Panel Speakers - IESE Blog Community - IESE Business School

Panel Speakers - IESE Blog Community - IESE Business School

Panel Speakers - IESE Blog Community - IESE Business School


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Session 2<br />


HIDROFLOT, S.A.: Hidroflot, S.A. is a Spanish engineering company devoted to the design and promotion<br />

of its patented offshore conversion systems. Wave Energy Conversion & Floating Wind Offshore<br />

represents two complementary worlds where the company has innovative and profitable designs.<br />

Under Ocean Electric Inc. directives, the technical team are innovating for new floating wind offshore<br />

devices for high deep waters. It opens for us a great market due the possibility for production areas<br />

on sea deep waters are higher than low deep waters and onshore too. The innovative turbine is de-<br />

signed to work with all kind of manufacturer’s machines and is scalable in power.<br />

entrepreneur: Ricard Prats – Founder & CEO<br />

WINFLEX WIND TURBINES: WINFLEX is an innovative wind turbine development and manufacturing<br />

company which currently employs 15 scientists and engineers. During the first decade of operations,<br />

WINFLEX designed, built, tested and successfully connected to the grid for over two years 2 POC turbines:<br />

10 kW & 200 kW. WINFLEX’s primary objective is to penetrate the market with a 1 MW turbine.<br />

As a first step, the company is now at the advanced stage of designing a commercial 130 kW unit.<br />

R&D activities are partially supported by the Israeli Ministry of Infrastructure. The WINFLEX technology<br />

is a reliable and cost effective solution for wind turbines at grid parity! The technology is feasible<br />

over a wide spectrum of electrical power outputs ranging from 100 kW up to multi MW scale.<br />

entrepreneurs: Eliezer Kliatzkin – CEO & Dr. Vladimir Kliatzkin – CTO<br />

OSCOMP SYSTEMS: OsComp Systems’ (OCS) team of MIT engineers has invented a breakthrough,<br />

patent-pending technology that reduces operating and capital costs of compression by over 30%.<br />

OCS makes marginal gas wells profitable once again, and increases the margins from already profitable<br />

ones. The Stripper Well Consortium awarded OCS a grant and selected it as its #1 project in<br />

2010, validating its importance to the sector.<br />

entrepreneur: Pedro T. Santos – CEO<br />

awards and Keynote: preparing Ventures for a successful exit<br />

Speaker: Alessio Beverina – Partner, Sofinnova Partners<br />

Sponsored by:<br />

Friday, February 25 – 14:30-15:45<br />

organized by: Francesc Gómez-Landero (MBA 2011) and Ana Raquel Rogerio Santos<br />

(MBA 2011).<br />

For more information contact Franc.Gomez-Landero@iese.net or<br />

AnaRaquel.Santos@iese.net<br />

2011 Doing Good and Doing Well<br />


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