Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign


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in as a charitable act by the Enloe family; she was thrown out by Mrs. Enloe after she had become<br />

pregnant by Abraham Enloe. Ward H. Lame, Lincoln's law partner, later wrote a biography <strong>of</strong><br />

Lincoln stating that Lincoln was <strong>of</strong> illegal parentage, and referring to his real father as Abraham<br />

Enloe. <strong>The</strong> Yorkville Enquirer, April 8, 1863, noted that Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks, was<br />

"a single woman <strong>of</strong> low degree [Canaan means 'low'. Ed.] ... generally reputed to have from<br />

one-eighth to one-sixteenth Negro blood in her veins, and who always associated with Negroes<br />

on terms <strong>of</strong> equality." <strong>The</strong> Atlanta Intelligencer in 1863 noted <strong>of</strong> his vice president, Hannibal<br />

Hamlin, who had been named after the historic leader <strong>of</strong> the Canaanite forces <strong>of</strong> Carthage,<br />

Hannibal, that Hamlin was identified by State Senator Hon. John Burham, <strong>of</strong> Hancock County,<br />

Maine, who lived in the area and knew <strong>of</strong> Hamlin's ancestry. <strong>The</strong> Senator reported that Hamlin's<br />

greatgrandfather was a mulatto, who had married a Canadian woman; his grandfather during the<br />

Revolutionary War commanded a company composed only <strong>of</strong> mulattoes, Negroes, and Indians<br />

under Generals Sullivan and Green. This Captain Hamlin is recorded as having embezzled the<br />

funds sent to pay his troops; he also was said to have stolen wine and other supplies. <strong>The</strong> father<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hannibal Hamlin's father lived in Paris, Maine, and had a brother named Africa. When<br />

Hannibal Hamlin was born, one <strong>of</strong> his uncles peered into his cradle and exclaimed, "For God's<br />

sake, how long will this damned black blood remain in our family?"<br />

In Louisiana, John Slidell, who was also a <strong>New</strong> Yorker, was the leader <strong>of</strong> the state's secessionist<br />

party; his second in command was one Judah P. Benjamin. Slidell was the Masonic protege <strong>of</strong><br />

the Grand Master, Edward Livingston, also <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> York, a key member <strong>of</strong> the Aaron Burr<br />

treason apparat. Benjamin, from the West Indies, was a British subject. He was hired as a law<br />

clerk by Slidell. He later became the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State in the Confederate Government. After<br />

the Civil War, he was permitted to leave the United States without hindrance, and he lived his<br />

later years in splendid luxury as one <strong>of</strong> the highest paid Queen's Counsels in London, while his<br />

former superior, Jefferson Davis, languished in a federal prison, burdened with heavy chains.<br />

In Texas, the secessionist conspirators were blocked for a time by Sam Houston, a Virginian<br />

who was the founder <strong>of</strong> Texas. Houston ruled that the secessionist efforts were illegal. <strong>The</strong><br />

conspirators then succeeded in deposing Governor Houston by a "rump" election, which was<br />

similar to the tactics which the Cromwellians had used to condemn King Charles I in England.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conspirators then claimed that their secessionist delegates had received 40,000 votes, as<br />

compared to only 10,000 for Houston's supporters. This was later cited as the "popular" support<br />

for the "insurrection," as the action taken by the Southern states was later termed. <strong>The</strong><br />

Confederacy was <strong>of</strong>ficially established at Montgomery, Alabama, chaired by Scottish Rite<br />

Supreme Commander Howell Cobb. He was ably assisted by Scottish Rite backers from the<br />

Charleston Mother Lodge and representatives from other Masonic groups.<br />

Thus the American people were maneuvered into a Civil War which they neither envisioned nor<br />

desired. <strong>The</strong>y were manipulated by Masonic Canaanite conspirators working together in the<br />

Northern and the Southern states. <strong>The</strong> resulting bloodbath proved to be the greatest disaster ever<br />

suffered by the people <strong>of</strong> Shem. <strong>The</strong> great civilization which they had spent some two hundred<br />

years building in this land was now swept away, "Gone with the Wind"; the Constitution which<br />

they had written to protect their existence as the people <strong>of</strong> Shem was scrapped, being replaced<br />

by "Amendments" which reduced them to the status <strong>of</strong> serfs, while giving the Canaanites total<br />

power to set up a tyrannical dictatorship.<br />

Nevertheless, the anticipated division <strong>of</strong> the United States into two small, weak countries, each<br />

to be easily controlled from the European headquarters <strong>of</strong> the Rothschilds, failed to take place.<br />

At one point, the massing <strong>of</strong> French and Spanish troops in Mexico seemed to doom the future<br />

<strong>of</strong> the United States, and to bring about the division which the Rothschilds desired. However,<br />

the Czar <strong>of</strong> Russia, a great leader <strong>of</strong> the Shemite people, learned <strong>of</strong> the plan. He immediately<br />

dispatched two <strong>of</strong> his fleets to the United States, one which landed at San Francisco, which was<br />

commanded by Admiral Lesowsky, and the second squadron, which arrived in <strong>New</strong> York harbor,<br />

commanded by Admiral A. A. Pop<strong>of</strong>f. Needless to say, these names are not encountered by<br />

students <strong>of</strong> American history. However, the presence <strong>of</strong> these Russian fleets served to preserve<br />

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