Buddha Abhidhamma - Ultimate Science - BuddhaNet

Buddha Abhidhamma - Ultimate Science - BuddhaNet

Buddha Abhidhamma - Ultimate Science - BuddhaNet


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272<br />

Guide to reading Table 7.1<br />

a Reading longitudinally<br />

1 Lobha occurs in all the 9 departments as âsava,<br />

Ogha, Yoga, Gantha, Upàdàna, Nãvàraõa, Anusaya,<br />

Saüyojana and Kilesà.<br />

2 Diññhi occurs in 8 departments as âsava, Ogha, etc.,<br />

as shown in the Table.<br />

3 The rest can be read in a similar way.<br />

b Reading vertically<br />

4 Four âsavas have 3 essential elements – lobha, diññhi,<br />

and moha. The same is true for oghas and Yogas.<br />

5 Four Ganthas also have 3 essential elements – lobha,<br />

diññhi and dosa.<br />

6 The rest can be read in a similar way.<br />

[2] Missaka-saïgaha (Compendium of Mixed Categories)<br />

There are seven mixed categories – viz., Hetu, Jhànaïga, Maggaïga,<br />

Indriya, Bala, Adhipati and âhàra.<br />

1 Six Hetus (Six Roots)<br />

‘Hetu’ means root, cause, condition or root-condition. As the roots<br />

make a tree firm, prosperous and well-established, so in the same<br />

way the six hetus make cittas and cetasikas associated with them<br />

firm, prosperous and well-established at the sense-objects.<br />

There are 3 moral roots and 3 immoral roots. The tree<br />

immoral roots (akusala-hetus) are:<br />

1 Lobha – greed or attachment,<br />

2 Dosa – ill-will or hatred,<br />

3 Moha – ignorance or delusion.

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