Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign


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about the French Revolution and would bring about and would be the cause <strong>of</strong> all future<br />

revolutions." Monsignor Dillon, writing in 1885, <strong>of</strong>fered a further comment: "However<br />

subversive the doctrines <strong>of</strong> the Grand Order may have been-and undoubtedly were-it was not<br />

Freemasonry itself but Illuminism which organized the movement <strong>of</strong> which the French<br />

Revolution was but the first manifestation."<br />

<strong>The</strong> great French historian, Hippolyte Taine, wrote: "Liberty, equality, fraternity! Whatever the<br />

great words with which the Revolution was ornamented, it was essentially a transference <strong>of</strong><br />

property."<br />

<strong>The</strong> successful conclusion <strong>of</strong> the Napoleonic Wars found the Rothschilds in unchallenged control<br />

<strong>of</strong> that property. <strong>The</strong>y held the Congress <strong>of</strong> Vienna to celebrate their great victories. Von Gentz,<br />

secretary to Prince Metternich, pointed out that there never really was a Congress <strong>of</strong> Vienna; the<br />

Rothschilds merely dictated the signing <strong>of</strong> the Final Act, in June <strong>of</strong> 1815, to the four great powers.<br />

Von Gentz comments, "<strong>The</strong> real purpose <strong>of</strong> the Congress was to divide among the conquerors<br />

the spoils taken from the vanquished."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong> Vienna was formally headed by Lord Castlereagh, Foreign Minister <strong>of</strong> Great<br />

Britain, and his half brother, Lord Charles Stewart, who was serving as Ambassador<br />

Plenipotentiary to Vienna. Lord Aberdeen, Lord Cathcart, and Lady Burghe, a niece <strong>of</strong> the Duke<br />

<strong>of</strong> Wellington, also represented Great Britain. Princess Thurn und Taxis arranged nightly<br />

meetings in her drawing room between Talleyrand and the Czar <strong>of</strong> Russia. During these meetings,<br />

Talleyrand routinely betrayed the French people. Nearly all the royalty <strong>of</strong> Europe was present<br />

in Vienna for the Congress. <strong>The</strong>y gathered at the Opera House for a special concert by Beethoven,<br />

which he conducted.<br />

Because England was the victorious power, the world supremacy <strong>of</strong> British naval power was<br />

accepted without question by the members <strong>of</strong> the Congress. An important piece <strong>of</strong> business was<br />

the passage <strong>of</strong> Acts on March 20 and March 29, 1815, which permanently guaranteed Swiss<br />

neutrality. <strong>The</strong>se acts not only ensured that Switzerland would continue to be the nation where<br />

the revolutions <strong>of</strong> the world could be plotted, but also that the ill- gotten gains <strong>of</strong> those revolutions<br />

would be guaranteed safe deposit and insurance against being repossessed by the victims <strong>of</strong><br />

robberies.<br />

Lord Castlereagh later addressed the House <strong>of</strong> Commons in this report on the Congress: "<strong>The</strong><br />

Congress <strong>of</strong> Vienna was Hot assembled for the discussion <strong>of</strong> moral principles, but for great<br />

practical purposes, to establish effectual provisions for the general security." One <strong>of</strong> these<br />

provisions was Nathan Mayer Rothschild's setting up a Special German Committee It the<br />

Congress to work out a grant <strong>of</strong> rights to German Jews. This provision was inserted into the final<br />

Act, which was then advertised as establishing "equilibrium in Europe," the famed doctrine later<br />

known as "the balance <strong>of</strong> power." In fact, British Intelligence, led by Lord Shelburne, had<br />

operated the entire French Revolution from London as a Masonic plot to rid England <strong>of</strong> its oldest<br />

and most historic rival. After 1815, I France never again mounted any threat to the British<br />

hegemony. It was not a balance <strong>of</strong> power at all; it was the triumph <strong>of</strong> the Hegelian system.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bourbons had now become a weak and ineffectual ruling family: Lord Castlereagh formally<br />

restored them to the throne in the Treaty <strong>of</strong> Paris, only because they would be an important<br />

contributing factor to France's future weakness.<br />

Castlereagh, Marquis <strong>of</strong> Londonderry, was now considered the most powerful single politician<br />

in the world. He was the godson <strong>of</strong> Lord Camden, who, with Lord Shelburne, had lent large<br />

sums to Britain's Prime Minister, William Pitt; thereafter they were able to control him for their<br />

own devious purposes. Lord Shelburne, William Petty, was denounced by Edmund Burke as "a<br />

Cataline or Borgia in morals," which was undoubtedly true. Henry Kissinger openly modelled<br />

his own diplomatic techniques on those <strong>of</strong> Lord Castlereagh. In his book "A World Restored,"<br />

( Page 63)

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