jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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Cowles, Virg<strong>in</strong>ia. The Great Sw<strong>in</strong>dle: The Story <strong>of</strong> the South Sea Bubble. Coll<strong>in</strong>s, 1960<br />

Cox, D. The Brotherton Collection, University <strong>of</strong> Leeds: Its Contents Described with Illustrations<br />

<strong>of</strong> Fifty Books and Manuscripts (Leeds, 1986) (see p. 16 for an Anglo-Irish miscellany <strong>of</strong> 1730<br />

conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g poems by Swift and his circle)<br />

Cox, Michael, ed. Who Wrote What? A Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Writers and their Works (Oxford, 2002)<br />

Cox, Richard. “Teach<strong>in</strong>g Swift’s A Modest Proposal,” Conference <strong>of</strong> College Teachers <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong><br />

Studies, 54 (1989), 66-72<br />

Craddock, Patricia. “Rev. Daniel Eilon, Factions’ Fiction: Ideological Closure <strong>in</strong> Swift’s Satire<br />

(Newark, London, Toronto, 1991),” Studies <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature, 32 (1992), 598<br />

Craddock, Patricia. “Rev. Joseph M. Lev<strong>in</strong>e, The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Books: History and Literature <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Augustan Age (Ithaca and London, 1991),” Studies <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature, 32 (1992), 575-77<br />

Craddock, Patricia. “Rev. Joseph McM<strong>in</strong>n, Jonathan Swift: A Literary Life (Houndmills,<br />

Bas<strong>in</strong>gstoke, and London, 1991),” Studies <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature, 32 (1992), 590<br />

Craig, Maurice James. “Short Catalogue <strong>of</strong> the Exhibition,” The Legacy <strong>of</strong> Swift: A Bi-Centenary<br />

Record <strong>of</strong> St Patrick’s Hospital, ed. Maurice James Craig (Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 1948), pp. 49-70<br />

Craig, Maurice James. “Swift’s Dubl<strong>in</strong>,” Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 1660-1860 (Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 1992 [1952]), pp. 71-145<br />

Craig, Maurice James. “Swift’s Heirs,” The Legacy <strong>of</strong> Swift: A Bi-Centenary Record <strong>of</strong> St<br />

Patrick’s Hospital, ed. Maurice James Craig (Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 1948), pp. 7-12<br />

Craig, Maurice James. Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 1660-1860: A Social and Architectural History. Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 1969<br />

Craig, Patricia. “Rev. Bernard Adams, Denis Johnston, a Life (Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 2002),” TLS, 4 October<br />

2002, p. 27<br />

Craik, Henry, ed. Travels <strong>in</strong>to Several Remote Nations <strong>of</strong> the World by Lemuel Gulliver. London,<br />

1894<br />

Craik, Henry. “Introduction,” Travels <strong>in</strong>to Several Remote Nations <strong>of</strong> the World by Lemuel<br />

Gulliver: With One Hundred Illustrations by Charles E. Brock (London, 1922 [1894]), pp. vii-xiv<br />

Craik, Henry. “Introduction,” Travels <strong>in</strong>to Several Remote Nations <strong>of</strong> the World by Lemuel<br />

Gulliver: With One Hundred Illustrations by Charles E. Brock (London, 1980 [1894]), pp. vii-xiv<br />

Craik, Henry. The Life <strong>of</strong> Jonathan Swift, Dean <strong>of</strong> St Patrick’s, Dubl<strong>in</strong>. London, 1882<br />

Craik, Henry. The Life <strong>of</strong> Jonathan Swift, Dean <strong>of</strong> St Patrick’s, Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 2nd ed., 2 vols (London<br />

and New York, 1894)<br />

Craik, Sir Henry, ed. Swift, Selections from his Works: Edited with Life, Introductions, and Notes,<br />

2 vols (Oxford, 1892-93)<br />

Craik, Sir Henry, ed. Swift: The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Books. Oxford, 1912<br />

Craik, Sir Henry. “Swift and his Gidd<strong>in</strong>ess,” TLS, 28 November 1918, p. 583<br />

Crane, R. S. “Rev. Mart<strong>in</strong> Kallich, “Three Ways <strong>of</strong> Look<strong>in</strong>g at a Horse: Jonathan Swift’s ‘Voyage<br />

to the Houyhnhnms’ Aga<strong>in</strong>,” Criticism, 2 (1960), 107-24,” Philological Quarterly, 40 (1961), 427-<br />

30<br />

Crane, R. S. “Rev. W. Gückel und E. Günther, D. Defoes und J. Swifts Belesenheit und literarische<br />

Kritik (Leipzig, 1925),” Philological Quarterly, 5 (1926), 371<br />

Crane, R. S. “The Houyhnhnms, the Yahoos, and the History <strong>of</strong> Ideas,” The Idea <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Humanities, 2 vols (Chicago and London, 1967), II, 261-82<br />

Crane, R. S. “The Houyhnhnms, the Yahoos, and the History <strong>of</strong> Ideas,” Reason and the<br />

Imag<strong>in</strong>ation: Studies <strong>in</strong> the History <strong>of</strong> Ideas, 1600-1800, ed. J. A. Mazzeo (New York and London,<br />

1962), pp. 231-53<br />

Crane, R. S. “The Houyhnhnms, the Yahoos, and the History <strong>of</strong> Ideas,” Twentieth-Century<br />

Interpretations <strong>of</strong> “Gulliver’s Travels”: A Collection <strong>of</strong> Critical Essays, ed. Frank Brady<br />

(Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968), pp. 80-88

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