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7 Working with Scientific Data Formats Step5: ClosingHDFFilesandtheHDFImportTool To close a file, select the file in the contents pane and click Close File on the HDF Import Tool File menu. To close all the files open in the HDF Import Tool, click Close All Files on the HDF Import Tool File menu. To close the tool, click Close HDFTool in the HDF Import Tool File menu or click the Close button in the upper right corner of the tool. If you used the hdftool syntax that returns a handle to the tool, h = hdftool('example.hdf') you can use the close(h) command to close the tool from the MATLAB command line. Using the HDF Import Tool Subsetting Options When you select a data set, the importing and subsetting pane displays the subsetting options available for that type of data set. The following sections provide information about these subsetting options for all supported data set types. For general information about the HDF Import tool, see “Using the HDF Import Tool” on page 7-35. • “HDF Scientific Data Sets (SD)” on page 7-41 • “HDF Vdata” on page 7-41 • “HDF-EOS Grid Data” on page 7-43 • “HDF-EOS Point Data” on page 7-48 • “HDF-EOS Swath Data” on page 7-48 • “HDF Raster Image Data” on page 7-52 Note To use these data subsetting options effectively, you must understand the HDF and HDF-EOS data formats. Therefore, use this documentation in conjunction with the HDF documentation ( andthe HDF-EOS documentation ( 7-40

Hierarchical Data Format (HDF4) Files HDF Scientific Data Sets (SD) The HDF scientific data set (SD) is a group of data structures used to store and describe multidimensional arrays of scientific data. Using the HDF Import Tool subsetting parameters, you can import a subset of an HDF scientific data set by specifying the location, range, and number of values to be read along each dimension. Subsetting parameters Dimension The subsetting parameters are: • Start — Specifies the position on the dimension to begin reading. The default value is 1, which starts reading at the first element of each dimension. The values specified must not exceed the size of the relevant dimension of the data set. • Increment — Specifies the interval between the values to read. The default value is 1, which reads every element of the data set. • Length — Specifies how much data to read along each dimension. The default value is the length of the dimension, which causes all the data to be read. HDF Vdata HDF Vdata data sets provide a framework for storing customized tables. A Vdata table consists of a collection of records whose values are stored in 7-41

Hierarchical Data Format (HDF4) Files<br />

HDF Scientific Data Sets (SD)<br />

The HDF scientific data set (SD) is a group of data structures used to store<br />

and describe multidimensional arrays of scientific data. Using the HDF<br />

Import Tool subsetting parameters, you can import a subset of an HDF<br />

scientific data set by specifying the location, range, and number of values to<br />

be read along each dimension.<br />

Subsetting<br />

parameters<br />

Dimension<br />

The subsetting parameters are:<br />

• Start — Specifies the position on the dimension to begin reading. The<br />

default value is 1, which starts reading at the first element of each<br />

dimension. The values specified must not exceed the size of the relevant<br />

dimension of the data set.<br />

• Increment — Specifies the interval between the values to read. The<br />

default value is 1, which reads every element of the data set.<br />

• Length — Specifies how much data to read along each dimension. The<br />

default value is the length of the dimension, which causes all the data to<br />

be read.<br />

HDF Vdata<br />

HDF Vdata data sets provide a framework for storing customized tables.<br />

A Vdata table consists of a collection of records whose values are stored in<br />


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