Exhibit 1

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 1


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----- --____ __--___ .- _ ~_.~- -<br />

.h ""-__h_____-<br />

h___ .h_ .h_<br />

In Re Subpoena to<br />

P3cific Bel/Internet<br />

To: Padfic Bell Internet<br />

303 Second Street<br />

San Fr:lncisco, CA 94107<br />

0 YOU ARE COMMANDED to Appear in the United<br />

.. ' " . ~-:;-""- '._' -- -. -.<br />

Issued by the SF?\lJ:O ON<br />

"---:"1, C'.<br />

-- -'I r. AI'<br />

-.' , :1.<br />

,~r..,..<br />


Columbia IM'7r ' 1;':'1" i<br />

..-. -._.- ------- ---____ '" -.. .____--. -"" --'-- .----..-- ',."."<br />

-_._--~-..~<br />

- ~.:.; ~~:.<br />

JUL, 10, 2003 I: 27PM .1C BELL<br />

Aovee IKev. 11/'014) Subpoena j" a Ciyil C:lSe<br />

NO, 6760 p, 2<br />

below to testif in the above case.<br />


United States District Col1n ...2.~. -<br />



1: 03MSOO232<br />

JUDGE: Unassigned<br />

DECK TYPE: M1scellanous<br />

DATE STAMP: 07/01/2003<br />



YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear at the placc<br />

the above case.<br />

~ date. and rime<br />

-<br />

specified bc:low to leslify at the lakil\g of a d\.lIosition in<br />

I8J YOU AltF. COMMANDED to produce and P~Tmit inspection and copying of the following documentS or objectS at the<br />

place., lhuc. and limL: specified below (list documt:nls or objcCtS):<br />

Information. iach~ing name, Address, telephone<br />

nlll1ber. and e-mail addrtSi. suffieient to idcntify the :tlleged<br />

infri" er of to ri hted sound nc:ordin ~. listed b fP nddri!ss in Attachment A to this SIb oena.<br />

PI.ACE<br />

Jenner & Bladt. LLC<br />

601 Thirteenth Street, NW , Suitt 1100 South<br />

WlIShington. D. c. 20005<br />

A TTN: DMCA Subpntu Department<br />

Ph: 202--974-6800 Fax: 202- 974-0555 Emall: dtnc.~msk.com<br />


10:00 I.m. on 7th CAlendar d.tlly<br />

IICter issullnct dilte of Sub po en<br />

I 0 YOU ARE COMMANDED to enni ins ection of the folJown<br />


Any organization not a party to this suit that is subpoenaed for the<br />

taki~ of deposition shall designate one<br />

or more officers, directors, or managing agents, or other persons who consent to testitY on its behalf, and may set<br />

forth, for each person designated, the matters on which Ihe person will testify, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure<br />

30 b 6.<br />

ISS<br />

Wlifb2F<br />

for Plainlifor Dclinobnl)<br />

'B1l&-iFica~ Ihunmey<br />

! ISSUING OF'"<br />

Clerk' s Office<br />


- United Sta(c~ District Court for the District of Columbia<br />

333 Constitution Ave" N.<br />

Washin~ton, D.c. 20001 Ph: (202) 354-3000<br />

(See Rule 45, Fcderall\ulcs of Civil Procedure , Parts C & D on Reverse)

--.-"""."--"-"-----.""------.--___h-<br />

JUL I Q 2003 I : 27 PM<br />

- dC BELL NO, 6760<br />

P, 3<br />

A TT A<br />

CHMENT A<br />

64. 166. 19.46 at 26 Jun 2003 17:43:57 EDT (GMT - 0400)

~.<br />

_.... --.... --------.-- ---------- - ~<br />

_u_-----<br />

JUL. 10, 2003 I: 27PM lAC BELL NO, 6760<br />


SERVED Date Place<br />

served on (Print Name)<br />

Manner of Service<br />

served by (Print Name)<br />

Title<br />


I Declare under penalty ofperjiJry under be law of the United States of I\merica that tJ-e foregoing<br />

information contained in the ProofofServic:e is true and C:OITCCt.<br />

Executed on<br />

Date<br />

Signature of Server<br />

Address of Server-<br />

Rule 45. Fedcral Rules orcMi I'rbl:edure. Partl C" D<br />

Ie) 1'~()'t~CTION 01' PI!RSONS SUBJECT TO SlJIJPCJ:!?oIAS.<br />

(1)1\ pliny or an allOl'llI:)' rcspollliWc rOf the I,_ce ~nd scMce or 1\ subpoena ~halJ Inke reasonable Iltps 10 ~"o;d imposing IUIduc burden or expl:lIIIC on a<br />

- i person subJfCllO mal subpoena. Tho DOun on behaltor""'ieh Ihe s.bJX'Cn. "'U !UIlC~ shall enfDrce Ihis duly Ind<br />

dul)' an ImJ'CI$& apon Ihe pal1)' or IHomcy in brach ollhi,<br />

IWrapriJ.lc sanClion, ..hich Ny inehd..lhll i$ nollimilcd 10, 1(1101 camins and 0 I'\'1Isonable uomey s roes.<br />

(2)(A I A. perron commPnded 10 prod,,". ond permit hlpeclion and copyinG or deJ;8/IQ1I!~ books, papers.. documcnll or lanciblclhings. Dr inspecliOtl ofprcmiJICS<br />

I need nal appear in pe~n Dllhe plxe orprodUCIion or illlpcCliall 1IIIIw alll11lndtd ID appear /hI dtpcsilion, hrsril'l8 or Ifill,<br />

ID)SubjcCIIO P'I!:II:l3ph (d)(21 of rhlt rule. u pellan DOftlltMdc-d 10 ptadllcc and permo InspeCtion :ll'td copying l)lAy, ...;Ihin '4 days al\cr<br />

I ~ubpoenaor btJol'e Iherilllo ~pc.:irlld I\Ir CIIrnplianuifsuch IIlIIcis ICSllhan 14 days anti' "",let<br />

~Cc of Ihe<br />

U:M 'Ipan Ihe pan" orallamc)' de$ilP1ll.d inlhe subpoena<br />

I obltcriM 10 impcclionor cDpyinl Gran)' or \lirlUen<br />

3/1 orthe dc.lignaled mllerials Dr aflll!<br />

the person commanded 10 I)t'Oduce praniiel. Irobjoclion is mode. the pany ten1~ .he SU!lt)OC!lI 1113Y, upon<br />

, movc ail/lY lilnc lbr .,. order 10 compellhe production. Such 8ft order noHeclO<br />

10 compel production sh~1 prolccr any lI'-'I1on I/IIla is POI a<br />

PAr'ly or an offic.cr ar. pmy from ~8I'11i8ll1 cxpe"'oraulrina r'trn the (npterion and copylne comlllllndcd,<br />

(:lIIA) On hmolymDtion.lhII c:cun by ...hfc~ I Slbpoelll W;\S i"ucd s~/I quasl1<br />

(i)<br />

or mod,fy Ihe .bpoe", Iflr:<br />

flUs 10 allo.. rtIIJon:tllt lime tIIr eompliMCC:<br />

(iI) noquirc.1I persall "'110 ilRotl puty or ~ orncero(.<br />

emp/c.y"" or 113/1)110 mvellO I place mote IhAn 100 mils from lhe resulnrlY11111S.OClJ pl~ where<br />

bus/nors in~, I1IAI penon R.!idel. Is<br />

excepllhaL lubJeDlla Ih. prD"IslolIsD(eIIUllo<br />

1Ii:1 be onn.n~nded ID Ir:lvtl /Tom 3fty<br />

(cI(3)(flXliiloflhil rule. IlICh: pamn 111")' in order 10 allCnd<br />

8u41 plact; ,.,ilhia I~ Sllle II! "'!rich -Ihe Irial at hold, or<br />

(iiil 'equires di$cLOMII'C or pi"il~cd or Dim proleclcd maner iIIId no eK~plian or\ll1lillCl' IppJj~,<br />

tOY) EubjtDlS ~ perron 10 undue burdtl\,<br />

(I'll If a JuhpOtna<br />

(I) '~quirtS disclosure or. nod! scrct Dr other canndemil! '~"ch. dC'\l~lorune!lI, or eDm.n...:!,1 inronn*,"<br />

(il)<br />

, Of<br />

requires dfS4:losnft of In unre\1incd expel"! opinion or illfonnsjon expm 1101 dl!$/:nbing s Eludy made nol " hc<br />

E~cific C'\1C1111 or OCcUI1'CIIOC4 in rel1l1e$l ot'lny dispute and ,",'IIlliPS from !he<br />

~~--<br />

(III) req~in:1 a po~ who is noli piny or an officer ora pol/l)l 10 in~t.r ."bsllntial C,'t.11Cn~ 10 Il':I.vcl !norc Ihon 100 1T1i1C( 10 mcnd \/ill. lhe COunl1\ll)',<br />

prol.., ~ person subjecllo or s/ltcled by Ihe subpoena, qua.'h or modify Ihe subpac", a,. il' Ibe parry in -hOfe bchalrlhe lubpocns is 15IUCd Iho"'t ;lsuba.tnl~d<br />

"...11 I'or Ih~ "'~\lmony or mMoria! Ihar CU1nc! b. olhCt"'~'. mel "",1"",,1 undue hauiship aro:! a!surq IhQlthc pa/1Cn 10 IIIhDln Iho subpoena II adllrasod WII/ be<br />

N;JSOtlllbly cumpcnultd, Ih.l:O~n ma)' aR1r:r IppeltSllel Dr produellCln onl)' Uplift apeeifcd eolldJ1Ions<br />


(II A pcrSoftrespornilt\ 10 ft subpotna 10 produu docLf11ems ,h~1I produec IMII as lilt)' :n kepi in Ihe I III COITCS)IOnd w',h lhe u~~ eolme D(h~'nllSl or "':\II<br />

"""lI'Iries in Ihe dcrrwml..<br />

o!,\:nnize<br />

i 1I.w bprculY.!rnd 4hpII<br />

- party 10 eal\l~4I Ille cJ~im<br />

label them<br />

(.2) Whtn infomullionlubjc:ot ra s subpoenl is withheld 011 ft tlmm IhAl il IS pnvilejJt"dor sllbjoellO proloclion u Iri~1 prcparllion mzorials. be rupPft/k!d by I dcteriplion otlhc ",.1,", orllle 1l1e eilim shall tIo<br />

Cloc'lJIIcms, mmll\lnlcRlions.. or Ulfngs not plOduI:Cd Ihall A~mcienno ellA!!!othe dClrllldlns

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