Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign


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explained at a Capitol tea, "I wanted to get him some antique furniture for his birthday, and when<br />

I shopped around, I found that the Governor's chair was the cheapest thing on the market!"<br />

An Ohio businessman who had settled in Virginia found that he needed a certain measure passed<br />

by the state legislature in order to protect his enterprise. He nervously asked a prominent Virginia<br />

landowner, "Can I look for someone down there who needs some financial assistance?" "Don't<br />

be ridiculous!" snorted his friend. "You couldn't buy a single one <strong>of</strong> those people. <strong>The</strong>y were all<br />

bought and paid for before they got there!"<br />

<strong>The</strong> Byrd legacy lives on in the iron control maintained over every aspect <strong>of</strong> life in Virginia, the<br />

press, state and local governments, education, and the Masonic control <strong>of</strong> the court system. <strong>The</strong><br />

carpetbagger tradition was upheld in the area when two wealthy carpetbaggers, Rockefeller <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>New</strong> York and Robb <strong>of</strong> Texas and points west, encountered no difficulty in purchasing <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

Rockefeller bought the Governorship <strong>of</strong> West Virginia (which had been illegally torn from<br />

Virginia territory during the Civil War). Robb became Governor <strong>of</strong> Virginia, after claiming<br />

descent from one John Lewis, who fled from Ireland after committing murder. As a handsome<br />

young Marine <strong>of</strong>ficer, Robb had caught the roving eye <strong>of</strong> President Lyndon Johnson, who later<br />

married him <strong>of</strong>f to his daughter. Thus Robb became the beneficiary <strong>of</strong> the Johnson millions,<br />

which, like the Byrd empire, had been amassed during a lifetime career <strong>of</strong> dedicated service to<br />

the public. As Governor, Robb created his own revolution, ruthlessly firing Virginians with good<br />

records, and replacing them with blacks and feminists. <strong>The</strong>ir socialist policies created havoc in<br />

many departments, most notably in the department <strong>of</strong> corrections, where widespread prison riots<br />

destroyed Robb's hopes <strong>of</strong> higher public <strong>of</strong>fice. As part <strong>of</strong> his Canaanite scheme to further degrade<br />

Virginians, he <strong>of</strong>fered $1,000 in cash to any black who would enrol in Virginia schools, but there<br />

were few takers. With the state <strong>of</strong> Virginia in shambles as the result <strong>of</strong> Robb's policies, the<br />

Republican Party was a shoo-in to regain the state <strong>of</strong>fices. Knowing they would lose anyway,<br />

the Democrats decided to run a black as Lieutenant Governor, the first such candidate for<br />

statewide <strong>of</strong>fice. Amazingly enough, the Republican national leaders then instructed the Virginia<br />

Republicans not to mount a campaign in opposition, claiming that they might be interpreted as<br />

being "anti - black." <strong>The</strong> Republicans abandoned their campaign, and the surprised Democrats<br />

easily won, with no opposition. <strong>The</strong>y immediately imposed a $426 million tax increase on all<br />

Virginians; the Republicans had been firmly opposed to any tax increase. It was estimated that<br />

each vote for the Democrats in this election would cost the unfortunate taxpayers in Virginia an<br />

additional $1,000 per year.<br />

In this recital <strong>of</strong> Masonic power and its incumbent operations in the state <strong>of</strong> Virginia, we have<br />

not wished to slight any other state. In <strong>New</strong> York, Illinois, and other states, the Masonic<br />

conspirators dictate the choice <strong>of</strong> political candidates, how they will be financed, and whether<br />

they will be elected. <strong>The</strong> criminals are committed to maintaining Masonic control through their<br />

demoniacal Babylonian monetary system, which gives them absolute power; they control every<br />

aspect <strong>of</strong> the economic system through their techniques <strong>of</strong> taxation and interest. Every act <strong>of</strong><br />

government is legislated with this program in view.<br />

In 1967, this writer issued a public appeal to the people <strong>of</strong> Virginia, titled "Fifty Years <strong>of</strong> Shame,"<br />

which concluded with the demand: "5. Restoration <strong>of</strong> the government <strong>of</strong> Virginia to the people<br />

<strong>of</strong> Virginia. Abolition <strong>of</strong> all Soviet-type trusts such as the ABC Board and restoration <strong>of</strong> free<br />

enterprise and small individually-owned businesses. Soon the Byrd era will only be a dark stain<br />

on the history <strong>of</strong> this fair state. Let us work together to achieve the Virginia that we love, the<br />

Virginia that we want, the Virginia <strong>of</strong> our great traditions! "<br />

Despite statewide distribution <strong>of</strong> this appeal, the craven and demoralized citizens <strong>of</strong> Virginia<br />

feared to make a single response.<br />

( Page 96)

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