Panel Speakers - IESE Blog Community - IESE Business School

Panel Speakers - IESE Blog Community - IESE Business School Panel Speakers - IESE Blog Community - IESE Business School
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Panel Speakers Juan Carlos Thomas - Country Director, TechnoServe Chile TechnoServe is a global NGO that empowers people in the developing world to build businesses that break the cycle of poverty. Juan Carlos Thomas started the Chilean branch of TechnoServe in 2007, which is developing alliances with the private and public sector to foster inclusive business and entrepreneurship in low-income communities. Before joining TechnoServe, Mr. Thomas worked for the corporate finance division of BankBoston in Chile. He has also lectured in finance and entrepreneurship and is member of the investment committee of the first private social investment fund in Chile. Mr. Thomas holds a MBA from INSEAD (France & Singapore) and a Business Administration Engineering degree from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez with exchange studies at Babson College (USA). Montserrat Tohà i Solé – Directora General, Fundació Institut de Reinserció Social Montserrat Tohà i Solé nace en Isona (Lleida) en 1956. Diplomada en Trabajo Social, máster en Desarrollo Organizacional y diplomada en Dirección de Empresas, se vincula desde bien joven con el tercer sector social. Gran parte de su carrera profesional la desarrolla en la Fundació Institut de Reinserció Social (IReS), donde ejerce de asistente social entre los años 1981 y 1991. A partir de entonces, ocupó los cargos de coordinadora de programas y directora técnica, y es directora general desde 1998. Del 2003 al 2009 es presidenta de l’Associació d’Entitats Catalanes d’Acció Social (ECAS), cargo que compatibiliza con la vicepresidencia de la Taula del tercer sector social de Catalunya entre los años 2003 y 2007. Durante todo este periodo participa como profesora y ponente de multiples cursos, conferencias y seminarios, de entre los cuales se destaca la ponencia en el X Congrés d’Empreses de Qualitat de Barcelona y la moderación y ponencia que realiza en el marco del I Congrés del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya. Es profesora de l’Escola Universitària de Treball Social de Barcelona entre 1984 y 1991, y desde el año 1996 es miembro de la CEP- Conferènce Permanente Européene de Probation en representación de la Fundación IReS. 102 IESE Business School

Panel Speakers Rut Turró - Rut Turró Rut Turró started her professional career as a designer in London.She has extensive experience in the world of fashion and social entrepreneurship in a variety of countries (e.g., India, Australia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Spain). Currently she works as a fashion consultant and is involved in two projects, one an Ecological design course on-line, the other involving specialized clothes for geriatrics and wheelchairs. Antonino Vaccaro - Assistant Professor of the Business Ethics Department, IESE Business School Antonino Vaccaro is an Assistant Professor of the Business Ethics Department at IESE Business School. He received a MSc. in Engineering (Politecnico of Milan), a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management (IST, Lisbon) and two Post Doctoral Research Fellowships respectively in Ethics and Technology Policy (Carnegie Mellon University) and in Information Ethics (University of Oxford). He is an expert of corporate transparency, corruption and fraud in organizations. Antonino Vaccaro has worked in consultancy and applied research projects for such companies as FIAT, Southern Company, Artsana Group, Tecnotre, Alcoa and Volkswagen. He is currently collaborating with the Portuguese Judiciary Police (Anti money laundering unit) and with the UN Global Compact on projects related to the prevention and identification of frauds in multinational companies. 2011 Doing Good and Doing Well 103

<strong>Panel</strong> <strong>Speakers</strong><br />

Rut Turró - Rut Turró<br />

Rut Turró started her professional career as a designer in London.She has extensive<br />

experience in the world of fashion and social entrepreneurship in a variety of countries<br />

(e.g., India, Australia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Spain). Currently she works as a<br />

fashion consultant and is involved in two projects, one an Ecological design course on-line, the other involving<br />

specialized clothes for geriatrics and wheelchairs.<br />

Antonino Vaccaro - Assistant Professor of the <strong>Business</strong> Ethics Department, <strong>IESE</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Antonino Vaccaro is an Assistant Professor of the <strong>Business</strong> Ethics Department at<br />

<strong>IESE</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>School</strong>. He received a MSc. in Engineering (Politecnico of Milan), a<br />

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management (IST, Lisbon) and two Post Doctoral<br />

Research Fellowships respectively in Ethics and Technology Policy (Carnegie Mellon University) and in<br />

Information Ethics (University of Oxford). He is an expert of corporate transparency, corruption and fraud in<br />

organizations. Antonino Vaccaro has worked in consultancy and applied research projects for such companies<br />

as FIAT, Southern Company, Artsana Group, Tecnotre, Alcoa and Volkswagen. He is currently collaborating<br />

with the Portuguese Judiciary Police (Anti money laundering unit) and with the UN Global Compact<br />

on projects related to the prevention and identification of frauds in multinational companies.<br />

2011 Doing Good and Doing Well<br />


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