Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign


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scene is worthy <strong>of</strong> a turgid drama in ancient Rome, perhaps to be set to music by Verdi; an aging<br />

aristocrat resolves to leave his estate to his compliant catamite, and is promptly poisoned by an<br />

angry relative. Somehow, one is not surprised to find that the principal actor in this sweaty drama<br />

is also the acknowledged founder <strong>of</strong> the legal pr<strong>of</strong>ession in America.<br />

Edmund Randolph made another appearance to defend a noted criminal; after he had delayed<br />

government action against Edmond Genet, Genet was finally deported. <strong>The</strong> plot to set up a rival<br />

republic in Louisiana was then taken over by the Masonic leaders Edward Livingston and Aaron<br />

Burr. Burr was finally brought to trial for treason in sensational proceedings which were<br />

conducted in Richmond, Virginia. Here again, the Masons brought in their former Grand Master,<br />

Edmund Randolph, to defend Burr. Not surprisingly, the sitting judge was Chief Justice John<br />

Marshall, who was at that time Grand Master <strong>of</strong> the Lodge <strong>of</strong> Virginia. Burr was acquitted.<br />

Indeed to have convicted him, one would have needed the strength to defy the entire Masonic<br />

Canaanite conspiracy in the United States. No such person appeared.<br />

<strong>The</strong> amazing acquittal <strong>of</strong> Burr by his Masonic fellow-conspirators has been repeated thousands<br />

<strong>of</strong> times in the Virginia courts. Stephen King reports in "<strong>The</strong> Brotherhood" that in England, from<br />

fifty to seventy per cent <strong>of</strong> all judges are Masons, and that ninety per cent <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Laws Society (corresponding to our Bar Association) are Masons. <strong>The</strong> legal system in the United<br />

States, from all appearances, has an even higher preponderance <strong>of</strong> Masons. Thus we have no<br />

federal, state, or local courts; we have only Masonic courts. <strong>The</strong> result is that judicial decisions<br />

on Rules <strong>of</strong> Evidence, motions for or against discovery, and other legal procedures, are decided<br />

solely on the basis <strong>of</strong> whether they will aid or injure a Mason involved in the suit. <strong>The</strong> Masonic<br />

Handbook commands (p. 183-184): "Whenever you see any <strong>of</strong> our signs made by a brother<br />

Mason, and especially the grand hailing sign <strong>of</strong> distress, you must always be sure to obey them,<br />

even at the risk <strong>of</strong> your own life. If you are on a jury, and the defendant is a Mason, and makes<br />

the grand hailing sign, you must obey it; you must disagree with your brother jurors, if necessary,<br />

but you must be sure not to bring the Mason in as guilty, for that would bring disgrace upon our<br />

order."<br />

It was for these reasons that Congressman Thaddeus Stevens sponsored a resolution demanding<br />

that Freemasonry be suppressed, denouncing it as "a secret, oath-bound, murderous institution<br />

that endangers the continuance <strong>of</strong> Republican government," and further demanded that being a<br />

Mason would be cause for peremptory challenge in court, and made it unlawful for a Mason to<br />

sit as judge in a trial involving another Mason. For years, thousands <strong>of</strong> Americans have been<br />

puzzled by the odd decisions rendered in our courts. <strong>The</strong>y do not know what has taken place;<br />

the victims <strong>of</strong> these injustices have no way <strong>of</strong> knowing that they have been subjected to the arrant<br />

assumptions <strong>of</strong> an Oriental despotism masquerading under color <strong>of</strong> law; that no justice can be<br />

administered if the Judge has taken an oath under penalty <strong>of</strong> death to always rule in favor <strong>of</strong> a<br />

brother Mason. But, asks the doubter, what if both parties in a lawsuit are Masons, and the judge<br />

is a Mason what then? In that case, my friend, the case will be judged on its merits. However, if<br />

a non-Mason is a party to the suit, he is bound to lose.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Handbook continues: "You must conceal all crimes <strong>of</strong> your brother Masons..., except murder<br />

and treason, and these only at your own option, and should you be summoned as a witness against<br />

a brother Mason, be always sure to shield him. Prevaricate, don't tell the truth in this case, keep<br />

his secrets, forget the important parts. It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you are keeping<br />

your obligations."<br />

This writer knows <strong>of</strong> cases where a Mason was called into a case to commit perjury against his<br />

own brother, in order to defend a fellow Mason. This writer has been involved in many lawsuits<br />

in which subornation <strong>of</strong> perjury by Masonic lawyers was the order <strong>of</strong> the day; altered records,<br />

legal documents which the clerks <strong>of</strong> the court denied ever receiving even though they had been<br />

personally handed to them, judges who do not bother to even read the motions filed by a<br />

non-Mason, and important documents supporting his charges which are stolen from his home,<br />

including copies <strong>of</strong> checks, receipts, and other vital papers. <strong>The</strong> Will <strong>of</strong> Canaan instructs these<br />

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