jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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Elliott, Robert C. “The Satirist Satirized,” Twentieth-Century Interpretations <strong>of</strong> “Gulliver’s<br />

Travels”: A Collection <strong>of</strong> Critical Essays, ed. Frank Brady (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968),<br />

pp. 41-53<br />

Elliott, Robert C. The Literary Persona. Chicago and London, 1982<br />

Elliott, Robert C. The Power <strong>of</strong> Satire: Magic, Ritual, Art. Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton, New Jersey, 1960<br />

Elliott, Robert C. The Shape <strong>of</strong> Utopia: Studies <strong>in</strong> a Literary Genre. Chicago and London, 1970<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “‘A Quill worn to the Pith <strong>in</strong> the Service <strong>of</strong> the State’: Swift’s Exam<strong>in</strong>er,”<br />

Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> The First Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift, eds Hermann J. Real and He<strong>in</strong>z<br />

J. Vienken (München, 1985), pp. 73-82<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “A Swift Ghost Laid,” Notes and Queries, 229 (1984), 393<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “An Argument aga<strong>in</strong>st Abolish<strong>in</strong>g Christianity as an Argument aga<strong>in</strong>st Abolish<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the Test Act,” Read<strong>in</strong>g Swift: Papers from The Second Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift, eds<br />

Richard H. Rod<strong>in</strong>o and Hermann J. Real, with the assistance <strong>of</strong> Helgard Stöver-Leidig (München,<br />

1993), pp. 127-39<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “Arthur Ma<strong>in</strong>war<strong>in</strong>g as Reader <strong>of</strong> Swift’s Exam<strong>in</strong>er,” Yearbook <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> Studies,<br />

11 (1981), 49-66<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “How Many Voices hath A Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub?” Swift, the Enigmatic Dean: Festschrift<br />

for Hermann Josef Real, eds Rudolf Freiburg, Arno Löffler, and Wolfgang Zach (Tüb<strong>in</strong>gen, 1998),<br />

pp. 35-39<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “No Apologies, Dr. Swift!” Eighteenth-Century Life, 21 (1997), 71-76<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “Notes on A Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub,” Swift Studies, 1 (1986), 9-14<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “Rev. A. C. Elias, Jr, Swift at Moor Park: Problems <strong>in</strong> Biography and Criticism<br />

(Philadelphia, 1982),” Modern Philology, 81 (1983), 72-76<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “Rev. Carol Houlihan Flynn, The Body <strong>in</strong> Swift and Defoe (Cambridge, 1990),” The<br />

Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, n. s. 16 - for 1990 (New York, 1998), V: 270-71<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “Rev. David Nokes, Jonathan Swift, a Hypocrite Reversed: A Critical Biography<br />

(Oxford, 1985),” Eighteenth-Century Studies, 20 (1986-87), 339-43<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “Rev. F. P. Lock, The Politics <strong>of</strong> ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ (Oxford, 1980),” The<br />

Eighteenth Century, n. s. 6 - for 1980 (New York, 1984), VI: 585-86<br />

Ellis, Frank H. “Swift’s Seventh Penny Paper,” TLS, 10 May 1974, p. 506<br />

Ellis, Frank H. Swift vs Ma<strong>in</strong>war<strong>in</strong>g: “The Exam<strong>in</strong>er” and “The Medley.” Oxford, 1985<br />

Ellis, Frank H., ed. A Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub, The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Books, The Mechanical Operation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Spirit. Frankfurt, New York, Oxford, 2006<br />

Ellis, Frank H., ed. Jonathan Swift, A Discourse <strong>of</strong> the Contests and Dissentions between the<br />

Nobles and the Commons <strong>in</strong> Athens and Rome. Oxford, 1967<br />

Ellmann, Lucy. “Literary Giants, Very Small People,” TheIndependent on Sunday, 14 April 1996,<br />

p. 13<br />

Els<strong>of</strong>fer-Kam<strong>in</strong>s, Louise. “Un Imitateur orig<strong>in</strong>al de Jonathan Swift: L’Abbé Coyer et ses<br />

Bagatelles Morales (1754),” Revue de Littérature Comparée, 23 (1949), 469-81<br />

Elton, Oliver. A Survey <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature, 1730-1780, 2 vols (London, 1928)<br />

Elwood, John R. “Swift’s ‘Cor<strong>in</strong>na,’” Notes and Queries, 200 (1955), 529-30<br />

Empr<strong>in</strong>, G<strong>in</strong>ette. “Appearance and Reality <strong>in</strong> Gulliver’s Travels,” Études Irlandaises, 15 (1990),<br />

37-44<br />

Engel, Eduard. Geschichte der Englischen Literatur: von den Anfängen zur Gegenwart, 8. Aufl.<br />

(Leipzig, 1915) (see pp. 303-9 for Swift)<br />

Engel, Eduard. Was bleibt? Die Weltliteratur. Leipzig, 1928

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