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Chapter 2—Wind Characteristics 2–45 Figure 20: Actual wind data, and Weibull and Rayleigh density functions for Tuttle Creek, 7:00–8:00 p.m., July 1980, 50 m. wind power density as computed from Eq. 44 for standard conditions is ¯P w /A = 396 W/m 2 . The power density computed from the Weibull model, Eq. 46, is 467 W/m 2 , while the power density computed from the Rayleigh density function by a process similar to Eq. 44 is 565 W/m 2 . The Weibull is 18 % high while the Rayleigh is 43 % high. If we examine just the wind speed range of 5-12 m/s, we get an entirely different picture. The actual wind power density in this range is ¯P w /A = 362 W/m 2 , while the Weibull predicts a density of 308 W/m 2 , 15 % low, and the Rayleigh predicts 262 W/m 2 , 28 % low. This shows that neither model is perfect and that results from such models need to be used with caution. However, the Weibull prediction is within 20 % of the actual value for either wind speed range, which is not bad for a data set that is so difficult to mathematically describe. Another example of the ability of the Weibull and Rayleigh density functions to fit actual data is shown in Fig. 21. The mean speed is 4.66 m/s as compared with 7.75 m/s in Fig. 20 Wind Energy Systems by Dr. Gary L. Johnson November 20, 2001

Chapter 2—Wind Characteristics 2–46 and k is 1.61 as compared with 2.56. This decrease in k to a value below 2 causes the Weibull density function to be below the Rayleigh function over a central range of wind speeds, in this case 2–8 m/s. The actual data are concentrated between 2 and 4 m/s and neither function is able to follow this wide variation. The actual wind power density in this case is 168 W/m 2 , while the Weibull prediction is 161 W/m 2 , 4 % low, and the Rayleigh prediction is 124 W/m 2 , 26 % low. Considering only the 5–12 m/s range, the actual power density is 89 W/m 2 ,the Weibull prediction is 133 W/m 2 , 49 % high, and the Rayleigh prediction is 109 W/m 2 ,22% high. Figure 21: Actual wind data, and Weibull and Rayleigh density functions for Tuttle Creek, 7:00–8:00 a.m., August 1980, 10 m. We see from these two figures that it is difficult to make broad generalizations about the ability of the Weibull and Rayleigh density functions to fit actual data. Either one may be either high or low in a particular range. The final test or proof of the usefulness of these functions will be in their ability to predict the power output of actual wind turbines. In the Wind Energy Systems by Dr. Gary L. Johnson November 20, 2001

Chapter 2—Wind Characteristics 2–45<br />

Figure 20: Actual wind data, and Weibull and Rayleigh density functions for Tuttle Creek,<br />

7:00–8:00 p.m., July 1980, 50 m.<br />

wind power density as computed from Eq. 44 for standard conditions is ¯P w /A = 396 W/m 2 .<br />

The power density computed from the Weibull model, Eq. 46, is 467 W/m 2 , while the power<br />

density computed from the Rayleigh density function by a process similar to Eq. 44 is 565<br />

W/m 2 . The Weibull is 18 % high while the Rayleigh is 43 % high.<br />

If we examine just the wind speed range of 5-12 m/s, we get an entirely different picture.<br />

The actual wind power density in this range is ¯P w /A = 362 W/m 2 , while the Weibull predicts<br />

a density of 308 W/m 2 , 15 % low, and the Rayleigh predicts 262 W/m 2 , 28 % low. This<br />

shows that neither model is perfect and that results from such models need to be used with<br />

caution. However, the Weibull prediction is within 20 % of the actual value for either wind<br />

speed range, which is not bad for a data set that is so difficult to mathematically describe.<br />

Another example of the ability of the Weibull and Rayleigh density functions to fit actual<br />

data is shown in Fig. 21. The mean speed is 4.66 m/s as compared with 7.75 m/s in Fig. 20<br />

Wind Energy Systems by Dr. Gary L. Johnson November 20, 2001

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