Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign


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thrown into pots to be boiled, or fried in great skillets, while crowds stood hooting and reveling<br />

in the entertainment. Families were dragged out into the squares in cities and villages to be<br />

murdered one by one. No one was spared the terror <strong>of</strong> the mobs, whether elderly or invalid. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

property was then divided up among the eagerly waiting instigators <strong>of</strong> the killings, who would<br />

rush on to find other victims.<br />

<strong>The</strong> physical act <strong>of</strong> killing whole families in city after city could not remain a secret, and a current<br />

<strong>of</strong> alarm now swept the nation. Many thousands <strong>of</strong> the Huguenots were able to flee, leaving their<br />

possessions behind them, particularly those in the northern districts <strong>of</strong> France.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were able to make their way across the borders into the Netherlands, where they found that<br />

they were hardly welcome. Most <strong>of</strong> them embarked for the shores <strong>of</strong> Ireland, and after remaining<br />

there for periods as long as one hundred years, they were able to jet sail for the shores <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>New</strong> World.<br />

It is hardly surprising to learn that the repressive acts against Huguenots began after Catherine<br />

de Medici became Regent on the accession <strong>of</strong> Charles the Ninth. We have already noted that the<br />

de Medicis paid for the formulation <strong>of</strong> the doctrine <strong>of</strong> secular humanism, when Cosimo de Medici<br />

set up the Accademia in Florence, centring its teachings around the Christian Cabala. <strong>The</strong><br />

Encyclopaedia Britannica says <strong>of</strong> Catherine's rule in France, "She introduced Italian methods <strong>of</strong><br />

government, alternating between concessions and persecution, both alike devoid <strong>of</strong> sincerity."<br />

Catherine began negotiations with Spain to bolster her planned slaughter <strong>of</strong> t he Huguenots; on<br />

the 28th <strong>of</strong> September 1568, she issued 1I1 edict which placed the Huguenots outside the<br />

protection <strong>of</strong> the law, an open invitation for the massacres to begin. At this time, they constituted<br />

one-tenth <strong>of</strong> the population <strong>of</strong> France. Her son, Charles Ninth, realized that his mother's plans<br />

would be a catastrophe for the nation, and he opened negotiations with the Huguenot leaders,<br />

hoping to avert the slaughter. Catherine true to her black nobility heritage, plotted the massacre<br />

to take place while he had the leaders conveniently assembled. <strong>The</strong> notorious Massacre <strong>of</strong> St.<br />

Bartholomew's took place on the 24th <strong>of</strong> August, 1572, during which the Huguenot leader,<br />

Coligny, and all <strong>of</strong> the important Huguenots were killed. <strong>The</strong> Encyclopaedia Britannica notes,<br />

“This date marks a disastrous epoch in the history <strong>of</strong> France. <strong>The</strong> Paris massacre was followed<br />

by massacres throughout France. One victim was King Charles himself. Overcome with horror<br />

at the atrocities Committed by the tragedy <strong>of</strong> St. Bartholomew's, he expired." <strong>The</strong>re is a strong<br />

possibility that Catherine, knowing <strong>of</strong> his unwillingness to proceed with the massacre <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Huguenots, and his plans to make concessions to them, way have poisoned him. This, too, would<br />

have been in keeping with her black nobility heritage. Charles' successor, Henry II, also died<br />

violently; he was assassinated by the monk Jacques Clement, who believed that he, too, would<br />

be unwilling to proceed with the massacres <strong>of</strong> the Huguenots.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Edict <strong>of</strong> Nantes, April 13, 1598, was an attempt to reverse the process. It granted the<br />

Huguenots a charter guaranteeing them religious and political freedom, but many <strong>of</strong>ficials ignored<br />

it, and continued the persecutions. <strong>The</strong> terrible dragonnades (1663-83) saw many Protestants<br />

tortured until they abjured their faith. On the 18th <strong>of</strong> October 1685, King Louis XIV declared<br />

that the Edict <strong>of</strong> Nantes was revoked. As the Encyclopaedia Britannica comments " ...thus was<br />

committed one <strong>of</strong> the most flagrant political and religious blunders in the history <strong>of</strong> France,<br />

which in the course <strong>of</strong> a few years lost more than 400,000 <strong>of</strong> its inhabitants, men who, having<br />

to choose between their conscience and their country, endowed the nations which received them<br />

with their heroism, their courage, and their ability."<br />

It was the revocation <strong>of</strong> the Edict <strong>of</strong> Nantes, more than any other single event in history, which<br />

set the United States on its future course to greatness. During the American Revolution, and the<br />

writing <strong>of</strong> the Constitution which followed its victory, it was the Huguenots who predominated<br />

in every battle and every deliberation. <strong>The</strong> fortunes <strong>of</strong> France, on the other hand, sank into a<br />

steady decline, from which it has never recovered. Indeed, this nation has subsequently lurched<br />

from one disaster to another, not the least <strong>of</strong> which was the Napoleonic Wars, whose excesses<br />

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