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Chapter 2—Wind Characteristics 2–19 On clear nights, however, the earth will be colder than the air above it, so a parcel at the temperature of the earth that is displaced upward will find itself colder than the surrounding air. This makes it more dense than its surroundings so that it tends to sink back down to its original position. This condition is referred to as a stable atmosphere. Atmospheres which have temperature profiles between those for unstable and stable atmospheres are referred to as neutral atmospheres. The daily variation in atmospheric stability and surface wind speeds is called the diurnal cycle. It is occasionally convenient to express the actual temperature variation in an equation similar to Eq. 10. Over at least a narrow range of heights, the prevailing temperature T p (z) canbewrittenas T p (z) =T g − R p (z − z g ) (11) where R p is the slope of a straight line approximation to the actual temperature curve called the prevailing lapse rate. T g is the temperature at ground level, z g m above mean sea level, and z is the elevation of the observation point above sea level. We can force this equation to fit one of the dashed curves of Fig. 10 by using a least squares technique, and determine an approximate lapse rate for that particular time. If we do this for all times of the day and all seasons of the year, we find that the average prevailing lapse rate R p is 0.0065 o C/m. Suppose that a parcel of air is heated above the temperature of the neighboring air so it is now buoyant and will start to rise. If the prevailing lapse rate is less than adiabatic, the parcel will rise until its temperature is the same as the surrounding air. The pressure force and hence the acceleration of the parcel is zero at the point where the two lapse rate lines intersect. The upward velocity, however, produced by acceleration from the ground to the height at which the buoyancy vanishes, is greatest at that point. Hence the air will continue upward, now colder and more dense than its surroundings, and decelerate. Soon the upward motion will cease and the parcel will start to sink. After a few oscillations about that level the parcel will settle near that height as it is slowed down by friction with the surrounding air. Example Suppose that the prevailing lapse rate is 0.0065 o C/m and that a parcel of air is heated to 25 o C while the surrounding air at ground level is at 24 o C. Ground level is at an elevation 300 m above sea level. What will be the final altitude of the heated parcel after oscillations cease, assuming an adiabatic process? The temperature variation with height for the linear adiabatic lapse rate is, from Eq. 10, T a =25− 0.01(z − 300) Similarly, the temperature variation for the prevailing lapse rate is, from Eq. 11, T p =24− 0.0065(z − 300) Wind Energy Systems by Dr. Gary L. Johnson November 20, 2001

Chapter 2—Wind Characteristics 2–20 The two temperatures are the same at the point of equal buoyancy. Setting T a equal to T p and solving for z yields an intersection height of about 585 m above sea level or 285 m above ground level. This is illustrated in Fig. 11. Figure 11: Buoyancy of air in a stable atmosphere Atmospheric mixing may be limited to a relatively shallow layer if there is a temperature inversion at the top of the layer. This situation is illustrated in Fig. 12. Heated parcels rise until their temperature is the same as that of the ambient air, as before. Now, however, a doubling of the initial temperature difference does not result in a doubling of the height of the intersection, but rather yields a minor increase. Temperature inversions act as very strong lids against penetration of air from below, trapping the surface air layer underneath the inversion base. Such a situation is responsible for the maintenance of smog in the Los Angeles basin. A more detailed system of defining stability is especially important in atmospheric pollution studies. Various stability parameters or categories have been defined and are available in the literature[18]. A stable atmosphere may have abrupt changes in wind speed at a boundary layer. The winds may be nearly calm up to an elevation of 50 or 100 m, and may be 20 m/s above that boundary. A horizontal axis wind turbine which happened to have its hub at this boundary would experience very strong bending moments on its blades and may have to be shut down in such an environment. An unstable atmosphere will be better mixed and will not evidence such sharp boundaries. The wind associated with an unstable atmosphere will tend to be gusty, because of thermal mixing. Wind speeds will be quite small near the ground because of ground friction, increasing upward for perhaps several hundred meters over flat terrain. A parcel of heated air therefore leaves the ground with a low horizontal wind speed. As it travels upward, the surrounding air exerts drag forces on the parcel, tending to speed it up. The parcel will still maintain its identity for some time, traveling slower than the surrounding air. Wind Energy Systems by Dr. Gary L. Johnson November 20, 2001

Chapter 2—Wind Characteristics 2–19<br />

On clear nights, however, the earth will be colder than the air above it, so a parcel at the<br />

temperature of the earth that is displaced upward will find itself colder than the surrounding<br />

air. This makes it more dense than its surroundings so that it tends to sink back down to<br />

its original position. This condition is referred to as a stable atmosphere. Atmospheres which<br />

have temperature profiles between those for unstable and stable atmospheres are referred to<br />

as neutral atmospheres. The daily variation in atmospheric stability and surface wind speeds<br />

is called the diurnal cycle.<br />

It is occasionally convenient to express the actual temperature variation in an equation<br />

similar to Eq. 10. Over at least a narrow range of heights, the prevailing temperature T p (z)<br />

canbewrittenas<br />

T p (z) =T g − R p (z − z g ) (11)<br />

where R p is the slope of a straight line approximation to the actual temperature curve called<br />

the prevailing lapse rate. T g is the temperature at ground level, z g m above mean sea level,<br />

and z is the elevation of the observation point above sea level. We can force this equation to<br />

fit one of the dashed curves of Fig. 10 by using a least squares technique, and determine an<br />

approximate lapse rate for that particular time. If we do this for all times of the day and all<br />

seasons of the year, we find that the average prevailing lapse rate R p is 0.0065 o C/m.<br />

Suppose that a parcel of air is heated above the temperature of the neighboring air so it<br />

is now buoyant and will start to rise. If the prevailing lapse rate is less than adiabatic, the<br />

parcel will rise until its temperature is the same as the surrounding air. The pressure force<br />

and hence the acceleration of the parcel is zero at the point where the two lapse rate lines<br />

intersect. The upward velocity, however, produced by acceleration from the ground to the<br />

height at which the buoyancy vanishes, is greatest at that point. Hence the air will continue<br />

upward, now colder and more dense than its surroundings, and decelerate. Soon the upward<br />

motion will cease and the parcel will start to sink. After a few oscillations about that level<br />

the parcel will settle near that height as it is slowed down by friction with the surrounding<br />

air.<br />

Example<br />

Suppose that the prevailing lapse rate is 0.0065 o C/m and that a parcel of air is heated to 25 o C<br />

while the surrounding air at ground level is at 24 o C. Ground level is at an elevation 300 m above sea<br />

level. What will be the final altitude of the heated parcel after oscillations cease, assuming an adiabatic<br />

process?<br />

The temperature variation with height for the linear adiabatic lapse rate is, from Eq. 10,<br />

T a =25− 0.01(z − 300)<br />

Similarly, the temperature variation for the prevailing lapse rate is, from Eq. 11,<br />

T p =24− 0.0065(z − 300)<br />

Wind Energy Systems by Dr. Gary L. Johnson November 20, 2001

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