jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...

jonathan swift a bibliography of critical studies in - English ...


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Krzeczkowski, Henryk, eds et al. Poeci jezyka angielskiego (<strong>English</strong> Poets), 1 (Warsaw, 1971)<br />

(see pp. 802-12 for Swift)<br />

Kuczynski, Jürgen. “Defoe, Pope und Swift,” Gestalten und Werke: soziologische Studien zur<br />

englischsprachigen und französischen Literatur (Berl<strong>in</strong> und Weimar, 1971), pp. 9-40<br />

Kuczynski, Michael P. “Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels,” The Explicator, 41, no 4 (1983), 21-23<br />

Kuester, Mart<strong>in</strong>. “‘ ... better than Gulliver’s Travels’? Traces <strong>of</strong> Jonathan Swift <strong>in</strong> the Great<br />

American Formicary <strong>of</strong> Frederick Philip Grove’s Consider Her Ways,” Ahornblätter: Beiträge zur<br />

Kanada-Forschung, 18 (2005), 96-107<br />

Kuester, Mart<strong>in</strong>. “‘... better than Gulliver’s Travels’? Traces <strong>of</strong> Jonathan Swift <strong>in</strong> the Great<br />

American Formicary <strong>of</strong> Frederick Philip Grove’s Consider Her Ways,” Ahornblätter: Marburger<br />

Beiträge zur Kanada-Forschung, 18 (2005), 96-107<br />

Kuester, Mart<strong>in</strong>. “‘Newgate Pastorals’: la satire anglaise entre tradition pastorale et réalité urba<strong>in</strong>e<br />

du dix-huitième siécle,” Aufklärung: littérature et culture du XVIIIème siècle en Europe<br />

occidentale et méridionale. Hommage à Hans-Joachim Lope, eds Jesús Cañas Murillo et Sab<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Schmitz (Frankfurt on Ma<strong>in</strong>, New York, Oxford, 2004), pp. 143-54<br />

Kuhnle, T. R. and J. Kle<strong>in</strong>. “Querelle,” Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik, ed. Gert Ued<strong>in</strong>g, 7<br />

(Tüb<strong>in</strong>gen, 2005), cols 503-32<br />

Kulishek, Clarence L. “Hudibrastic Echoes <strong>in</strong> Swift,” Notes and Queries, 196 (1951), 339<br />

Kulishek, Clarence L. “Rev. Maurice Johnson, The S<strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wit: Jonathan Swift as a Poet (Syracuse,<br />

New York, 1950),” Modern Language Quarterly, 13 (1952), 105-6<br />

Kulishek, Clarence L. “Swift’s Octosyllabics and the Hudibrastic Tradition,” Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>English</strong><br />

and Germanic Philology, 53 (1954), 361-68<br />

Kulishek, Clarence L. “Swift’s Poems about Women,” Johnsonian News Letter, 10, no 3 (1950),<br />

11-12<br />

Kunitz, Stanley J. and Howard Haycraft, eds. British Authors before 1800: A Biographical<br />

Dictionary. New York, 1961 (1952)<br />

Künnemann, Horst. “Die Spitze der Eisberge: Bilder- und K<strong>in</strong>derbücher des Baltikums,” Bullet<strong>in</strong><br />

Jugend + Literatur, 86, no 3 (1995), 15-16<br />

Kupersmith, William. “An Editor’s Perspective on Literary Scholarship,” The Eighteenth Century,<br />

29 (1988), 48-56<br />

Kupersmith, William. “Rev. Jonathan Swift’s ‘On Poetry: A Rapsody.’ A Critical Edition with a<br />

Historical Introduction and Commentary, ed. Melanie Maria Just (Frankfurt on Ma<strong>in</strong>, 2003),” The<br />

Scriblerian, 38 (2006), 290-92<br />

Kupersmith, William. “Swift and ‘Harley, the Nation’s Great Support’: Horace, Epistle VII, Book<br />

I: Imitated and Addressed to the Earl <strong>of</strong> Oxford,” Swift Studies, 1 (1986), 39-45<br />

Kupersmith, William. “Swift’s Aeolists and the Delphic Oracle,” Modern Philology, 82 (1984-85),<br />

190-94<br />

Kupersmith, William. “William Diaper and Two Others Imitate Swift Imitat<strong>in</strong>g Horace,” Swift<br />

Studies, 10 (1995), 26-36<br />

Kupersmith, William. <strong>English</strong> Versions <strong>of</strong> Roman Satire <strong>in</strong> the Earlier Eighteenth Century.<br />

Newark, Delaware: University <strong>of</strong> Delaware Press, 2007<br />

Kupersmith, William. Roman Satirists <strong>in</strong> Seventeenth-Century England. L<strong>in</strong>coln, Nebraska, and<br />

London, 1985<br />

Kwan-Terry, John. “Ch<strong>in</strong>ese Travels,” The Scriblerian, 11 (1978), 4-6<br />

Kyber, Manfred. “Vorwort,” Gullivers Reisen <strong>in</strong> unbekannte Länder: für die reifere Jugend<br />

bearbeitet von Karl Seifert, 3. Aufl. (Stuttgart, Berl<strong>in</strong> [1925]), pp. 5-7<br />

L., C. D. “Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels,” Notes and Queries, 4th ser., 9 (1872), 342

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