aT the Target orbit semiaxis and<br />

aM the spacecraft one.<br />

The results are depicted in Figures 7.13 - 7.14.<br />

In Figures 7.15 - 7.16 the control behavior for the analyzed spacecrafts. Note that the<br />

control effort is almost constant and, moreover, always positive for fr, which is a necessary<br />

condition for solar sail propulsion. The sail area with this control is ∼ 20 m 2 , which is in the<br />

order of the one proposed by NASA, [1].


z [AU]<br />

2<br />

Asteroid<br />

Hub<br />

Explorers<br />

1<br />

y [AU]<br />

0<br />

−1<br />

−2<br />

−2<br />

−1<br />

0<br />

x [AU]<br />

Figure 7.13: Trajectory of Asteroids/Hub/Explorers in a sun-centered inertial reference<br />

frame. Asteroids in blue, Hub in red, Explorers in black.<br />

y [AU]<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

−0.3<br />

−0.35<br />

Relative positions from Hub [AU]<br />

−0.1 0 0.1 0.2<br />

x [AU]<br />

0.3 0.4<br />

Figure 7.14: Trajectory of Asteroids/Hub/Explorers in a Hub-centered inertial reference<br />

frame. Asteroids in blue, Hub in red, Explorers in black.<br />

1<br />



Control [nN]<br />

Control [nN]<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

HUB Control<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5<br />

Time [y]<br />

2 2.5 3<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5<br />

Time [y]<br />

2 2.5 3<br />

Normalized Lyapunov Function J<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

s/c 2 Control<br />

f r<br />

f θ<br />

f h<br />

f r<br />

f θ<br />

f h<br />

Control [nN]<br />

Control [nN]<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

s/c 1 Control<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5<br />

Time [y]<br />

2 2.5 3<br />

s/c 3 Control<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5<br />

Time [y]<br />

2 2.5 3<br />

Figure 7.15: Control effort for Hub/Explorers.<br />

Normalized Lyapunov Function<br />

J HUB<br />

J s/c 1<br />

J s/c 2<br />

J s/c 3<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5<br />

Time [y]<br />

2 2.5 3<br />

Figure 7.16: Normalized Lyapunov Function for Hub/Explorers.<br />

f r<br />

f θ<br />

f h<br />

f r<br />

f θ<br />

f h


7.5.2 The communication part<br />

The communicators were initially spread randomly in a box, [−0.05, 0.05]×[−0.05, 0.05]×[0, 0]<br />

AU , around the Hub; in Figure 7.5.2, notice the initial and a final graph configuration. In<br />

Figures 7.18 - 7.19 the obtained average results for 50 simulation runs are presented. The<br />

parameters for the experiments were:<br />

� for the scenario: |S| = 4, |C| = 6 − 10, dc = 0.25 AU, v = 0.8;<br />

� for the potential function: fs = 1/2, fc = 1/2, α = 100 |C|/|S|, β = 1;<br />

� for the policies: N = 2, (M, Q) = ([NR/2], 0) for C policy, N = 2, (M, Q) = (1, 1) for<br />

RC policy, imax = 3.<br />

In the graphs B means Baseline, C C policy and so on. Bars are the value of average<br />

global connectivity of average efficiency. Black bars on the top of the bars are the standard<br />

deviations. Lines in the bars are the final value of K.<br />

y [AU]<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

−0.3<br />

−0.35<br />

−0.4<br />

−0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2<br />

x [AU]<br />

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6<br />

(a) Initial State<br />

y [AU]<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

−0.3<br />

−0.35<br />

−0.4<br />

−0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2<br />

x [AU]<br />

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6<br />

(b) Final State<br />

Figure 7.17: Asteroid belt scenario: black dots are explorers, white dots the communicators,<br />

dashed lines communication links, the triangle the hub.<br />

Both < K > and < E > are higher using the token algorithm than in the baseline.<br />

The differences among the algorithms are slight here because the environment is completely<br />

without obstacles, but, even so, only the RC policy can assure a final connectivity greater<br />

then one. The algorithms behavior to a change of |C| depends on the interaction between<br />

Hub/Explorers and Communicators, and it is not monotonic here, because the explorers<br />

relative velocity varies with time. In fact in more clustered environments the communicators<br />

receive less tokens from explorers relatively to those of other communicators, thus they are<br />

less reactive to rapid velocity increase. To avoid such a situation a proactive algorithm could<br />

be used as in [SS08].<br />

As a final remarks on the scenario, a communication distance of dc = 0.25 AU can assure<br />

a data amount in the order of 1 MB per day – e.g. a high resolution image – with a 20 W, 1


Average Global Connectivity<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

B C RC B C RC B C RC<br />

|C| = 6 |C| = 8 |C| = 10<br />

Figure 7.18: < K > for different |C|: B means Baseline, C C - policy and so on. Black bars<br />

on the top of the bars are the average standard deviations, whereas black lines in the bars<br />

are the final value of K.<br />

Average Efficiency<br />

1<br />

0.99<br />

0.98<br />

0.97<br />

0.96<br />

0.95<br />

0.94<br />

0.93<br />

0.92<br />

0.91<br />

0.9<br />

B C RC B C RC B C RC<br />

|C| = 6 |C| = 8 |C| = 10<br />

Figure 7.19: < E > for different |C|: B means Baseline, C C - policy and so on. Black bars<br />

on the top of the bars are the average standard deviations.


m diameter, Ka antenna. The data rate can be improved considering different Hub trajectory<br />

and thus less communication range.



8<br />


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems,<br />

but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.<br />

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)<br />

The conclusions and some remarks are included in this chapter. The future developments<br />

are also outlined.<br />

8.1 Thesis final remarks<br />

The thesis results show good algorithm performances in terms of reliability, robustness and<br />

wide application areas; in particular<br />

� the goal manager can handle fairly complex scenario with multiple tasks and capabili-<br />

ties;<br />

� the non linear Lyapunov control framework is rich enough to be both robust and a good<br />

starting point to tune and optimize the trajectory control;<br />

� in the communication network deployment, the proposed token based algorithm out-<br />

performs the standard one.<br />

8.2 Future developments<br />

8.2.1 Decisional Level<br />

Reactive Goal Manager has been investigating for years in the computer science field, mostly<br />

using potential fields or other techniques. As it appears clear, to better develop the one of<br />

this thesis, several things have to be studied as<br />



� the projection operator has to be fully defined in various applicative contexts;<br />

� the conflict detection and solver has to be developed; one way could be the use a<br />

distributed scheduling [BL08];<br />

� the information sharing mechanism has to be improved, perhaps using a token based<br />

approach, and low connected graphs have to be taken into account.<br />

8.2.2 Physical part<br />

The trajectory control, using a long dynamic approach, has been fully characterized, even if<br />

several parameters could be tuned to obtained some sort of optimal behavior. On the other<br />

hand, the short period dynamic control has to be developed, in particular<br />

� the approach has to be decided, focusing on reactive algorithm, like [MY07] and it has<br />

to be extended properly;<br />

� the long and short period have to be integrated.<br />

8.2.3 Communication part<br />

The communication network deployment has been studied and assured using a token based<br />

algorithm. Mainly the following points are open issues<br />

� find the optimal policy tuning the different parameters;<br />

� integrate the feedback control law for motion control;<br />

8.2.4 Missions<br />

Real mission scenarios have to be tested, as<br />

� large formation flight mission, such as TPF, in environment as a Lagrangian point;<br />

� asteroid scenario with goal manager integration.

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8 Final remarks<br />

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spacecraft in close proximity operations. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and<br />

Exhibit, 20 – 23 August 2007.


APPEN<strong>DI</strong>X<br />

A<br />


“Buongiorno Mastro Antonio” disse Geppetto “Che fai lì sul pavimento?<br />

“Insegno l’alfabeto alle formiche”<br />

Carlo Collodi (1826 - 1890)<br />

Questa tesi è un lavoro di ricerca sui sistemi multi agente in campo spaziale, in partico-<br />

lare per missioni di volo di formazione ed esplorative. Per prima cosa si analizza lo stato<br />

del’arte, in secondo luogo si propone un controllo distribuito robusto sia di alto livello sia di<br />

basso livello. Il secondo include un controllo sulla traiettoria e la formazione di una rete di<br />

comunicazioni.<br />

A.1 Introduzione<br />

I sistemi multi agente sono studiati da discreto tempo in campo informatico, dove i con-<br />

testi applicativi sono diversi, dai web services, ad applicazioni multi robot, come scenari<br />

di salvataggio o militari. Da qualche anno la loro versatilità e affidabilità ha focalizzato<br />

l’attenzione del settore spaziale, in particolare perché tali sistemi sono relativamente poco<br />

costosi e possono permettere alti tassi di perdite tra i satelliti che compongono la formazione<br />

senza compromettere l’adempimento della missione. Sia ESA che NASA stanno proponendo<br />

missioni, come grandi formazioni di satelliti per telescopi interferometrici o esplorazione della<br />

cintura di asteroidi, dove il paradigma multi agente è l’aspetto fondamentale. Per questo<br />

motivo i metodi classici di controllo centralizzato devono essere rivisti in ottica distribuita e<br />

multi agente, questa è anche l’idea fondamentale della tesi: studiare come gli algoritmi multi<br />

agente possano entrare nell’ambiente spaziale in modo verificabile e robusto.<br />



A.1.1 Principali Contributi<br />

I principali contributi innovativi alla tesi sono diversi: in primo luogo la formulazione del<br />

controllo di alto livello – Goal Manager – è una estensione di una tecnica formale conosciuta<br />

come Fisica Artificiale. In secondo luogo, il controllo della traiettoria sviluppa un controllo<br />

non lineare alla Lyapunov per inquadrarlo in un contesto robusto, H∞, risolvendo con una<br />

opportuna semplificazione una particolare equazione di Riccati. Infine, per la parte di assicu-<br />

razione di una rete di comunicazione, le prestazioni di un metodo a campi a potenziale sono<br />

migliorate introducendo pacchetti di informazione random, chiamati token.<br />

A.2 Formulazione del Problema<br />

Il problema viene viene formulato come un problema di controllo robusto e distribuito: dato<br />

uno scenario, scrivere un algoritmo di controllo che consenta ad ogni agente di decidere<br />

autonomamente o con un minimo utilizzo di comunicazione, cosa fare e come fare a farlo,<br />

cioè come muoversi e come comunicare.<br />

Gli scenari studiati sono due: un volo di formazione di due satelliti, missione ESA -<br />

Prisma, dove le parte fondamentale è assicurare una distanza relativa in un certo intervallo<br />

a fronte di diverse perturbazioni, quali atmosferica e gravitazionale; poi, l’esplorazione della<br />

cintura degli asteroidi, dove uno sciame di satelliti è spedito per raccogliere informazioni. In<br />

questo caso la non conoscenza dell’ambiente impone che il sistema di controllo sia robusto<br />

per far fronte ad incertezze di modello e perturbazioni esterne.<br />

Il controllo di ogni agente è diviso in due parti, la parte di alto livello, che deve decidere<br />

che cosa fare, e la parte di basso livello, che invece decide come farlo. Per il controllo di alto<br />

livello si usa una approccio simile ai campi a potenziale, chiamato Fisica Artificiale (Artificial<br />

Physics). Tale metodo è selezionato perché, in primo luogo, è inquadrabile in un contesto<br />

formale, cosa importante per la verifica dell’algoritmo; in secondo luogo, richiede un minimo<br />

uso di comunicazione, cosa fondamentale in campo spaziale. La parte di basso livello è divisa<br />

ulteriormente in una parte di controllo della traiettoria e una parte di controllo della creazione<br />

di una rete di comunicazioni.<br />

A.3 Controllo di Alto Livello<br />

L’idea alla base dell’approaccio a Fisica Artificiale consiste nella formazione di un campo a<br />

potenziale sulla basse delle informazioni che arrivano dal mondo esterno. La scelta su cui si<br />

basa il controllo di Alto Livello è poi ridotta al calcolo del gradiente di tale campo.<br />

Definendo un opportuno insieme di agenti A, una misura delle capacità che ogni agente<br />

ha, cij, un opportuno insieme di obiettivi G, le capacità che ogni obiettivo richiede per essere<br />

soddisfatto, tij e una metrica che misura quanto gli agenti siano vicini tra di loro o all’obiettivo<br />

dij, si riesce a introdurre un potenziale nella forma<br />

Φ w i = �<br />

n<br />

αnicnwciw Φa(din) + �<br />

m<br />

βnitnwciw Φg(dim) , w = 1, . . . , k (A.1)


Il quale estende la formulazione tradizionale di Fisica Artificiale a contesti con più ca-<br />

pacità/obiettivi. Da un calcolo del gradiente, con eventualmente una risoluzione di conflitti,<br />

ogni agente riesce, in modo completamente autonomo a decidere quale obiettivo perseguire.<br />

Siccome di suppone che gli agenti non abbiamo una conoscenza completa dell’ambiente,<br />

è importante notare che le informazioni che servono ad ogni sonda per costruire il proprio<br />

campo a potenziale locale sono di due tipi, da un lato quelle ricavate dai sensori, dall’altro<br />

quelle inviate dalle altre sonde. Questo implica l’esistenza di una rete di comunicazioni e un<br />

protocollo attraverso il quale l’informazione è condivisa. Per questioni di velocità di risposta,<br />

si sceglie un approccio broadcast per il protocollo. Inoltre, l’informazione è opportunamente<br />

modificata viaggiando da agente ad agente per tener conto delle scelte personali ed eventuali<br />

conflitti.<br />

A.4 Controllo Robusto della Traiettoria<br />

L’acquisizione della traiettoria che porta ogni singolo agente nel luogo desiderato è formulata<br />

dividendo la dinamica in lungo e corto periodo.<br />

La parte di lungo periodo tiene in considerazione la traiettoria globale ed è sviluppata<br />

con variabili equinoziali non singolari nel contesto di un controllo non lineare alla Lyapunov.<br />

Inoltre per tenere presente le perturbazioni tale approccio è esteso usando una tecnica H∞<br />

che rende robusto l’algoritmo. L’equazione di Hamilton – Jacobi – Isaacs risultante<br />

0 = min<br />

u max<br />

w [L(x, u, w) + ∇ V B (u + w)] (A.2)<br />

porta ad una particolare equazione di Riccati, che viene denominata equazione di anna, che<br />

può essere risolta con opportune semplificazioni e permette di derivare le condizioni necessarie<br />

e sufficienti per la stabilità. Il controllo viene scritto come<br />

u = − 1<br />

2 R−1 B ′ Q δx (A.3)<br />

Per la parte di corto periodo si propongono due possibili soluzioni, entrambe note in<br />

letteratura. La prima consiste in un accoppiamento controllo ottimo e campi a potenziale di<br />

velocità, la seconda in una ottimizzazione vincolata della dinamica discretizzata via matrici<br />

di convoluzione. Entrambe andrebbero adattate ed integrate al modello di lungo periodo.<br />

A.5 Architettura di Comunicazione<br />

L’architettura di comunicazione, o meglio come gli agenti designati a formare la rete di<br />

comunicazione tra gli esploratori e Terra si devono muovere, è formulata in un contesto di<br />

campi a potenziale. Questo si combina perfettamente con l’idea di Fisica Artificiale. Siccome<br />

i campi a potenziale non consentono, da un lato, di focalizzare gli agenti sul loro dovere<br />

ma, generalmente, li distribuiscono equamente nello spazio, e dall’altro, non minimizzano le<br />

comunicazioni in modo drastico, è sviluppato un approccio a potenziale dinamico basato su


singoli pacchetti random di informazione, i token. Questo consente di migliorare le prestazioni<br />

sia per quanto riguarda la connettività globale sia per la tolleranza a rotture di singoli agenti.<br />

L’idea chiave dell’approccio dinamico è usare i singoli token per spedire attraverso la<br />

rete di comunicazione richieste di aiuto; mediante l’imposizione di una opportuna politica<br />

ogni agente sceglie quale agente è più in difficoltà e decide quale pacchetto di informazione<br />

seguire e quale rimbalzare ad altri. Le politiche analizzate sono diverse, ma includono tutte<br />

il concetto di connettività locale.<br />

A.6 Modelli per le Perturbazioni<br />

Due i modelli di perturbazione sviluppati, uno per le missioni di volo di formazione vicino<br />

Terra, che include sia la resistenza atmosferica sia effetti gravitazionali come J2 e J22, ed uno<br />

per le missioni nella cintura degli asteroidi. Quest’ultimo scrive il campo perturbativo come<br />

somma dei campi gravitazionali dovuti ai primi dieci più massivi asteroidi.<br />

A.7 Risultati<br />

I risultati si dividono in quattro gruppi, quelli del controllo di alto livello, applicato ad<br />

un esempio abbastanza generale; quelli del controllo della traiettoria, applicato a diverse<br />

simulazioni nel contesto della missione Prisma; quelli per la rete di comunicazione, applicati<br />

a scenari a due e tre dimensioni; infine, quelli per il controllo globale, applicato ad uno<br />

scenario di missione verso gli asteroidi.<br />

A.7.1 Controllo di alto livello<br />

Il controllo di alto livello e il meccanismo di condivisione delle informazioni, porta a buoni<br />

risultati, in particolare riesce a assegnare gli obiettivi con errori inferiori al 10% in uno scenario<br />

con 3 asteroidi e 3 capacità/obiettivi, Figura A.1.<br />

A.7.2 Controllo della traiettoria<br />

Il controllo della traiettoria è applicato alla missione Prima e, in particolare, si vuole garan-<br />

tire che il satellite che insegue riesca ad avere una distanza relativa rispetto a quello che<br />

precede, entro la decina di kilometri. Questo permetterebbe di sviluppare in sede successiva<br />

un controllo più fine di rendezvous. Diverse simulazioni e test sono stati condotti, il più sig-<br />

nificativo è una analisi statistica alla Montecarlo su incertezze delle variabili di stato iniziali<br />

dell’inseguitore, a simulare un’incertezza sulla posizione in cui il lanciatore lascerà il satellite.<br />

ā ē ī ¯ω ¯ Ω ¯ θ<br />

RE+ 700 km 0 98.2π/180 0 0 0<br />

Table A.1: Parametri orbitali del satellite Main.


Valore t ij /(t ij ) 0<br />

0.25<br />

0.2<br />

0.15<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

Prestazioni del controllo di alto livello<br />

Primo Asteroide<br />

Secondo Asteroide<br />

Terzo Asteroide<br />

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100<br />

Numero di agenti, N<br />

Figure A.1: Risultati per il Goal Manager; la larghezza delle linee rappresenta la deviazione<br />

standard.<br />

dove RE è il raggio terrestre.<br />

a e i ω Ω θ<br />

RE+ 700km ± 100 km ē + 0.1 ī ± 10 ◦ ¯ω ± 10 ◦ ¯ Ω ± 10 ◦ π/2 ± 10 ◦<br />

Table A.2: Incertezza sui parametri del satellite Target per la simulazione Montecarlo.<br />

In Figura A.2 le distanze relative dopo 20h. I risultati mostrano un comportamento<br />

robusto dell’algoritmo di controllo consentendo un avvicinamento sotto i 5 km.


Cross track [km]<br />

Radial [km]<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

Distanza relativa per t ∈ [20, 21] h<br />

−1.5<br />

−40 −20 0 20 40<br />

In track [km]<br />

60 80 100 120<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

−0.5<br />

−1<br />

Distanza relativa per t ∈ [20, 21] h<br />

−1.5<br />

−40 −20 0 20 40<br />

In track [km]<br />

60 80 100 120<br />

Figure A.2: Posizioni relative raggiunte dopo 20 h. La linea nera è una delle traiettorie, le<br />

altre sono ad essa simili, e tutte passano per il punto 0 km in track.


A.7.3 Dispiegamento della rete di comunicazione<br />

Il dispiegamento della rete di comunicazione viene testato su due scenari significativi, uno<br />

bidimensionale, l’altro tridimensionale, mostrando come gli algoritmi token portino ad un<br />

notevole aumento delle prestazioni, sia in termini di connettività globale media (nel tempo)<br />

< K >, che di efficienza media < E > del grafo.<br />

Nelle Figure A.3 - A.4, sono presentati i risultati per lo scenario tridimensionale.<br />

Connettività globale media<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

B C RC B C RC B C RC<br />

Kill rate = 0.00 Kill rate = 0.16 Kill rate = 0.33<br />

Figure A.3: < K > per un differente numero di comunicatori, |C|: B sta per algoritmo Base,<br />

C per politica C, RC per politica RC. Le barre di errore nere sono la deviazione standard, le<br />

linee nere i valori finali di K.<br />

A.7.4 Cintura degli asteroidi<br />

Uno scenario all’interno della cintura degli asteroidi è sviluppato per mostrare come il con-<br />

trollo globale degli agenti funzioni assieme; in particolare si scelgono due asteroidi da rag-<br />

giungere, tre esploratori che devono raggiungerli, un agente hub che deve comunicare con<br />

Terra, e una serie di agenti di comunicazione tra esploratori e hub. I risultati, mostrati nelle<br />

Figure A.5 - A.7.4, portano ad un controllo robusto sulla traiettoria e ad un dispiegamento<br />

della rete di comunicazione tale da assicurare connettività almeno pari ad uno.


Efficienza media<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

B C RC B C RC B C RC<br />

Kill rate = 0.00 Kill rate = 0.16 Kill rate = 0.33<br />

Figure A.4: < E > per un differente numero di comunicatori, |C|: B sta per algoritmo Base,<br />

C per politica C, RC per politica RC. Le barre di errore nere sono la deviazione standard.<br />

y [AU]<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

−0.3<br />

−0.35<br />

Posizioni relative dall’Hub [AU]<br />

−0.1 0 0.1 0.2<br />

x [AU]<br />

0.3 0.4<br />

Figure A.5: Traiettorie per esploratori (nero), Hub (rosso) e asteroidi (blu) in un sistema di<br />

riferimento inerziale centrate nell’Hub.


y [AU]<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

−0.3<br />

−0.35<br />

−0.4<br />

−0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2<br />

x [AU]<br />

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6<br />

(a) Stato Iniziale<br />

y [AU]<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

−0.05<br />

−0.1<br />

−0.15<br />

−0.2<br />

−0.25<br />

−0.3<br />

−0.35<br />

−0.4<br />

−0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2<br />

x [AU]<br />

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6<br />

(b) Stato Finale<br />

Figure A.6: Scenario Asteroidi: i cerchi neri sono gli esploratori, quelli bianchi i comunicatori,<br />

le linee tratteggiate i collegamenti della rete di comunicazione, il triangolo, l’Hub.<br />

A.8 Sviluppi Futuri<br />

Tra gli sviluppi futuri si possono elencare<br />

� estensione del controllo di alto livello a piccole formazioni e quando la connettività<br />

iniziale è piccola;<br />

� dinamica di corto periodo per il controllo della traiettoria;<br />

� controllo di movimento linearizzato per l’assicurazione della rete di comunicazione.

that’s all folks

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