Buddha Abhidhamma - Ultimate Science - BuddhaNet

Buddha Abhidhamma - Ultimate Science - BuddhaNet

Buddha Abhidhamma - Ultimate Science - BuddhaNet


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376<br />

Karunà embraces sorrow-stricken beings with the<br />

ardent wish to free them from all sufferings.<br />

It stands for the karunà-cetasika.<br />

3 Mudita – sympathetic joy, appreciative joy.<br />

It is the congratulatory attitude of oneself. Its chief<br />

characteristic is to be happy and full of joy in others’<br />

prosperity and success. Its direct enemy is jealousy, and<br />

its indirect enemy is exhilaration (pahàsa). it eliminates<br />

dislike (arati).<br />

Mudita embraces all prosperous beings with the<br />

ardent wish that their prosperity will last for a long time.<br />

It stands for the mudita-cetasika.<br />

4 Upekkhà – equanimity<br />

It literally means ‘to view impartially’, that is, with<br />

neither attachment nor aversion. Impartial attitude is<br />

its chief characteristic.<br />

It is not hedonic indifference nor the neutral feeling<br />

(upekkhà-vedanà). It stands for tatramajjhattatà-cetasika<br />

and means perfect equanimity or a well-balanced mind.<br />

It stays in between karunà and mudita. It keeps the mind<br />

balanced and unwavering amidst vicissitudes of life<br />

such as praise and blame, pain and happiness, gain and<br />

loss, repute or disrepute.<br />

Its direct enemy is passion (ràga) and its indirect<br />

enemy is callousness. It eliminates clinging and aversion.<br />

Living in the Sublime Abode<br />

Any one who is practising one of the four Brahma-vihàras is said<br />

to be living in the sublime abode.

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