jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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Eagleton, Terry. Heathcliff and the Great Hunger: Studies <strong>in</strong> Irish Culture (London and New<br />

York, 1995) (see pp. 154-61 for Gulliver’s Travels)<br />

East, Louise. “Portrait Gives a Rare View <strong>of</strong> Young Swift,” The Irish Times, 30 July 1999<br />

Easthope, Anthony. “The Disappearance <strong>of</strong> Gulliver: Character and Persons at the End <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Travels,” Southern Review, 2 (1966-67), 261-66<br />

Eaves, T. C. Duncan and Ben D. Kimpel. Samuel Richardson: A Biography. Oxford, 1971<br />

Ebb<strong>in</strong>ghaus, Uwe. “Rev. Gullivers Reise zu den Houyhnhnms: gelesen von Frank Arnold<br />

(Freiburg, 2003),” Frankfurter Allgeme<strong>in</strong>e Zeitung, 22 March 2003, p. 36<br />

Eck, Reimer C. “The First Leipzig Translation <strong>of</strong> Gulliver’s Travels: A Variant Issue <strong>of</strong> Teer<strong>in</strong>k-<br />

Scouten 428A,” Swift Studies, 11 (1996), 132-36<br />

Ecker, Ra<strong>in</strong>er. “‘Mausen stibitzen expropriieren,’” Zettelkasten 3: Aufsätze und Arbeiten zum Werk<br />

Arno Schmidts, ed. Karl-He<strong>in</strong>z Brücher (Frankfurt, 1984), pp. 84-109 (see pp. 98-99 for Travels<br />

<strong>in</strong>to Several Remote Nations)<br />

Eckert, Georg. “True, Noble, Christian Freeth<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g”: Leben und Werk Andrew Michael<br />

Ramsays, 1686-1743. Münster: Aschendorff, 2009<br />

Eckh<strong>of</strong>f, Lorentz. “‘Gulliver’s’ forfatter (The Author <strong>of</strong> ‘Gulliver’),” Aalborg Stiftstidende, 24 July<br />

1967<br />

Eddy, William Alfred, ed. Gulliver’s Travels, A Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub, Battle <strong>of</strong> the Books etc. New York,<br />

1933<br />

Eddy, William Alfred, ed. Satires and Personal Writ<strong>in</strong>gs by Jonathan Swift. London, New York,<br />

Toronto, 1951 (1932)<br />

Eddy, William Alfred, ed. Swift: Satires and Personal Writ<strong>in</strong>gs. London, New York, Toronto,<br />

1973 (1932)<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “A Source for Gulliver’s First Voyage,” Modern Language Notes, 37<br />

(1922), 353-55<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “A Source for Gulliver’s Travels,” Modern Language Notes, 36 (1921),<br />

419-22<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “Cyrano de Bergerac and Gulliver’s Travels,” Modern Language Notes, 38<br />

(1923), 344-45<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “Gulliver’s Travels and Le Théatre Italien,” Modern Language Notes, 44<br />

(1929), 356-61<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “Interpreters <strong>of</strong> the Age <strong>of</strong> Swift,” Studies <strong>in</strong> Philology, 31 (1934), 490-95<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “Ned Ward and ‘Lilliput,’” Notes and Queries, 158 (1930), 148-49<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “Rabelais - A Source for Gulliver’s Travels,” Modern Language Notes, 37<br />

(1922), 416-18<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “The Anatomist Dissected - By Lemuel Gulliver,” Modern Language Notes,<br />

41 (1926), 330-31<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “The Wits vs John Partridge, Astrologer,” Studies <strong>in</strong> Philology, 29 (1932),<br />

29-40<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. “Tom Brown and Partridge the Astrologer,” Modern Philology, 28 (1930-<br />

31), 163-68<br />

Eddy, William Alfred. Gulliver’s Travels: A Critical Study. Gloucester, Massachusetts, 1963<br />

(1923)<br />

Eddy, William C. “Rev. Cornelis van Doorn, An Investigation <strong>in</strong>to the Character <strong>of</strong> Jonathan Swift<br />

(Amsterdam, 1931),” Philological Quarterly, 11 (1932), 208-9<br />

Ed<strong>in</strong>ger, William. “Rev. William Bowman Piper, Reconcilable Differences <strong>in</strong> Eighteenth-Century<br />

<strong>English</strong> Literature (Newark and London, 1999),” The Scriblerian, 33 (2001), 175-77

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