Wernigerode 2015 - Program Book

International Johannes Brahms Choir Festival and Competition July 15 - 19, 2015 | Wernigerode, Germany The man after whom the festival is named for, Johannes Brahms, and the German Romantics of the 19th century, will be a focal point. This event offers interested choirs excellent opportunities to learn together and refine their specialist skills with coaching concerts and rehearsals with recognized international choral experts. We explicitly invite choirs and ensembles of all kinds who prefer not to take part in competition but like to give concerts in Wernigerode and other regional communities. The festival will provide ample opportunities for groups to perform their repertoires to an interested audience, whether they are specialized in choral, orchestral or folk music. Wernigerode is a town with a very special flair. It is a gem of medieval architecture located on the foot of the low mountain range of the Harz. There is hardly any other town with so many magnificent semi-timbered houses – a feast for your eyes. And it is an excellent stage for the parade and opening ceremony and further open air events

International Johannes Brahms Choir Festival and Competition
July 15 - 19, 2015 | Wernigerode, Germany

The man after whom the festival is named for, Johannes Brahms, and the German Romantics of the 19th century, will be a focal point.

This event offers interested choirs excellent opportunities to learn together and refine their specialist skills with coaching concerts and rehearsals with recognized international choral experts. We explicitly invite choirs and ensembles of all kinds who prefer not to take part in competition but like to give concerts in Wernigerode and other regional communities. The festival will provide ample opportunities for groups to perform their repertoires to an interested audience, whether they are specialized in choral, orchestral or folk music.

Wernigerode is a town with a very special flair. It is a gem of medieval architecture located on the foot of the low mountain range of the Harz. There is hardly any other town with so many magnificent semi-timbered houses – a feast for your eyes. And it is an excellent stage for the parade and opening ceremony and further open air events


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42Südafrika / South AfricaAngela StevensJurorin / Jury MemberAngela Stevens, eine dynamische Chorleiterin,Lehrerin und Preisrichterin, wurdein Südafrika geboren. Ihre langjährige undabwechslungsreiche internationale Karriereführte sie z.B. in den Oman, wo sie die Stilrichtungenund Techniken arabischer Musikstudierte, bevor sie anschließend nachDeutschland zog, wo sie seit vier Jahren denFachbereich Musik an der InternationalenFriedensschule in Köln leitet.Angela Stevens hat einen Masterabschlussin Musikpädagogik und ist eine innovativeChorleiterin, die eine ethnische und kulturelleVielfalt in ihre zahlreichen Chöre einbringtund gleichzeitig all denen, mit denensie verbunden ist, Liebe zur und Wertschätzungder Musik vermittelt.Als frühere Leiterin des Kearsney CollegeChoir, Südafrika, errang der Chor unter ihrerFührung bei den World Choir Games in Linzund Bremen 2000 und 2004 den Championtitelin der Kategorie Folklore. Neben zahlreichenanderen Auszeichnungen in Europaund Asien wurde Angela Stevens und ihremChor 2004 der renommierte Preis der StadtWien verliehen.Angela Stevens war Vizepräsidentin desKwaZulu Natal Youth Choir und Beraterindes Künstlerischen Leiters. Sie leitete zahlreicheunterschiedliche Chorworkshops unteranderem in Südafrika, Deutschland undder Schweiz. Sie fungiert seit 2007 als Jurymitgliedfür Interkultur.Angela Stevens a dynamic choral conductor,teacher and adjudicator, was born in SouthAfrica. Her long and varied International careertook her to Oman where she masteredstyles and techniques of Arabic music beforemoving to Germany where she has been theHead of Music at the Internationale Friendensschulein Cologne for the past four years.Angela Stevens holds her Masters in MusicEducation and is an innovative conductorwho brings ethnic and cultural diversity toher many choirs while instilling a love andappreciation of music to all those with whomshe is associated.As the former conductor of the Kearsney CollegeChoir, South Africa, she was responsiblefor their being crowned Olympic Championsof Folklore in 2000 and 2004 at the WorldChoir Games in Linz and Bremen respectively.Angela Stevens and her choir were awardedthe prestigious Prize of the City of Vienna in2004, amongst many other accolades both inEurope and Asia.Angela Stevens was the Vice President ofthe KwaZulu Natal Youth Choir and advisorto the Artistic Director. She has led many diversechoral workshops both in South Africa,Germany and Switzerland amongst others.Angela Stevens has been adjudicating for Interkultursince 2007.

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