Minutes Palo Alto High School PTSA Executive Board Meeting ...

Minutes Palo Alto High School PTSA Executive Board Meeting ...

Minutes Palo Alto High School PTSA Executive Board Meeting ...


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<strong>Minutes</strong><br />

<strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>PTSA</strong><br />

<strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

November 16, 2012<br />

<strong>PTSA</strong> President Rebecca Fox called the meeting to order at 11:05am. The agenda for the meeting<br />

is attached as Attachment A. Attendance is listed in Attachment B.<br />

Co-Secretary Mary Vincent presented the minutes from the <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong> meeting on October 18,<br />

2012. Treasurer’s Assistant Karen Neuman requested changes to the minutes, and the minutes<br />

were corrected. The minutes were approved with corrections.<br />

Announcements – President Rebecca Fox announced that a mid-year budget review will take place in<br />

January. Please review budget items and let Rebecca know of any adjustments you would like made.<br />

Rebecca noted that the December 13, 2012 <strong>Executive</strong> board meeting will be at her house and will<br />

include socializing over lunch.<br />

Rebecca led a discussion on bicycle safety, noting that many students are not complying with stop signs<br />

and other rules of the road. Rebecca is working with Michael Green, Traffic Safety Co-Chair, who is<br />

working with Penny Ellson from Safe Routes to <strong>School</strong>. There was discussion of asking the <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong><br />

Police Department to have a presence at problem areas and perhaps give tickets to students.<br />

Mary Ellen Bena, Paly Department Secretary, coordinates snacks for finals and needs someone to help<br />

her. It was decided to advertise this one-time volunteer spot to all Paly parents to find the volunteer.<br />

Cindy Goral, Special Education Liaison, presented information on Inclusive <strong>School</strong>s Week. A panel<br />

discussion is scheduled on Dec 3 rd at 25 Churchill, which is titled ‘Social Inclusion: More Than a Seat in<br />

the Class’. A copy of the poster is in Attachment C. Last year’s focus was academic inclusion and this<br />

year’s is social inclusion. A Gunn parent is putting together an event called ‘Oh My God, I Forgot To Go<br />

To Harvard’ and she is looking for young people who took an alternate route to participate in the event.<br />

April Henderson, Co-VP Outreach and Diversity, will see if she can help find young people at Foothill De<br />

Anza College, where she works.<br />

Parent Education Jane Gee and Mary Louise Ebinger, both Co-VP’s Programs/Parent Ed, discussed<br />

having two Parent Ed events, one on January 17 th and one in March 2013. The tentative topic for<br />

January is Teen Dating. Ideas for discussion are: What is the dating culture today at Paly? How do I<br />

talk to my teen about issues? Look for student input on what they want their parents to ask. The<br />

proposed topic for the March event is risky behaviors, e.g. drugs and alcohol.<br />

Student Report Matt Hall, ASB Teacher Advisor, Jessica Tam, ASB President and Soo Song, ASB Vice<br />

President gave the report. Spirit Week was a big success. Ideas for other events are: DJ or live music<br />

(Paly students) on the quad on a Friday at lunch, cookies and cocoa event after finals, African drum and<br />

dance troop at Paly. Prom is scheduled for April 27 th , 2013. Homecoming dance, Big Electric Dance<br />

(BED) -530+ attended, up from 440 last year. ASB hired SOS entertainment to decorate and hire the<br />

band and promoted it on Facebook. Info on dress code might help students feel more comfortable about<br />

going to the dance. ASB is doing a de-brief of the event; a practice they follow for many events.<br />

One goal of ASB this year is to increase communication and publicity about ASB activities. Another goal<br />

is transparency. In the area of publicity, ASB has a Facebook page for every class and one for ASB.<br />

ASB would like to address more social aspects of Paly and have high school students visit middle<br />

schools and talk about what to expect in high school.<br />

Principal’s Report Principal Phil Winston commended ASB on the best Spirit Week in his experience.<br />

Phil has started a few new initiatives this year.<br />

A. HOMEWORK – Phil is using a matrix from Stanford’s Challenge Success to track homework,<br />

noting average weekly time spent on homework by course. Menlo Atherton <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> also uses the<br />

Challenge Success model. Phil has taken the new board policy on homework and has asked<br />

departments to estimate homework based on the new policy. Departments must coordinate so that<br />

colleges know what they are looking at on students’ applications, i.e. that students have similar<br />

experiences across classes within a given course. Estimates will be made by teachers first, then

students will be asked how long it takes to do homework. The goals are for homework to be predictable<br />

and for students to have shared experience and equitable grading across classes.<br />


Teachers are required to elicit feedback from students each year, per their contract. This has not been<br />

happening. Phil is working with each department to develop the questions that will be asked of students.<br />

The process can be done on paper and pencil this time and will be on line in school year 2013-2014.<br />

Feedback needs to be collected in a way that protects anonymity of students.<br />

Technology Committee President Rebecca Fox presented minutes from the first technology<br />

committee meeting, included as Attachment D. Parliamentarian, Louise Valente, made a motion to<br />

ratify chairperson and members of the committee. The motion was seconded and passed. Rebecca<br />

Fox explained that Measure A covers the purchase of computers, so they are not included in the<br />

report.<br />

Treasurer’s Report Treasurer’s Assistant, Karen Neuman, presented the Paly <strong>PTSA</strong> Spending for<br />

the month of November and the budget with updated actual expenditures. The financial information<br />

is included in Attachment E. Karen noted that the check for $2250 in category 326, which is a<br />

duplicate of a check disbursed in September, will not be paid. Karen Neuman made a motion to<br />

release funds and ratify ten checks, which excludes the $2250 check in category 326 as shown in<br />

Attachment E. The motion was seconded and passed.<br />

Student Directories Mark Fan consolidated the information and created the directory and Pat<br />

Markevitch handled distribution. They were distributed on the quad and remaining copies were<br />

given to Teacher Advisors to distribute. Each household receives one copy. The cost of printing<br />

was approximately $7,000 and it took an estimated 20-30 hours to distribute. There was discussion<br />

about putting the directory online, as long as security issues are addressed. Phil Winston suggested<br />

providing the online version through infinite campus. If we go to online, we should offer printed<br />

copies as well, for households who want them.<br />

Volunteer Appreciation <strong>Executive</strong> Vice President Barb Clark asked for ideas and thoughts on the<br />

event. In the current format, it is not well attended. Personal invitations from staff to the volunteers<br />

helps. We could advertise the program, which includes performances by Paly choirs. We should<br />

think of ways to include working parents, perhaps make it a morning event, perhaps with a latte cart.<br />

Cindy Goral mentioned that receiving personal thank you notes from the students in FOS (Focus on<br />

Success) were very meaningful. We can thank people through enews. We can hold the event<br />

earlier in the year; it has been held in May in the past, which is an extremely busy time.<br />

President Rebecca Fox adjourned the meeting at 12:39pm.<br />

The minutes are submitted by Co-Recording Secretary Mary Vincent

<strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>PTSA</strong> December 13, 2012<br />

<strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

11:00 am-12:30<br />

Location: 159 Tennyson Ave.<br />

Agenda for December <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

11:10 Call <strong>Meeting</strong> to Order Rebecca Fox<br />

11:13 Approval of <strong>Minutes</strong> by Consent Mary Vincent/Janis Hom<br />

11:15 Announcements Rebecca Fox<br />

-Library/Finals Snack support<br />

-Ballroom Dancing proposal<br />

-UK student visits/homestays<br />

11:25 Treasurer’s Report Gary Paladin/Karen Neuman<br />

- Presentation of Balance Sheet and Financial Report<br />

- Presentation and vote on payment authorizations<br />

11:35 Adjourn for lunch<br />

Events coming up:<br />

<strong>PTSA</strong> providing snacks for finals, Dec 10-20<br />

Final Exams, December 19-21<br />

ASB post-finals Cookies-n-Cocoa, Dec 21 12-1:30<br />

Winter Break, December 22-Jan 6<br />

Upcoming <strong>PTSA</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>s:<br />

-Exec <strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>: January 17, 11-12:30, mid-year budget review<br />

-Association <strong>Meeting</strong> & Parent Ed: January 17, 7:00 pm. Speaker: Paly Student Activities<br />

Director, Matt Hall<br />

-Exec <strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>: February 21, 11:00-12:00<br />

-Association <strong>Meeting</strong>: February 21, 12:00-1:00

Inclusive <strong>School</strong>s Week 2012, presented by the <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> CAC for Special Education<br />

Social Inclusion:<br />

More Than a Seat in the Class<br />

Mon. Dec. 3, 7-9pm, 25 Churchill<br />

Panelists<br />

• Jennifer Sommerness, Ed.S, M.A. is an educational<br />

consultant, author, teacher, and advocate in the areas of<br />

inclusive education and professional staff development. She<br />

will speak about her paraprofessional training curriculum and<br />

promoting social inclusion, especially in the upper grades.<br />

• Diann Grimm, M.A.CCC-SLP, Ed.S - As an educator at CDE-<br />

Diagnostic Center North, Diann co-authored the manual<br />

“Quirky Kids” for local school districts. She consults on<br />

creating social-emotional learning and self-esteem using the<br />

"Kimochi" curriculum.<br />

• Liz Tucker, Inclusion Specialist, will speak about creating and<br />

administering the new Inclusion program at Duveneck.<br />

• Holly Wade, Ph.D. PAUSD Director of Special Education, will<br />

speak about the current state of PAUSD’s inclusion programs,<br />

and our new programs this year.<br />

Hospitality and Spanish<br />

translation provided.<br />

The <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> CAC is a<br />

support network for parents<br />

of children with an IEP or<br />

504. The CAC provides<br />

advice to the <strong>Board</strong> of<br />

Education on matters<br />

pertaining to special<br />

education and inclusion.<br />

www.cac-paloalto.org<br />

(updates in progress)

<strong>Minutes</strong> - Technology committee meeting<br />

Nov 1, 2012, <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, P1<br />

A group of faculty, students and parents met to review faculty requests for technology<br />

purchases using $24612 from the <strong>PTSA</strong> budget. Attending were faculty members Pat<br />

O'Hara, Matt Hall; students Spencer Carlson, Ethan Cohen, Alvin Kim; and <strong>PTSA</strong> Exec<br />

<strong>Board</strong> members Barb Clark, Rebecca Fox, Janis Hom<br />

Process for creating Tech Request List<br />

Pat O'Hara described the process used for collecting technology needs and requests<br />

from teachers and staff. Pat sends a request for "wants and needs" to departments.<br />

Pat asks questions to clarify and creates list. <strong>PTSA</strong> helps fund those needs.<br />

The technology request list excludes expenditures covered by funds from Measure A,<br />

which covers computers, computer carts, iPads, sometimes printers, generally<br />

described as computing related hardware. The tech request list is what remains outside<br />

of Measure A. The committee observed that limitation explains the skew toward noncomputing<br />

technology such as video cameras, projectors, etc.<br />

Pat sometimes gets tech requests that don't get included on this list, such as in the case<br />

of printer requests that are met by sharing or networking to a nearby printer. Also,<br />

sometimes Pat will push back on requests for obsolete (or soon obsolete) items, or<br />

items that have poor third-party reviews.<br />

Discussion<br />

The meeting discussion included questions about how many of the requests were<br />

proven effective in a school environment, compatibility with existing tech investments,<br />

funding for e-books on e-readers, equity among students, reasons that existing<br />

equipment will not meet needs (obsolescence, form factor, etc.), and purchase options<br />

or upgrade paths.<br />

Decisions<br />

The committee agreed to fund all requests except the following pending follow up to the<br />

questions below:<br />

1. Nook: explore whether the pilot can be tested with a smaller group to establish<br />

effectiveness before investing for a whole class.<br />

2. Font software: explore purchase options that allow greater campus-wide flexibility<br />

instead of per workstation purchase, and explore best possible upgrade path.<br />

3. Projector for band room: Pat will follow up to better understand how it will be used.<br />

Notes submitted by Janis Hom

Paly <strong>PTSA</strong> Spending<br />

For Month of November 2012<br />

Processing for 2012 - 2013 <strong>School</strong> Year<br />

15-Nov-12<br />

Date<br />

Payee $ Amt Description Expense Code<br />

1 November 9 2012 PAUSD $ 1,068.10 Mailing Campi 13-8046, 13-8066, Verde 13-8067 342 Postage for Student Publications (Hammer)<br />

2 November 9 2012 Dawn Billman 1,041.30 President's Awards for Fall 2012 331 Presidential Freedom Awards (Billman)<br />

3 November 9 2012 <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 1,753.67 4 Ipads for science department. 317 Science (Winston)<br />

4 November 7 2012 <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> Theatre Boosters 500.00 Purchase Safety Table Saw for theatre shop 312 Viking FastTrack Grants (Clark)<br />

5 November 7 2012 Magdalena Rivera 142.77 Living Skills 2nd chapter video buy 312 Viking FastTrack Grants (Clark)<br />

6 October 24 2012 Phillip Winston 72.50 ACT payment for Student in Need 316 Principal's Discretionary Grant (Winston)<br />

7 October 23 2012 <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 86.70 4 Ipad cases 317 Science (Winston)<br />

8 October 22 2012 Sandra Cernobori 1,190.49 NACAC conference Travel Expenses 322 College & Career Center (Fox)<br />

9 October 22 2012 <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 109.36 Lactobacilli MRS Agar 500g 317 Science (Winston)<br />

10 October 19 2012 <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 234.09 8 physics books for Science Dept. 317 Science (Winston)<br />

Automatic Deductions - 381 Bank Fees & Services for the Month $ - None this month<br />

November Disbursements 10 Checks $ 6,198.98<br />

+ Previous Disbursements for 2012-2013 <strong>School</strong> Year 32 Checks $ 72,769.13<br />

+ Automatic Deductions - 381 Bank Fees & Services - YTD from Previous Mth $ 4,284.90<br />

= YTD Disbursement 42 Checks $ 83,253.01<br />

Note: The following item was submitted for payment yet was not approved. This expenditure will put spending for 326 Teacher Advisor / Student Team Building over budget by $754. Rebecca Fox will discuss<br />

this issue with Paly and determine next steps. Pending that discussion & decision, this request (and whatever amount gets approved) will be included in the December disbursement batch of checks.<br />

October 22 2012 <strong>Palo</strong> <strong>Alto</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 4,092.91 Food - Sophomore team building 326 Teacher Advisor / Student Team Building (Winston)

Paly <strong>PTSA</strong> Income<br />

YTD for the 2012 - 2013 <strong>School</strong> Year<br />

Through Month of November<br />

15-Nov-12<br />

Income 2012 - 2013 Variance Vs Budget Year Ago<br />

Actual Budget Actual as % of Budget<br />

Under / (Overspent) Amount<br />

Actual as % of YA Amount<br />

Direct Appeal $ 157,408 $ 160,000 98% Near / At Budget Max 2,592 $ 155,959 101%<br />

Matching Funds 2,070 3,000 69% > Half of Budget 930 4,616 45%<br />

<strong>PTSA</strong> Dues<br />

i Kept at PALY 5,785 12,000 48% Almost Half of Budget 6,215 12,131 48%<br />

i To Be Sent to Council 4,546 5,500 83% Near / At Budget Max 954 - 0%<br />

Interest 75 250 30% 175 0%<br />

Breakeven Events -<br />

i Welcome BTS Dinner 6,990 10,000 70% > Half of Budget 3,010 8,212 85%<br />

i Turkey Day - - - - 0%<br />

i Grad & Senior Night - 90,000 0% 90,000 78,613 0%<br />

Prior Year Checks Returned - - - 2,050 0%<br />

Total Income $ 176,873 $ 280,750 63% > Half of Budget 103,877 $ 262,010 68%<br />

Prior Year Carry-Forward $ 72,881 $ 72,881<br />

Total Cash Available (Carry-Forward + Income) $ 249,754 $ 353,631 71%

PALY <strong>PTSA</strong> Expenses<br />

YTD for the 2012 - 2013 <strong>School</strong> Year<br />

Through Month of November<br />

15-Nov-12<br />

Expenses 2012 - 2013 Variance Vs Budget Year Ago<br />

Actual Budget Actual as % of Budget<br />

Under / (Overspent) Spending<br />

Actual as % of YA Spending<br />

Instructional Programs<br />

311 Technology Support (Fox) $ - $ 25,000 0% $ 25,000 $ 49,775 0%<br />

312 Viking FastTrack Grants (Clark) 1,226 20,000 6% 18,774 35,509 3%<br />

314 Student Planners (Fox) 10,019 10,000 100% Over Budget (19) NA NA<br />

316 Principal's Discretionary Grant (Winston) 1,076 2,500 43% Almost Half of Budget 1,424 1,990 54% > Half of YA<br />

317 Science (Winston) 3,390 20,000 17% 16,610 NA NA<br />

318 World Languages / Workbooks (Winston) 17,093 17,000 101% Over Budget (93) NA NA<br />

319 Departmental Supplies (Winston) - 15,000 0% 15,000 NA NA<br />

Spending from Discontinued Categories NA NA NA NA 31,624 NA<br />

Total Instructional Programs $ 32,804 $ 109,500 30% $ 76,696 $ 118,898 28%<br />

Guidance Services<br />

321 EXPLORE, PLAN, PSAT (Fox) $ - $ 16,000 0% $ 16,000 $ 15,230 0%<br />

322 College & Career Center (Fox) 1,849 6,000 31% 4,151 5,000 37%<br />

323 Adolescent Counseling Service (Fox) 5,000 5,000 100% Near / At Budget Max - 5,000 100% Near / At YA Level<br />

324 Youth Community Service (Gouyet) 2,000 2,000 100% Near / At Budget Max - 2,000 100% Near / At YA Level<br />

326 Teacher Advisor / Student Team Building (Winston) 9,411 15,000 63% > Half of Budget 5,589 NA NA<br />

Spending from Discontinued Categories NA NA NA NA 1,500 NA<br />

Total Guidance Services $ 18,260 $ 44,000 41% Almost Half of Budget $ 25,740 $ 28,730 64% > Half of YA<br />

Student Service Awards<br />

331 Presidential Freedom Awards (Billman) $ 1,041 $ 1,000 104% Over Budget $ (41) $ 849 123% > YA Level<br />

332 Silver Seal Awards (Fox) - 1,000 0% 1,000 1,350 0%<br />

Total Student Service Awards $ 1,041 $ 2,000 52% > Half of Budget $ 959 $ 2,199 47% Almost Half of YA<br />

Production / Mailing<br />

341 Directory Printing / Mailing (Hammer) $ 100 $ 7,000 1% $ 6,900 $ 6,495 2%<br />

342 Postage for Student Publications (Hammer) 2,195 7,000 31% 4,805 5,868 37%<br />

343 Back-to-<strong>School</strong> Packet Copy / Mail (Burgess) 583 3,000 19% 2,417 2,799 21%<br />

Total Production / Mailing $ 2,877 $ 17,000 17% $ 14,123 $ 15,162 19%<br />

Other<br />

351 Spirit Week Contributions (Solomon) $ - $ 1,000 0% $ 1,000 $ 343 0%<br />

352 Items for Staff (Winston) - - $4,000 Biannually so 2014 Expense - 3,000 0%<br />

Total Other $ - $ 1,000 0% $ 1,000 $ 3,343 0%

PALY <strong>PTSA</strong> Expenses<br />

YTD for the 2012 - 2013 <strong>School</strong> Year<br />

Through Month of November<br />

15-Nov-12<br />

Expenses 2012 - 2013 Variance Vs Budget Year Ago<br />

Actual Budget Actual as % of Budget<br />

Under / (Overspent) Spending<br />

Actual as % of YA Spending<br />

Student Activity Expenses<br />

361 Grad & Senior Night (Schroder) $ 9,825 $ 90,000 11% $ 80,175 $ 81,046 12%<br />

362 Turkey Day (Stewart / Anderson) - - - - 0%<br />

363 Welcome Dinner (Schroder) 5,852 10,000 59% > Half of Budget 4,148 7,329 80% Near / At YA Level<br />

Total Student Activity Expenses $ 15,677 $ 100,000 16% $ 84,323 $ 88,375 18%<br />

<strong>PTSA</strong> Activities<br />

371 Hospitality & Staff Appreciation (Crist / Drez) $ 650 $ 12,000 5% $ 11,350 $ 9,796 7%<br />

372 Volunteer Appreciation (Clark) - 1,500 0% 1,500 1,345 0%<br />

373 Programs / Parent Education (Ebinger / Gee) 2,393 5,000 48% Almost Half of Budget 2,607 3,739 64% > Half of YA<br />

374 Community Service (Gouyet) - 500 0% 500 - 0%<br />

375 Health & Welfare (Billman / Lucian) - 250 0% 250 - 0%<br />

376 Outreach & Diversity (Henderson) - 250 0% 250 500 0%<br />

377 Parent Network (Hammer) 26 1,000 3% 974 346 7%<br />

378 Paly Beautification (Fox) 150 5,000 3% 4,850 4,696 3%<br />

379 International Festival (Ma) - 500 0% - 0%<br />

Total <strong>PTSA</strong> Activities $ 3,219 $ 26,000 12% $ 22,781 $ 20,422 16%<br />

<strong>PTSA</strong> Operating Expenses<br />

381 Bank Fees & Services (Paladin) $ 4,285 $ 5,000 86% Near / At Budget Max $ 715 $ 2,414 178% > YA Level<br />

382 Conventions, Dues, Subscriptions (Paladin) - 500 0% 500 - 0%<br />

384 eNews Service (Paladin) - 600 0% 600 504 0%<br />

385 Insurance (Paladin) - 250 0% 250 199 0%<br />

387 <strong>PTSA</strong> Council Assessments (Paladin) 509 550 93% Near / At Budget Max 41 250 204% > YA Level<br />

388 <strong>PTSA</strong> Council Luncheon (Fox) - 400 0% 400 400 0%<br />

389 <strong>PTSA</strong> President's Fund (Fox) - 500 0% 500 389 0%<br />

391 Funds Transferred to Council PTA (Paladin) 4,506 5,500 82% Near / At Budget Max 994 5,130 88% Near / At YA Level<br />

392 Other <strong>PTSA</strong> Operating Expenses (Paladin) 75 250 30% 175 29 259% > YA Level<br />

Total <strong>PTSA</strong> Operating Expenses $ 9,375 $ 13,550 69% > Half of Budget $ 4,176 $ 9,315 101% > YA Level<br />

Total Expenses $ 83,253 $ 313,050 27% $ 229,797 $ 286,444 29%

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