Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign

Curse of Cannan - The New Ensign


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delivering defense information to aid a foreign government. .. shall be punished by death or<br />

imprisonment for any term <strong>of</strong> years or for life."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Reagan presidency itself represents the high water mark for the black nobility Canaanite<br />

control <strong>of</strong> our government. <strong>The</strong> Jesuits had boasted that a secret sign was to be given to the world<br />

when the ecumenical movement had successfully overcome its worldwide opposition. This sign<br />

would be the swearing in <strong>of</strong> a U.S. President while facing the symbolic occult obelisk. On January<br />

20, 1981, for the first time in history, the swearing in ceremonies were moved to the west front<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Capitol. Reagan was sworn in while facing the Washington Monument, the mystical<br />

symbol <strong>of</strong> the Canaanites and the Babylonians.<br />

Battered by the inflation and extremist policies <strong>of</strong> the Carter Administration, a weary American<br />

populace hailed the Reagan election as a genuine turnaround for their government. <strong>The</strong> Reagan<br />

staff was selected from such "rightwing" organizations as the Hoover Institution, Heritage<br />

Foundation, and American Enterprise Institute. <strong>The</strong> directors <strong>of</strong> these groups turned out to be<br />

the same financiers and wheeler-dealers who controlled the "leftwing" foundations, Rockefeller,<br />

Ford, and Brookings. <strong>The</strong> Heritage Foundation was run by Sir Peter Vickers Hall, England's<br />

leading Fabian Socialist, who placed the Englishman, Stuart Butler, in charge <strong>of</strong> Heritage's<br />

policy-making apparat. Hall, <strong>of</strong> the munitions family, is also prominent in the Club <strong>of</strong> Rome.<br />

When Reagan gave a dinner at the White House for Prince Charles, the guest list included Gloria<br />

Vanderbilt, Brooke Astor (who controls the John Jacob Astor fortune), Betsy Bloomingdale,<br />

Jerome Zipkin, William Buckley (<strong>of</strong> Skull and Bones and the National Review), and Rupert<br />

Hambro, chairman <strong>of</strong> the London bankers Hambros; his cousin Charles had been chief <strong>of</strong> SOE<br />

during World War II.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se chosen "leaders" manipulate every aspect <strong>of</strong> American society, not the least <strong>of</strong> which is<br />

their control <strong>of</strong> music and the fine arts. Lincoln Kirstein was quoted in the <strong>New</strong> Yorker, December<br />

15, 1986, on the manipulation <strong>of</strong> the American art scene, "John D. Rockefeller's notion <strong>of</strong> Lincoln<br />

Center was that it was a piece <strong>of</strong> real estate which he controlled. He had no interest in the<br />

performing arts really, or in any other kind <strong>of</strong> art. On the other hand, he had enormous interest<br />

in control" <strong>The</strong> Rockefellers singlehandedly created the Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern Art, which foisted<br />

"modern" art on the American public, making millions in the process. Reproductions <strong>of</strong> soup<br />

cans and beer cans were sold for many thousands <strong>of</strong> dollars, while the more traditional museums,<br />

also controlled by Rockefeller appointees, scooped up the more valuable symbols <strong>of</strong> our culture.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y also promoted the Impressionist painters into the multimillion dollar class, the highest<br />

prices being paid for Picasso and Manet. Most critics agree that Picasso produced no important<br />

work after 1915, yet he painted thousands <strong>of</strong> pictures during the next sixty years. Kirstein<br />

comments <strong>of</strong> Manet, op. cit. "Manet is clumsy, unfinished, a pathetic transposition <strong>of</strong> three<br />

painters, Goya, Velasquez, and Titian. [A few days later, a Manet sold in <strong>New</strong> York for eleven<br />

million dollars! Ed.] One <strong>of</strong> the worst influences in cultural history is the Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern<br />

Art. It is a corrupt combination <strong>of</strong> dealer taste, marketing, and journalism ... it shows the general<br />

effect <strong>of</strong> personalization and idiosyncrasy."<br />

<strong>The</strong> authority on symbolism in modern art is Margaret Stucki. She points out that Josef Albers,<br />

who came to the United States as a penniless refugee, achieved remarkable success due to<br />

nationwide promotion <strong>of</strong> his painting, a series called "Homage to the Square," the square being<br />

the flat side <strong>of</strong> the cube, which, as General Albert Pike pointed out, was the basic symbol <strong>of</strong><br />

Freemasonry. Albers was set up as chairman <strong>of</strong> an art school at Black Mountain, North Carolina;<br />

this college was named after Mt. Blocken in Europe, where the Witches Sabbath was reputed to<br />

take place; it is a flat topped mountain which is represented in the Great Seal as a pyramid with<br />

the top chopped <strong>of</strong>f. <strong>The</strong> present writer studied art at the Institute <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Arts; a fellow<br />

student, Noland, whose works now command huge sums began to paint Masonic symbols, the<br />

chevron, the target, and other "abstract" symbols. So-called non-representational art is not<br />

non-representational at all; it is the secret reproduction <strong>of</strong> occult symbols. Salvador Dali spent<br />

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