Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels

Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels

Over the Rainbow: - Wrestling With Angels


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ecruits could not be questioned about <strong>the</strong>ir sexual orientation by commanding officers, and<br />

gays and lesbians serving should not come out of <strong>the</strong> closet.<br />

Those who argue against <strong>the</strong> normalization of homosexuality in <strong>the</strong> military contend that:<br />

* discrimination based on sexual orientation cannot be equated to race because sexual<br />

orientation outlines changeable and chosen behaviors ra<strong>the</strong>r than innate characteristics;<br />

* <strong>the</strong> presence of gays in <strong>the</strong> close environment of <strong>the</strong> military in foxholes, showers, and<br />

sleeping quarters invades <strong>the</strong> privacy rights of heterosexuals;<br />

* <strong>the</strong> military is not <strong>the</strong> appropriate place for a ‘social experiment’;<br />

* straight service members would fear sexual harassment and sexual overtures by openly gay<br />

and lesbian service members;<br />

* AIDS will increase with <strong>the</strong> presence of gay service members and blood transfusions in<br />

combat will be made risky; and<br />

* sexual behaviors between gays and lesbians would undermine morale.<br />

Gay activists argue against <strong>the</strong>se concerns contending that several scientific studies indicate<br />

that <strong>the</strong>re may be a biological link to sexual orientation, and that gay and lesbian inclusion is<br />

not a social experiment, as gay and lesbians already work and live with heterosexuals<br />

throughout society. Gay and lesbians also serve In <strong>the</strong> military and discrimination against <strong>the</strong>m<br />

is wrong. Gay advocates argue that military regulations already prohibit individual sexual<br />

activities and open displays of affection while on duty,and that penalties for inappropriate<br />

sexual behaviors are already in effect.<br />

The Military in <strong>the</strong> New Millennium<br />

In 2007 retired Army General, John M. Shalikashvili, spoke out for reconsideration of <strong>the</strong><br />

ban against openly gay men and women in <strong>the</strong> military. In noting that President Bush had<br />

called for a long-term plan to increase <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong> armed forces, Shalikashvili suggested that<br />

<strong>the</strong> time had come to give this policy serious reconsideration. He noted that in a Zogby poll,<br />

three quarters of 500 service members returning from Afghanistan and Iraq said “<strong>the</strong>y were<br />

comfortable interacting with gay people.” He commented, “Our military has been stretched<br />

thin by our deployments in <strong>the</strong> Middle East, and we must welcome <strong>the</strong> service of any American<br />

who is willing and able to do <strong>the</strong> job” (Shalikashvili, 2007).<br />

In October of 2009 President Barack Obama spoke at <strong>the</strong> annual national dinner of <strong>the</strong><br />

Human Rights Campaign, <strong>the</strong> US’s largest gay advocacy group, reaffirming his commitment to<br />

end <strong>the</strong> ban against gays openly serving in <strong>the</strong> military. Obama had run a campaign strongly<br />

supportive of gay rights in society, however gay activists were frustrated at his failure to take<br />

<strong>Over</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong>: The Gay Battle for Social Reorganization of America. 2010<br />

Dr. M. L. Coppock<br />

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