jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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Barry, Kev<strong>in</strong>. “Rev. Blanford Parker, The Triumph <strong>of</strong> Augustan Poetics: <strong>English</strong> Literary Culture<br />

from Butler to Johnson (Cambridge, 1998),” The Scriblerian, 32 (2000), 362-64<br />

Barry, Kev<strong>in</strong>. “Rev. Robert Mahony, Jonathan Swift, the Irish Identity (New Haven and London,<br />

1995),” Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 11 (1996), 160-61<br />

Barry, Kev<strong>in</strong>. “Rev. The Field Day Anthology <strong>of</strong> Irish Writ<strong>in</strong>g, eds Seamus Deane et al. (Derry and<br />

London, 1991),” The European <strong>English</strong> Messenger, 1, no 3 (1992), 46-49<br />

Barth, Adolf, ed. London Poems (Stuttgart, 1988) (see pp. 21-23 for A Description <strong>of</strong> a City<br />

Shower)<br />

Bartikowski, Jörg. “Die Interdependenz von Politik und Literatur <strong>in</strong> England zu Beg<strong>in</strong>n des 18.<br />

Jahrhunderts (anhand der politischen und historiographischen Schriften Swifts),” M. A. thesis,<br />

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, 1986<br />

Bartlett, Bruce. “Jonathan Swift: Father <strong>of</strong> Supply-Side Economics?” History <strong>of</strong> Political<br />

Economy, 24 (1992), 745-48<br />

Bartlett, John. Familiar Quotations: A Collection <strong>of</strong> Passages, Phrases and Proverbs Traced to<br />

their Sources <strong>in</strong> Ancient and Modern Literature, 13th ed. (London, 1957) (see pp. 294-97 for<br />

Swift)<br />

Bartley, J. O. “Bulls and Bog Witticisms,” Irish Book Lover, 30, no 3 (1947), 59-62<br />

Bartley, J. O. Teague, Shenk<strong>in</strong>, and Sawney: Be<strong>in</strong>g an Historical Study <strong>of</strong> the Earliest Irish, Welsh,<br />

and Scottish Characters <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong> Plays. Cork, 1954<br />

Bartsch, Volker, ed. E<strong>in</strong> Reise-Lesebuch: Irland (Hamburg, 1985) (see pp. 93-98 for “Jonathan<br />

Swift: e<strong>in</strong> unmaßgeblicher Vorschlag [A Modest Proposal]”)<br />

Barzun, Jacques. “Gulliver and Swift,” Gulliver’s Travels (New York and Toronto, 1977), pp. viixxv<br />

Barzun, Jacques. “Rev. Ricardo Qu<strong>in</strong>tana, The M<strong>in</strong>d and Art <strong>of</strong> Jonathan Swift (London, 1936),”<br />

The Nation, 26 December 1936, pp. 767-68<br />

Barzun, Jacques. “Swift, Gulliver, and Mortal Man,” Gulliver’s Travels (New York, 1947), pp. viixix<br />

Barzun, Jacques. “Swift, or Man’s Capacity for Reason,” The Energies <strong>of</strong> Art: Studies <strong>of</strong> Authors<br />

Classic and Modern (Westport, Connecticut, 1975 [1956]), pp. 81-100<br />

Barzun, Jacques. Pleasures <strong>of</strong> Music: An Anthology <strong>of</strong> Writ<strong>in</strong>g about Music and Musicians from<br />

Cell<strong>in</strong>i to Bernard Shaw (London, 1952) (see pp. 412-14 for Swift)<br />

Basenbach, Ruth L. “Rev. John R. Clark, Form and Frenzy <strong>in</strong> Swift’s ‘Tale <strong>of</strong> a Tub’ (Ithaca and<br />

London, 1970),” Enlightenment Essays, 1 (1970), 214-16<br />

Basney, Lionel. “Gulliver and the Children,” The Voice <strong>of</strong> the Narrator <strong>in</strong> Children’s Literature:<br />

Insights from Writers and Critics, eds Charlotte F. Otten and Gary D. Schmidt (New York,<br />

Westport, Connecticut, London, 1989), pp. 148-58<br />

Bastos da Silva, Jorge. “A Lusitanian Dish: Swift to Portuguese Taste,”The Reception <strong>of</strong> Jonathan<br />

Swift <strong>in</strong> Europe, ed. Hermann J. Real (London and New York, 2005), pp. 79-92<br />

Batchelor, Jennie. Dress, Distress, and Desire: Cloth<strong>in</strong>g and the Female Body <strong>in</strong> Eighteenth-<br />

Century Literature. Houndmills, Bas<strong>in</strong>gstoke, and New York, 2005<br />

Bate, W. Jackson. The Burden <strong>of</strong> the Past and the <strong>English</strong> Poet (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1970)<br />

(touches on The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Books, pp. 23-24)<br />

Bate, Walter Jackson. Samuel Johnson. London, 1978<br />

Bate, Walter Jackson. The Achievement <strong>of</strong> Samuel Johnson. New York, 1961 (1955)<br />

Bates, William. “Gulliver’s Travels,” Notes and Queries, 3rd ser., 6 (1864), 197<br />

Bateson, F. W. <strong>English</strong> Poetry: A Critical Introduction (London, New York, Toronto, 1950) (see<br />

pp. 175-80 for Swift’s Description <strong>of</strong> the Morn<strong>in</strong>g)

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