jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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Bucholz, R. O. The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>of</strong> Court Culture. Stanford,<br />

California, 1993<br />

Buckley, Marjorie W. “Key to the Language <strong>of</strong> the Houyhnhnms <strong>in</strong> Gulliver’s Travels,” Fair<br />

Liberty Was All His Cry: A Tercentenary Tribute to Jonathan Swift, ed. A. Norman Jeffares<br />

(London and New York, 1967), pp. 270-78<br />

Buckley, W. E. “Gulliver’s Travels, First Edition,” Notes and Queries, 6th ser., 12 (1885), 350<br />

Budd, F. E., ed. Gulliver’s Travels. London, 1939<br />

Budgell, Eustace. Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the Life and Character <strong>of</strong> the Late Earl <strong>of</strong> Orrery, and <strong>of</strong> the Family<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Boyles ... With a Short Account <strong>of</strong> the Controversy between the Late Earl <strong>of</strong> Orrery and the<br />

Reverend Doctor Bentley, 2nd ed. (London, 1732) (see pp. 155-95 for Charles Boyle and his<br />

<strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong> the controversy)<br />

Bull, John. “Rev. Jonathan Swift: The Contemporary Background, ed. Clive T. Probyn<br />

(Manchester, 1978),” Durham University Journal, 43 (1982), 310<br />

Bullard, Paddy. “Rev. Jenny Davidson, Hypocrisy and the Politics <strong>of</strong> Politeness: Manners and<br />

Morals from Locke to Austen (Cambridge, 2004),” TLS, 8 April 2005, p. 26<br />

Bullard, Paddy. “Rev. Nigel Dennis, Cords <strong>of</strong> Identity (2003),” TLS, 20 June 2003, p. 27 (touches<br />

on Swift and A Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub)<br />

Bullitt, John M. “Rev. Denis Donoghue, Jonathan Swift: A Critical Introduction (Cambridge,<br />

1969),” The Scriblerian, 2 (1969), 21-22<br />

Bullitt, John M. “Rev. Ricardo Qu<strong>in</strong>tana, Swift: An Introduction (London, New York, Toronto,<br />

1955),” College <strong>English</strong>, 17 (1955), 62-63<br />

Bullitt, John M. “Swift’s ‘Rules <strong>of</strong> Raillery,’” Harvard <strong>English</strong> Studies, 3 (1972), 93-108<br />

Bullitt, John M. Jonathan Swift and the Anatomy <strong>of</strong> Satire: A Study <strong>of</strong> Satiric Technique.<br />

Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1953<br />

Bullough, Ge<strong>of</strong>frey. “Rev. Irv<strong>in</strong> Ehrenpreis, Swift, the Man, his Works, and the Age, I: Mr Swift<br />

and his Contemporaries (London and Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962),” <strong>English</strong>, 14 (1963), 200-<br />

2<br />

Bullough, Ge<strong>of</strong>frey. “Rev. Sybil Le Brocquy, Cadenus: A Reassessment <strong>in</strong> the Light <strong>of</strong> New<br />

Evidence <strong>of</strong> the Relationship between Swift, Stella and Vanessa (Dubl<strong>in</strong>, 1962),” <strong>English</strong>, 14<br />

(1963), 200-2<br />

Bundy, Jean. “Fréron and the <strong>English</strong> Novel,” Revue de Littérature Comparée, 36 (1962), 258-65<br />

Burd, Henry A. “The Golden Age Idea <strong>in</strong> Eighteenth-Century Poetry,” Sewanee Review, 23<br />

(1915), 172-85 (see p. 177 for Swift’s “fl<strong>in</strong>g at the fashion <strong>of</strong> copy<strong>in</strong>g the ancients”)<br />

Burger, D. “Over boekillustratie van fantastische Reisverhalen,” Handel<strong>in</strong>gen van het tweede<br />

wetenschappelijk Vlaamsch Congres voor Boek- en Bibliotheekwezen (Gent, 1933), pp. 139-47<br />

Burian, Orhan. “Da V<strong>in</strong>ci and Swift,” Notes and Queries, 197 (1952), 451-52<br />

Burke, Helen M. “Disrupt<strong>in</strong>g the ‘Government Play’: Swift and the ‘Home-Spun Witl<strong>in</strong>gs’ <strong>of</strong> the<br />

1720s and 1730s,” Riotous Performances: The Struggle for Hegemony <strong>in</strong> the Irish Theater, 1712-<br />

1784 (Notre Dame, Indiana, 2003), pp. 53-83<br />

Burke, John J., Jr. “Jonathan Swift’s Crimes aga<strong>in</strong>st Humanity: Truth or Fiction?” 1650-1850:<br />

Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries <strong>in</strong> the Early Modern Era, 10 (2004), 205-16<br />

Burke, John J., Jr. “Rev. Claude Rawson, God, Gulliver, and Genocide: Barbarism and the<br />

European Imag<strong>in</strong>ation, 1492-1945 (Oxford, 2001),” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries <strong>in</strong><br />

the Early Modern Era, 10 (2004), 205-16<br />

Burke, Joseph. <strong>English</strong> Art, 1714-1800. Oxford, 1976<br />

Burke, Kenneth. A Grammar <strong>of</strong> Motives (New York, 1946) (see pp. 8-9 for Gulliver’s Travels)

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