Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels

Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels

Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels


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1994: <strong>the</strong> National Lesbian and Gay Health Association (NLGHA), was formed by gay health<br />

providers across <strong>the</strong> country to focus on improving health in <strong>the</strong> gay communities.<br />

1998: Soulforce, Inc formed to challenge church doctrines on homosexuality (Van Biema,2000).<br />

Organizations Formed to Oppose Gay Rights<br />

1973: Concerned Women for America works to reverse <strong>the</strong> moral decline and to protect and<br />

restore <strong>the</strong> family to its traditional purpose.<br />

1976: Exodus International is a non-profit, interdenominational Christian organization<br />

promoting freedom from homosexuality.<br />

1977: Focus on <strong>the</strong> Family believes that marriage is intended by God to be a permanent,<br />

lifelong relationship between a man and a woman.<br />

1980: Traditional Values Coalition (TVA) defends biblical principles in regard to homosexuality<br />

and family values.<br />

1983: Family Research Council (FSC) is dedicated to <strong>the</strong> promotion of marriage and family and<br />

<strong>the</strong> sanctity of human life in national policy.<br />

1987: Institute for American Values develops research, publication, and public education on<br />

major issues of family well-being and civil society.<br />

1988: American Family Association (AFA) organizes educational campaigns and boycotts to<br />

combat pornography and <strong>the</strong> homosexual agenda.<br />

1992: The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) is a<br />

professional and scientific organization that offers education and <strong>the</strong>rapy to those who struggle<br />

with unwanted homosexuality.<br />

1993: Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) provides legal support for cases of religious discrimination<br />

<strong>Over</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong>: The Gay Battle for Social Reorganization of America. 2010<br />

Dr. M. L. Coppock<br />

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