Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels

Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels

Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels


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marriage’s ‘customary forms’: marriage as between a man and a woman; marriage as between<br />

two people; and marriage as connected to sexuality and procreation. Evan Wolfson, <strong>the</strong><br />

executive director of Freedom to Marry, a group advocating for gay marriage, argues for human<br />

dignity and equality. He offers a definition of marriage as: “a loving union between two people<br />

who enter into a relationship of emotional and financial commitment and interdependence.”<br />

He calls <strong>the</strong> campaign for marriage “conservatively subversive” and involved in “<strong>the</strong> legal<br />

freeing of individuals and society from marriage’s customary forms” Many intellectuals and<br />

activists seek to deinstitutionalize marriage and weaken its public influence as an important<br />

step to larger goals. Ellen Willis, a professor at New York University, foresees o<strong>the</strong>r changes.<br />

“For starters, if homosexual marriage is OK, why not group marriage.” (Blankenhorn,2007:130-137).<br />

BACKLASH to Same Sex Marriage<br />

David Blankenhorn , a family scholar and researcher who focused his career on <strong>the</strong><br />

importance of fa<strong>the</strong>rhood in society, is <strong>the</strong> founder and president of <strong>the</strong> Institute for<br />

American Values, an academic think tank dealing with <strong>the</strong> importance of families. In his book<br />

The Future of Marriage he challenges <strong>the</strong> movement toward gay marriage. He writes,<br />

“marriage is fundamentally about <strong>the</strong> needs of children. And in thinking and writing about it for<br />

nearly two decades, I have come to believe one thing with more certainty than anything else:<br />

What children need most are mo<strong>the</strong>rs and fa<strong>the</strong>rs. Not caregivers. Not parent-like adults. Not<br />

even ‘parents’. What a child wants and needs more than anything else are <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r and <strong>the</strong><br />

fa<strong>the</strong>r who toge<strong>the</strong>r made <strong>the</strong> child, who love <strong>the</strong> child, and who love each o<strong>the</strong>r…Redefining<br />

marriage to include gay and lesbian couples would eliminate entirely in law, and weaken still<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r in culture, <strong>the</strong> basic idea of a mo<strong>the</strong>r and a fa<strong>the</strong>r for every child.” Once this proposed<br />

reform became law, even to say <strong>the</strong> words out loud in public – “Every child needs a fa<strong>the</strong>r and a<br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r” – would probably be viewed as explicitly divisive and discriminatory, possibly even as<br />

hate speech” (Blankenhorn, 2007;2-3).<br />

In November of 2009 <strong>the</strong> National Organization for Marriage under <strong>the</strong> leadership of Rick<br />

Santorum and Maggie Gallagher invited <strong>the</strong> American people to join <strong>the</strong> Two Million for<br />

Marriage Campaign to tell Congress: “Enough, Don’t Mess <strong>With</strong> Marriage!” The concern<br />

focused on a bill introduced by Congressman Jerrold Nadler to repeal <strong>the</strong> Defense of Marriage<br />

Act (DOMA), <strong>the</strong> law protecting state laws defining marriage as <strong>the</strong> union of a husband and<br />

wife. Santorum notes, ”If we don’t act today, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and o<strong>the</strong>rs in<br />

Congress will succeed in <strong>the</strong>ir efforts to repeal DOMA, an effort which <strong>the</strong> White House has<br />

already noted is one of its highest “civil rights” priorities.” … The overwhelming majority of<br />

Americans, and even most courts have rejected that view. And just a few months ago, 70<br />

percent of African Americans voted to protect marriage as one man and one woman in<br />

<strong>Over</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong>: The Gay Battle for Social Reorganization of America. 2010<br />

Dr. M. L. Coppock<br />

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