jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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Steuart. “Gulliver’s Travels,” Notes and Queries, 7th ser., 6 (1888), 128<br />

Steuhl, Wolfgang. “Gulliver ist ke<strong>in</strong> K<strong>in</strong>derheld: Jonathan Swifts Satire <strong>in</strong> e<strong>in</strong>er beachtlichen<br />

Neuübersetzung,” Frankfurter Allgeme<strong>in</strong>e Zeitung, 6 August 1988, p. 22<br />

Stevens, David Harrison. Party Politics and <strong>English</strong> Journalism, 1702-1742. New York, 1967<br />

(1916)<br />

Stevick, Philip. “A Note on Satire without an Object,” Scholia Satyrica, 1 (1975), 3-7 (comments<br />

on A Modest Proposal)<br />

Stevick, Philip. “The Augustan Nose,” University <strong>of</strong> Toronto Quarterly, 34 (1964-65), 110-17<br />

Stewart, Anthony. “The Yahoo and the Discourse <strong>of</strong> Racialism <strong>in</strong> Gulliver’s Travels,” Lumen, 12<br />

(1993), 35-43<br />

Stewart, Mary Margaret. “William Coll<strong>in</strong>s and On the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement,” Swift Studies, 10<br />

(1995), 43-47<br />

Stewart, Maurice. “Jonathan Swift, One Time Dean <strong>of</strong> St Patrick’s,” The Church <strong>of</strong> Ireland<br />

Gazette, 11 November 1994, pp. 8-9<br />

Stewart, Susan. “The Gigantic Described,” On Long<strong>in</strong>g: Narratives <strong>of</strong> the M<strong>in</strong>iature, the Gigantic,<br />

the Souvenir, the Collection (Durham and London, 1993), pp. 86-93<br />

Stewart, Wendy. “The Poetical Trade <strong>of</strong> Favours: Swift, Mary Barber, and the Counterfeit<br />

Letters,” Lumen, 18 (1999), 155-74<br />

Stillman, Claudia Ruth. “Swift <strong>in</strong> Wonderland: The Language <strong>of</strong> Dream <strong>in</strong> the Journal to Stella,”<br />

Literature and Psychology, 25, no 3 (1975), 108-16<br />

Stillman, Peter G. “‘With a Moral View Design’d’: Gulliver’s Travels as a Utopian Text,” Qwerty,<br />

11 (2001), 97-107<br />

Stimson, Dorothy. Scientists and Amateurs: A History <strong>of</strong> the Royal Society (London, 1949) (see<br />

pp. 130-32 for Gulliver’s Travels)<br />

Stock, Angela. “Watch<strong>in</strong>g Citizens: Ben Jonson’s A Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub and the Transformation <strong>of</strong><br />

Festive Space <strong>in</strong> Early Modern London,” Spatial Change <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong> Literature, ed. Joachim Frenk<br />

(Trier, 2000), pp. 47-68<br />

Stocker, Marguerite. Apocalyptic Marvell: The Second Com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Seventeenth Century Literature<br />

(Brighton, 1986) (the Fly<strong>in</strong>g Island as a satire <strong>of</strong> the motif <strong>of</strong> the Fortunate Isles. see pp. 166-67)<br />

Stockhammer, Robert. “‘A Proposal for correct<strong>in</strong>g modern Maps’: Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s<br />

Travels,” Kartierung der Erde: Macht und Lust <strong>in</strong> Karten und Literatur (München, 2007), pp. 91-<br />

111<br />

Stockhammer, Robert. “‘A Proposal for correct<strong>in</strong>g Modern Maps’: Literatur und Kartographie bei<br />

Jonathan Swift,” Literaturwissenschaft und politische Kultur: für Eberhard Lämmert zum 75.<br />

Geburtstag, eds W<strong>in</strong>frid Menn<strong>in</strong>ghaus und Klaus R. Scherpe (Stuttgart und Weimar, 1999), pp.<br />

157-67<br />

Stockley, W. F. P. “Swift as an Irish Writer,” Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th ser., 27 (1926), 127-<br />

47<br />

Stokes, George Thomas. “William K<strong>in</strong>g and his Contemporaries, Boulter and Swift,” Some<br />

Worthies <strong>of</strong> the Irish Church, ed. Hugh Jackson Lawlor (London, 1900), pp. 227-82<br />

Stollenwerk, Frederik. “Politische Satire bei Jonathan Swift,” M.A. thesis, Ludwigs-Maximilians-<br />

Universität, München 2010<br />

Stone, Edward. “Swift and the Horses: Misanthropy or Comedy?” Modern Language Quarterly,<br />

10 (1949), 367-76<br />

Storm, Marianne. “Menneskene han fik nok af (Of Man he had enough),” Vestkysten, 25 May 1976<br />

Stout, Gardner D., Jr. “Rev. John R. Clark, Form and Frenzy <strong>in</strong> Swift’s ‘A Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub’ (Ithaca<br />

and London, 1970),” Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong> and Germanic Philology, 71 (1972), 135-40

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