jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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England, Anthony. “Rev. The Genres <strong>of</strong> ‘Gulliver’s Travels,’ ed. Frederik N. Smith (Newark,<br />

London, Toronto, 1990),” The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, 71, n. s. 16 - for 1990<br />

(New York, 1998), 456-57<br />

Englisch, Paul. Das skatologische Element <strong>in</strong> Literatur, Kunst und Volksleben. Stuttgart, 1928<br />

Englisch, Paul. Geschichte der erotischen Literatur. Stuttgart, 1927<br />

Enkemann, Jürgen. Journalismus und Literatur: zum Verhältnis von Zeitungswesen, Literatur und<br />

Entwicklung bürgerlicher Öffentlichkeit <strong>in</strong> England im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Tüb<strong>in</strong>gen, 1983<br />

Ennen, Otto. Swift und Irland. Marburg, 1918<br />

Enright, D. J. Fields <strong>of</strong> Vision. Oxford, 1990<br />

Enright, D. J. The Allur<strong>in</strong>g Problem: An Essay on Irony. Oxford and New York, (1988 [1986])<br />

(see pp. 75-79 for Swift, Field<strong>in</strong>g, and Bad Taste)<br />

Enser, A. G. S. Filmed Books and Plays: A List <strong>of</strong> Books and Plays from which Films have been<br />

Made, 1928-1967. London, 1971 (1968)<br />

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. “Gulliver <strong>in</strong> Kopenhagen,” Scharmützel und Scholien: über<br />

Literatur, ed. Ra<strong>in</strong>er Barbey (Frankfurt am Ma<strong>in</strong>: Suhrkamp, 2009), pp. 489-510<br />

Epste<strong>in</strong>, William H. “Counter-Intelligence: Cold-War Criticism and Eighteenth-Century Studies,”<br />

ELH, 57 (1990), 63-99<br />

Ericksen, Robert A. “Situations <strong>of</strong> Identity <strong>in</strong> the Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mart<strong>in</strong>us Scriblerus,” Modern<br />

Literature Quarterly, 26 (1965), 388-400<br />

Erickson, Robert A. “Rev. Paula R. Backscheider, A Be<strong>in</strong>g More Intense: A Study <strong>of</strong> the Prose<br />

Works <strong>of</strong> Bunyan, Swift, and Defoe (New York, 1985),” Eighteenth-Century Studies, 19 (1985-86),<br />

410-12<br />

Erickson, Robert A. “Swift’s Dark Materials,” Historical Boundaries, Narrative Forms: Essays on<br />

British Literature <strong>in</strong> the Long Eighteenth Century <strong>in</strong> Honor <strong>of</strong> Everett Zimmerman, eds Lorna<br />

Clymer and Robert Mayer (Newark: University <strong>of</strong> Delaware Press, 2007), pp. 164-83<br />

Erlebach, Peter. Formgeschichte des englischen Epigramms von der Renaissance bis zur Romantik<br />

(Heidelberg, 1979) (see pp. 207-12<br />

Erleigh, Viscount. The South Sea Bubble. Westport, Connecticut, 1978 (1933)<br />

Ernst, W<strong>in</strong>ifred. “Proportions <strong>of</strong> Credulity and Curiosity: Swift and Cervantes,” Dieciochio, 28, no<br />

2 (2005), 127-36<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard, ed. Alexander Pope: World and Word, Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> the British Academy,<br />

91 (1988)<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard. “Rev. Allan Ingram, Intricate Laughter <strong>in</strong> the Satire <strong>of</strong> Swift and Pope<br />

(Bas<strong>in</strong>gstoke and London, 1986),” Review <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> Studies, 41 (1990), 440<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard. “Rev. Claude Rawson, Order from Confusion Sprung: Studies <strong>in</strong><br />

Eighteenth-Century Literature from Swift to Cowper (London, Boston, Sydney, 1985),” Review <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>English</strong> Studies, 41 (1990), 440<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard. “Swift’s ‘Knack at Rhyme,’” Susta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Literature: Essays on Literature,<br />

History, and Culture, 1500-1800: Commemorat<strong>in</strong>g the Life and Work <strong>of</strong> Simon Varey, ed. Greg<br />

Cl<strong>in</strong>gham (Cranbury, New Jersey, 2007), pp. 137-52<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard. “The Political Character <strong>of</strong> Samuel Johnson: The Lives <strong>of</strong> the Poets and a<br />

Further Report on The Vanity <strong>of</strong> Human Wishes,” The Jacobite Challenge, eds Evel<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Cruickshanks and Jeremy Black (Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh, 1988), pp. 161-76<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard. Jonathan Swift, “Gulliver’s Travels.” Cambridge, 1993<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard. Poetry <strong>of</strong> Opposition and Revolution: Dryden to Wordsworth. Oxford, 1996<br />

Ersk<strong>in</strong>e-Hill, Howard. The Augustan Idea <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature. London, 1983

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