Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign


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that the famous Black Stone in the Sacred Mosque at Mecca is also part <strong>of</strong> this ritual. <strong>The</strong>re is<br />

also the Sacred Stone placed beneath the Throne <strong>of</strong> England, which is said to have been the Stone<br />

<strong>of</strong> Jacob in Biblical times.<br />

From such ancient symbols <strong>of</strong> power came the Masonic motto, "Per me reges regnant," "through<br />

me kings reign." By controlling kings, the Masons exercised their power from behind the scenes.<br />

If the kings were overthrown by revolutions (which were <strong>of</strong>ten <strong>of</strong> organized by the Freemasons<br />

themselves), the kings might be beheaded, but the instigators behind the throne would be<br />

forewarned and escape unscathed. <strong>The</strong>y would then continue to reign through the next chosen<br />

leader, usually designated by their inner councils.<br />

Although it is dedicated to the usurpation and maintenance <strong>of</strong> absolute power through an Oriental<br />

despotism, Freemasonry has attained much <strong>of</strong> its worldwide influence through its emphasis on<br />

and sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the power <strong>of</strong> revolutions against the established order. <strong>The</strong>ir slogan became<br />

the motto <strong>of</strong> the French Revolution, "Liberte, egalite, fraternie." Liberty, equality, that is, equality<br />

for Masons only, with slavery as the fate <strong>of</strong> everyone else, and fraternity, that is the brotherhood<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Masonic Order <strong>of</strong> the Canaanites. This slogan appears throughout documents <strong>of</strong><br />

Freemasonry, which also advertises itself as "<strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> Age" movement. Many <strong>of</strong> its publications,<br />

such as the magazine <strong>of</strong> the Washington Freemasons in our nation's capital, feature the name,<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> Age, and the symbolic triangle on the cover <strong>of</strong> its magazine, the triangle being<br />

emblazoned in its borders with the motto, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." <strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> Age, or<br />

<strong>New</strong> Order, refers to the era which will be inaugurated after the final Armageddon, when the<br />

Canaanites exterminate the last survivors <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> Shem.<br />

In the Masonic world, Jerusalem has always been heralded as the birthplace <strong>of</strong> Freemasonry.<br />

Another tradition has it that the earliest Masonic lodges built the Temple <strong>of</strong> Solomon. King<br />

Solomon completed the Temple in 1005 B.C. Solomon died at the age <strong>of</strong> sixty, after a reign <strong>of</strong><br />

some forty years, and was succeeded by his son Rehoboam. Mackey's "Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong><br />

Masonry" says under the entry, "Oriental Chair <strong>of</strong> Solomon," "<strong>The</strong> seat <strong>of</strong> the Master in a<br />

Symbolic Lodge, and so called because the Master is supposed symbolically to fill the place over<br />

the Craft once occupied by King Salomon. For the same reason, the seat <strong>of</strong> the Grand Master ill<br />

the Grand Lodge receives the same appellation. In England it is called the Throne."<br />

In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction <strong>of</strong> Lucifer, the Light Bearer,<br />

and it indicates his Brightness. On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, "And God said, Let<br />

there be Light, and there was Light." In fact, the use <strong>of</strong> God's name here is a typical subterfuge<br />

whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees <strong>of</strong> Freemasonry, the occult degrees,<br />

and is an example <strong>of</strong> the internal deception by which the occult degrees rule the fellow crafts.<br />

Lucifer in the true name <strong>of</strong> the being whom they worship as a god, \s their mentor, Albert Pike,<br />

made plain in his communications to Mazzini and other Masonic leaders.<br />

<strong>The</strong> symbols <strong>of</strong> Freemasonry, to those unware <strong>of</strong> their Cabbalistic meaning, may seem innocuous<br />

enough, particularly to the great majority <strong>of</strong> Masons, the members <strong>of</strong> the three degrees <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Blue Lodges. <strong>The</strong>y are never informed that the "All-Seeing Eye" <strong>of</strong> their symbolism refers not<br />

to light, but to the genitals, the Eye <strong>of</strong> Hoor, which is the anus, and which signifies the<br />

homosexual or bisexual commitment <strong>of</strong> our present ruling class, the World Order <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Canaanites. "G" stands for both Generation, or the act <strong>of</strong> coitus, and for Gnosticism. It also<br />

glorifies the Great God Baal, and t he missing part <strong>of</strong> his anatomy, the phallus, which according<br />

t () the legend <strong>of</strong> Set and Nimrod, had been removed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> worship <strong>of</strong> the phallus appears in Masonic ceremonies in the Master degrees Ma-ha-bone,<br />

signifying the hermaphroditic son <strong>of</strong> Loth. <strong>The</strong> Master's Lodge represents the Uterus, the Middle<br />

Chamber. <strong>The</strong> acacia signifies that all t he Mysteries originated in India, or rather, that their<br />

initial inspiration came from that area. In the Acacia Rite, the fellow crafts are dressed in white,<br />

from the Greek signifying innocence, although it also signifies the corruption <strong>of</strong> innocence in<br />

many religious rites.<br />

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