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PUBLICATIONS 2009 Amir H & Pirotta M. 2009. Medicines for breastfeeding women: a postal survey of general practitioners in Victoria. Medical Journal of Australia. 191 (2) : 126. Arnold M, Pearce C, Dwan K, Phillips C & Trumble S. 2009. Doctor, patient and computer - A framework for the new consultation. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 78 (1) : 32-38. Arroll B, Goodyear-Smith F, Kerse N, Hwang M, Crengl S, Gunn J, Fishman T, Hatcher S, Pradhan S & Sidhu K. 2009. The prevalence of depression among Maori patients in Auckland general practice. Journal of Primary Health Care. 1 (1) : 26-29. Biggs B, Caruana S, Mihrshahi S, Jolley D, Leydon J, Chea L & Nuon S. 2009. Short Report: Management of Chronic Strongyloidiasis in Immigrants and Refugees: Is Serologic Testing Useful? American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 80 (5) : 788-791. Bilardi J, Hopkins C, Fairley C, Hocking J, Tomnay J, Pavlin N, Parker R, Temple- Smith M, Bowden F, Russell D, Pitts M & Chen M. 2009. Innovative Resources Could Help Improve Partner Notification for Chlamydia in Primary Care. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 36 (12) : 779-783. Bilardi J, Sanci L, Fairley C, Hocking J, Mazza D, Henning D, Sawyer S, Wills M, Wilson D & Chen M. 2009. The experience of providing young people attending general practice with an online risk assessment tool to assess their own sexual health risk. BMC Infectious Diseases. 9 : 29. Blackberry I, Furler J, Young D & Best J. 2009. What does it cost to establish a practice-nurses-led clinical trial in general practice? Lessons learnt from the Patient Engagement and Coaching for Health (PEACH) study. Medical Journal of Australia. 191 (9) : 492-495. Burgess P, Pirkis J, Slade T, Johnston A, Meadows G & Gunn J. 2009. Service use for mental health problems: findings from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 43 : 615- 623. Cabalag M, Taylor D, Knott J, Buntine P, Smit D & Meyer A. 2009. Recent Caffeine Ingestion Reduces Adenosine Efficacy in the Treatment of Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia. Academic Emergency Medicine. 17 (1) : 44-49. Cameron M, French S & Minter W. 2009. Chiropractic & Osteopathy. Practical Tips in Finding the Evidence: An Allied Health Primer. Manila, Philippines: University of Santo Thomas Publishing House, pp. 56-84. Carey G & Braunack-Mayer A. 2009. Exploring the effects of government funding on community-based organisations: 'top-down' or 'bottom-up' approaches to health promotion? Global Health Promotion. 16 (3) : 45-52. Chen M, Fairley C, De Guingand D, Hocking J, Tabrizi S, Wallace E, Grover S, Gurrin L, Carter R, Pirotta M & Garland S. 2009. Screening pregnant women for chlamydia: what are the predictors of infection? Sexually Transmitted Infections. 85 : 31-35. Cox P & McNair R. 2009. Risk reduction as an accepted framework for safer-sex promotion among women who have sex with women. Sexual Health. 6 : 15-18. Cronin E, Campbell S, Ashworth M, Hann M, Blashki G, Murray J & Tylee A. 2009. A tale of two systems: perceptions of primary care for depression in London and Melbourne. Family Practice. (March) : 1-11. De Lusignan S, Kumarapeli P, Debar S, Kushniruk A & Pearce C. 2009. Using an Open Source Observational Tool to Measure the Influence of the Doctor's Consulting Style and the Computer System on the Outcomes of the Clinical Consultation. Using an Open Source Observational Tool to Measure the Influence of the Doctor's Consulting Style and the Computer System on the Outcomes of the Clinical Consultation. 150 1017-1021. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press. Dore G, Temple-Smith M & Lloyd A. 2009. Hepatitis C: An Expanding Perspective. Hawthorn East, Australia: IP Communications. Ee C. 2009. Acupuncture for hot flushes. Climacteric. 12 (5) : 459-460. Fung C, Wong W & Tam M. 2009. Familial and Extramarital Relations among Truck Drivers Crossing the Hong Kong-China Border. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. 35 : 239-244. Gilchrist G & Taylor A. 2009. Drug-using mothers: Factors associated with retaining care of their children. Drug and Alcohol Review. 28 (March) : 175-185. Goeman D, Sanci L, Scharf S, Bailey M, O'Hehir R, Jenkins C & Douglas J. 2009. Improving general practice consultations for older people with asthma: a cluster randomised control trial. Medical Journal of Australia. 191 (2) : 113-117. Gunn J. 2009. Depressive Disorders. In Herrman, Maj & Sartorius (eds), Depressive Disorders. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, pp. 328-330. Haller-Hester D, Maynard A, Lefebvre D, Tylee A, Narring F & Broers B. 2009. Brief intervention addressing excessive cannabis use in young people consulting their GP: a pilot study. British Journal of General Practice. 59 (560) : 166-172. Haller-Hester D, Sanci L, Patton G & Sawyer S. 2009. Text message communication in primary care research: a randomized controlled trial. Family Practice. 26 (4) : 325-330. Haller G, Haller-Hester D, Courvoisier D & Lovis C. 2009. Handheld versus laptop computers for electronic data collection in clinical research: a cross-over randomized trial. American Medical Informatics Association Journal. 16 (5) : 651- 659. Haller M, Sanci L, Patton G & Sawyer S. 2009. Text message a communication in primary care research: a randomized controlled trial. Family Practice. 26 : 325-330. Haller M, Sanci L, Patton G & Sawyer S. 2009. The identification of young people's emotional distress: a study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice. 59 (560) : 159-165. Hayes B, Chamberlain A, Maceachern S, Savin K, McPartlan H, MacLeod I, Sethuraman L & Goddard M. 2009. A genome map of divergent artificial selection between Bos taurus dairy cattle and Bos taurus beef cattle. Animal Genetics. 40 (2) : 176-184. Hegarty K, Gunn J, Blashki G, Griffiths F, Dowell T & Kendrick T. 2009. How could depression guidelines be made more relevant and applicable to primary care? A quantitative and qualitative review of national guidelines. British Journal of General Practice. 59 (May) : 322-328. Holroyd E, Ho S & Wong W. 2009. Improving Gender Equity in Hong Kong's Reproductive Health Services. Mainstreaming Gender in Hong Kong Society. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 211-224. Holroyd E, Wong W, Lee A, Wong S, Wong J & Leung P. 2009. The gender implications of sexual health education needs among Chinese early school leavers. The Hong Kong Practitioner. 31 (September) : 120-127. Johnson CL, Gunn J & Kokanovic R. 2009. Depression recovery from the primary care patient's perspective: 'hear it in my voice and see it in my eyes'. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 6 (1) : 49-55. Kauer D, Reid C, Sanci L & Patton G. 2009. Investigating the utility of mobile phones for collecting data about adolescent alcohol use and related mood, stress and coping behaviours: Lessons and recommendations. Drug and Alcohol Review. 28 : 25-30. Kendrick T, Hegarty K & Glasziou P. 2009. Interpreting research findings to guide treatment in practice. British Medical Journal. 338 : 43-46. Kokanovic R, Furler J, May C, Dowrick C, Herrman H, Evert H & Gunn J. 2009. The Politics of Conducting Research on Depression in a Cross-Cultural Context. Qualitative Health Research. 19 (5) : 708-717. Lee A, Wong S, Tsang K, Ho G, Wong W & Cheng F. 2009. Understanding suicidality and correlates among Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong. Health Promotion International. 24 (2) : 156-165. Manderson L & Kokanovic R. 2009. "Worried all the time": distress and the circumstances of everyday life among immigrant Australians with type 2 Diabetes. Chronic Illness. 5 (21) : 21-32. May C, Mair F, Finch T, Macfarlane A, Dowrick C, Treweek S, Rapley T, Ballini L, Ong B, Rogers A, Murray E, Elwyn G, Legare F, Gunn J & Montori V. 2009. Development of a theory of implementation and integration: Normalization Process Theory. Implementation Science. 4 : 29. McGarry H, Hegarty K, Johnson C, Gunn J & Blashki G. 2009. Managing depression in a changing primary mental healthcare system: comparison of two snapshots of Australian GPs' treatment and referral patterns. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 6 : 75-83. McNair R. 2009. Lesbian and bisexual women's sexual health. Australian Family Physician. 38 (6) : 388-393. McNair R, Power J & Carr S. 2009. Comparing knowledge and perceived risk related to the human papilloma virus amongst Australian women of diverse sexual identities. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 33 (1) : 87-92. Moulding R, Grenier J, Blashki G, Ritchie P, Pirkis J & Chomienne M-H. 2009. Integrating psychologists into the Canadian Health Care System: The example of Australia. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 100 (2) : 145-147. Palmer V. 2009. Getting with the Act of Action Research. Qualitative Research Journal. 10 (3) : 26. Pearce C. 2009. Electronic medical records - where to from here? Australian Family Physician. 38 (7) : 537-539. Pearce C, Phillips C, Hall S, Sibbald B, Porritt J, Yates R, Dwan K & Kljavovic M. 2009. Contributions from the lifeworld: quality, caring and the general practice nurse. Quality in Primary Care. 17 (1) : 5-13. Phillips C, Pearce C, Hall S, Kljakovic M, Sibbald B, Dwan K, Porritt J & Yates R. 2009. Enhancing care, improving quality: the six roles of the general practice nurse. Medical Journal of Australia. 191 (2) : 92-97. Pirotta M. 2009. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The role of complementary medicines in treatment. Australian Family Physician. 38 (12) : 966-968. Pirotta M, Fethers K & Bradshaw C. 2009. Bacterial vaginosis: More questions than answers. Australian Family Physician. 38 (6) : 394-397. Pirotta M, Stein A, Fairley C, Conway E, Chuah J, McCloskey J, McNulty A, Waddell R, Carter R & Garland S. 2009. Patterns of Treatment of External Genital Warts in page38

Australian Sexual Health Clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 36 (6) : 375-379. Pirotta M, Stein A, Conway E, Harrison C, Britt H & Garland S. 2009. Genital Warts Incidence and Health Care Resource Utilisation in Australia. Sexually Transmitted Infections. (December) : doi: 10.1136/sti.2009.040188. Pirotta M, Ung L, Stein A, Conway E, Mast T, Fairley C & Garland S. 2009. The psychosocial burden of human papillomavirus related disease and screening interventions. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 85 (7) : 508-513. Power J, McNair R & Carr S. 2009. Absent sexual scripts: lesbian and bisexual women's knowledge, attitudes and action regarding safer sex and sexual health information. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 11 (1) : 67-81. Reid C, Kauer D, Dudgeon P, Sanci L, Shrier A & Patton G. 2009. A mobile phone program to track young people's experiences of mood, stress and coping. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 44 : 501-507. Rowe L & Kidd M. 2009. first do no harm. Sydney, Australia: McGraw Hill Australia. Rowe L & Tonge D. 2009. I Just Want You To Be Happy. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin. Sanders K, Stuart A, Merriman E, Reid L, Kotowicz M, Young D, Taylor R, Blair-Holt I, Mander G & Nicholson G. 2009. Trials and tribulations of recruiting 2,000 older women onto a clinical trial investigating falls and fractures: Vital D study. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 9 (78). Sulaiman N, Hamdan A, Al-Bedri D & Young D. 2009. Diabetes knowledge and attitudes towards prevention and health promotion: qualitative study in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health. 2 (1) : 78-88. Taft A, Small R, Hegarty K, Lumley J, Watson L & Gold L. 2009. MOSAIC (MOthers' Advocates In the Community): protocol and sample description of a cluster randomised trial of mentor mother support to reduce intimate partner violence among pregnant or recent mothers. BMC Public Health. 9 (159) : doi: 10.1186/1471-2458/9/159. Temple-Smith M, Goodyear-Smith F & Gunn J. 2009. Publish or perish? Australian Family Physician. 30 (4) : 257-230. Tobin J & McNair R. 2009. Public international law and the regulation of private spaces: Does the convention on the rights of the child impose an obligation on states to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt? International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family. 23 (1) : 110-131. Wake M, Baur L, Gerner B, Gibbons K, Gold L, Gunn J, Levickis P, McCallum Z, Naughton G, Sanci L & Ukoumunne O. 2009. Outcomes and costs of primary care surveillance and intervention for overweight or obese children: the LEAP 2 randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal. 339 (3308) : 1-8. Wong A, Stewart A & Furler J. 2009. Development and validation of the Diabetes Management Orientation Scale (DMOS): Assessing culturally related approaches to diabetes self-management. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 86 (1) : 24-30. Wong W. 2009. Book Review: Family Medicine, Healthcare & Society: Essays by Dr MK Rajakumar. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 21 (4) : 520. Wong W, Chen W, Goggins W, Tang C & Leung P. 2009. Individual, Family and Community determinants of child maltreatment in China. Social Science & Medicine. 68 (10) : 1819-1825. Wong W, Fong B & Chan P. 2009. Acceptance of human papillomavirus vaccination among first year female university students in Hong Kong. Sexual Health. 6 : 264- 271. Wong W, Leung P, Tang C, Chen W, Lee A & Ling D. 2009. To unfold a hidden epidemic: Prevalence of child maltreatment and its health implications among high school students in Guangzhou, China. Child Abuse and Neglect. 33 : 441-450. Woolhouse H, Brown S, Krastev A, Perlen S & Gunn J. 2009. Seeking help for anxiety and depression after childbirth: results of the Maternal Health Study. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 12 : 75-83. You J, Wong W, Ip M, Lee N & Ho S. 2009. Cost-effectiveness analysis of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination for Hong Kong elderly in long-term care facilities. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 63 : 906-911. 2008 Angus J, Sims J, Feldman S & Radermacher H. 2008. Can Community-Based Interventions from Other Key National Health Priority Areas Inform Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Dementia? Chinese General Practice. 11 (10A) : 1721-1730. Arnold M & Pearce C. 2008. Is technology innocent? Holding technologies to moral account. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. 27 (2) : 44-50. Arnold M, Pearce C, Phillips C, Dwan K & Trumble S. 2008. Computers in the new consultation. Family Practice. 25 (3) : 202-208. Askew D, Schluter P & Gunn J. 2008. Research productivity in Australian general practice: what has changed since the 1990s? Medical Journal of Australia. 189 (2) : 103 -104. Blashki G. 2008. Climate change and the rural health workforce. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 16 (1) : 1. Blashki G, Piterman L, Meadows G, Clarke D, Prabaharan V, Gunn J & Judd F. 2008. Impact of an educational intervention on general practitioner's skills in cognitive behavioural strategies: a randomised controlled trial. Medical Journal of Australia. 188 (12) : S129-S132. Crothers A, Walker B & French S. 2008. Spinal manipulative therapy versus Graston Technique in the treatment of non-specific thoracic spine pain: Design of a randomised controlled trial. Chiropractic and Osteopathy. 16 (12) : doi: 10.1186/1746-1340-16-12. Doron G, Moulding R, Kyrios M & Nedeljkovic M. 2008. Sensitivity of self-beliefs in obsessive compulsive disorder. Depression and Anxiety (Hoboken). 52 (10) : 874- 884. Dowrick C, Kokanovic R, Hegarty K, Griffiths F & Gunn J. 2008. Resilience and depression: perspectives from primary care. Health. 12 (4) : 439 - 452. Ee C. 2008. I just don't feel right. Australian Family Physician. 37 (11) : 904-907. Ee C, Manheimer E, Pirotta M & White A. 2008. Acupuncture for pelvic and back pain in pregnancy: a systematic review. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 198 (3) : 254-259. Fletcher J, Bassilios B, Kohn F, Naccarella L, Blashki G, Burgess P & Pirkis J. 2008. Meeting demand for psychological services for people with depression and anxiety: Recent developments in primary mental health care. Medical Journal of Australia. 188 (12) : S107-S109. Fletcher J, Bassilios B, Pirkis J, Kohn F, Blashki G & Burgess P. 2008. Evaluating the Access to Allied Psychological Services Component of the Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care Program: Making an impact on the Australian Mental Health Care Landscape. Report for Department of Health and Ageing. Fogarty A, Blashki G, Morrell E & Horton G. 2008. The GreenClinic pilot - educational intervention for environmentally sustainable general practice. Australian Family Physician. 37 (8) : 681-683. Fong F & Wong W. 2008. A more holistic approach is needed in the management of erectile dysfunction in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Practitioner. 30 (December 2008) : 1-3. French S. 2008. Manipulative therapy or NSAIDS do not provide additional benefit to quality baseline care for acute back pain. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 54 (1) : 75. Fritze J, Blashki G, Burke S & Wiseman J. 2008. Hope, despair and transformation: climate change and the promotion of mental health and wellbeing. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 2 (13) : 1-10. Furler J. 2008. Changing paradigms in chronic condition care. Chronic Illness. 4 (3) : 157 - 159. Furler J, Cleland J, Del Mar C, Hanratty B, Kadam U, Lasserson D, McCowan C, Magin P, Mitchell C, Qureshi N, Rait G, Steel N, Van Driel M & Ward A. 2008. Leaders, leadership and future primary care clinical research. BMC Family Practice. 9 : 52. Furler J, Walker C, Blackberry I, Dunning T, Sulaiman N, Dunbar J, Best J & Young D. 2008. The emotional context of self-management in chronic illness: A qualitative study of the role of health professional support in the self-management of type 2 diabetes. BMC Health Services Research. 8 : 214. Garlick S & Palmer V. 2008. Toward an Ideal Relational Ethic: Re-thinking universitycommunity engagement. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 1 : 73-89. Garlick S & Palmer V. 2008. Universities and their regional communities: A theory of engagement based on human capital, ethics and the public good. Australasian Journal of Community Engagement. 3 (2) : 86-94. Godfrey C, Heather N, Bowie A, Brodie J, Parrott S, Ashton H & McAvoy B. 2008. Randomised controlled trial of two brief interventions against long-term benzodiazepine use: Cost-effectiveness. Addiction Research and Theory. 16 (4) : 309-317. Goodall C, Ayoub A, Crawford A, Smith I, Bowman A, Koppel D & Gilchrist G. 2008. Nurse-related brief interventions for hazardous drinkers with alcohol-related facial trauma: A prospective randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 46 (2) : 96-101. Grinzi P. 2008. GIS and General Practice: Where are we going and when will we get there…? Report, Canberra, Australia: Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute. Grinzi P, Bazemore A & Phillips Jr R. 2008. Navigating general practice: The use of geographic information systems. Australian Family Physician. 37 (10) : 855-858. Gunn J, Gilchrist G, Chondros P, Ramp M, Hegarty K, Blashki G, Pond D, Kyrios M & Herrman H. 2008. Who is identified when screening for depression is undertaken in general practice? Baseline findings from the Diagnosis, Management and Outcomes of Depression in Primary Care (diamond) longitudinal study. Medical Journal of Australia. 188 (12) : 119 -125. Gunn J, McCallum Z, Sanci L, Gerner B, Harris C & Wake M. 2008. What do GPs get out of participating in research? Experience of the LEAP trial. Australian Family Physician. 37 (5) : 372 - 376. Gunn J, Palmer V, Naccarella L, Kokanovic R, Pope C, Lathlean J & Stange K. 2008. The promise and pitfalls of generalism in achieving the Alma-Ata vision of health for all. Medical Journal of Australia. 189 (2) : 110-112. Haller-Hester D, Sanci L, Sawyer S & Patton G. 2008. Do Young People's Illness Beliefs Affect Healthcare? A systematic Review. Journal of Adolescent Health. 42 (5) : 436 - 449. Hegarty K, Gunn J, Chondros P & Taft A. 2008. Physical and social predictors of partner abuse in women attending general practice: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of General Practice. 58 : 484-487. page39

Australian Sexual <strong>Health</strong> Clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 36 (6) : 375-379.<br />

Pirotta M, Stein A, Conway E, Harrison C, Britt H & Garl<strong>and</strong> S. 2009. Genital Warts<br />

Incidence <strong>and</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong> Resource Utilisation in Australia. Sexually Transmitted<br />

Infections. (December) : doi: 10.1136/sti.2009.040188.<br />

Pirotta M, Ung L, Stein A, Conway E, Mast T, Fairley C & Garl<strong>and</strong> S. 2009. The<br />

psychosocial burden of human papillomavirus related disease <strong>and</strong> screening<br />

interventions. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 85 (7) : 508-513.<br />

Power J, McNair R & Carr S. 2009. Absent sexual scripts: lesbian <strong>and</strong> bisexual<br />

women's knowledge, attitudes <strong>and</strong> action regarding safer sex <strong>and</strong> sexual health<br />

information. Culture, <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> Sexuality. 11 (1) : 67-81.<br />

Reid C, Kauer D, Dudgeon P, Sanci L, Shrier A & Patton G. 2009. A mobile phone<br />

program to track young people's experiences of mood, stress <strong>and</strong> coping. Social<br />

Psychiatry <strong>and</strong> Psychiatric Epidemiology. 44 : 501-507.<br />

Rowe L & Kidd M. 2009. first do no harm. Sydney, Australia: McGraw Hill Australia.<br />

Rowe L & Tonge D. 2009. I Just Want You To Be Happy. Sydney, Australia: Allen &<br />

Unwin.<br />

S<strong>and</strong>ers K, Stuart A, Merriman E, Reid L, Kotowicz M, Young D, Taylor R, Blair-Holt<br />

I, M<strong>and</strong>er G & Nicholson G. 2009. Trials <strong>and</strong> tribulations of recruiting 2,000 older<br />

women onto a clinical trial investigating falls <strong>and</strong> fractures: Vital D study. BMC<br />

Medical Research Methodology. 9 (78).<br />

Sulaiman N, Hamdan A, Al-Bedri D & Young D. 2009. Diabetes knowledge <strong>and</strong><br />

attitudes towards prevention <strong>and</strong> health promotion: qualitative study in Sharjah,<br />

United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Public<br />

<strong>Health</strong>. 2 (1) : 78-88.<br />

Taft A, Small R, Hegarty K, Lumley J, Watson L & Gold L. 2009. MOSAIC (MOthers'<br />

Advocates In the Community): protocol <strong>and</strong> sample description of a cluster<br />

r<strong>and</strong>omised trial of mentor mother support to reduce intimate partner violence<br />

among pregnant or recent mothers. BMC Public <strong>Health</strong>. 9 (159) : doi:<br />

10.1186/1471-2458/9/159.<br />

Temple-Smith M, Goodyear-Smith F & Gunn J. 2009. Publish or perish? Australian<br />

Family Physician. 30 (4) : 257-230.<br />

Tobin J & McNair R. 2009. Public international law <strong>and</strong> the regulation of private<br />

spaces: Does the convention on the rights of the child impose an obligation on<br />

states to allow gay <strong>and</strong> lesbian couples to adopt? International Journal of Law,<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> the Family. 23 (1) : 110-131.<br />

Wake M, Baur L, Gerner B, Gibbons K, Gold L, Gunn J, Levickis P, McCallum Z,<br />

Naughton G, Sanci L & Ukoumunne O. 2009. Outcomes <strong>and</strong> costs of primary care<br />

surveillance <strong>and</strong> intervention for overweight or obese children: the LEAP 2<br />

r<strong>and</strong>omised controlled trial. British Medical Journal. 339 (3308) : 1-8.<br />

Wong A, Stewart A & Furler J. 2009. Development <strong>and</strong> validation of the Diabetes<br />

Management Orientation Scale (DMOS): Assessing culturally related approaches<br />

to diabetes self-management. Diabetes Research <strong>and</strong> Clinical <strong>Practice</strong>. 86 (1) :<br />

24-30.<br />

Wong W. 2009. Book Review: Family Medicine, <strong>Health</strong>care & Society: Essays by Dr<br />

MK Rajakumar. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public <strong>Health</strong>. 21 (4) : 520.<br />

Wong W, Chen W, Goggins W, Tang C & Leung P. 2009. Individual, Family <strong>and</strong><br />

Community determinants of child maltreatment in China. Social Science &<br />

Medicine. 68 (10) : 1819-1825.<br />

Wong W, Fong B & Chan P. 2009. Acceptance of human papillomavirus vaccination<br />

among first year female university students in Hong Kong. Sexual <strong>Health</strong>. 6 : 264-<br />

271.<br />

Wong W, Leung P, Tang C, Chen W, Lee A & Ling D. 2009. To unfold a hidden<br />

epidemic: Prevalence of child maltreatment <strong>and</strong> its health implications among high<br />

school students in Guangzhou, China. Child Abuse <strong>and</strong> Neglect. 33 : 441-450.<br />

Woolhouse H, Brown S, Krastev A, Perlen S & Gunn J. 2009. Seeking help for<br />

anxiety <strong>and</strong> depression after childbirth: results of the Maternal <strong>Health</strong> Study.<br />

Archives of Women's Mental <strong>Health</strong>. 12 : 75-83.<br />

You J, Wong W, Ip M, Lee N & Ho S. 2009. Cost-effectiveness analysis of influenza<br />

<strong>and</strong> pneumococcal vaccination for Hong Kong elderly in long-term care facilities.<br />

Journal of Epidemiology & Community <strong>Health</strong>. 63 : 906-911.<br />

2008<br />

Angus J, Sims J, Feldman S & Radermacher H. 2008. Can Community-Based<br />

Interventions from Other Key National <strong>Health</strong> Priority Areas Inform Strategies to<br />

Reduce the Risk of Dementia? Chinese <strong>General</strong> <strong>Practice</strong>. 11 (10A) : 1721-1730.<br />

Arnold M & Pearce C. 2008. Is technology innocent? Holding technologies to moral<br />

account. IEEE Technology <strong>and</strong> Society Magazine. 27 (2) : 44-50.<br />

Arnold M, Pearce C, Phillips C, Dwan K & Trumble S. 2008. Computers in the new<br />

consultation. Family <strong>Practice</strong>. 25 (3) : 202-208.<br />

Askew D, Schluter P & Gunn J. 2008. Research productivity in Australian general<br />

practice: what has changed since the 1990s? Medical Journal of Australia. 189 (2) :<br />

103 -104.<br />

Blashki G. 2008. Climate change <strong>and</strong> the rural health workforce. Australian Journal<br />

of Rural <strong>Health</strong>. 16 (1) : 1.<br />

Blashki G, Piterman L, Meadows G, Clarke D, Prabaharan V, Gunn J & Judd F.<br />

2008. Impact of an educational intervention on general practitioner's skills in<br />

cognitive behavioural strategies: a r<strong>and</strong>omised controlled trial. Medical Journal of<br />

Australia. 188 (12) : S129-S132.<br />

Crothers A, Walker B & French S. 2008. Spinal manipulative therapy versus<br />

Graston Technique in the treatment of non-specific thoracic spine pain: Design of a<br />

r<strong>and</strong>omised controlled trial. Chiropractic <strong>and</strong> Osteopathy. 16 (12) : doi:<br />

10.1186/1746-1340-16-12.<br />

Doron G, Moulding R, Kyrios M & Nedeljkovic M. 2008. Sensitivity of self-beliefs in<br />

obsessive compulsive disorder. Depression <strong>and</strong> Anxiety (Hoboken). 52 (10) : 874-<br />

884.<br />

Dowrick C, Kokanovic R, Hegarty K, Griffiths F & Gunn J. 2008. Resilience <strong>and</strong><br />

depression: perspectives from primary care. <strong>Health</strong>. 12 (4) : 439 - 452.<br />

Ee C. 2008. I just don't feel right. Australian Family Physician. 37 (11) : 904-907.<br />

Ee C, Manheimer E, Pirotta M & White A. 2008. Acupuncture for pelvic <strong>and</strong> back<br />

pain in pregnancy: a systematic review. American Journal of Obstetrics <strong>and</strong><br />

Gynecology. 198 (3) : 254-259.<br />

Fletcher J, Bassilios B, Kohn F, Naccarella L, Blashki G, Burgess P & Pirkis J. 2008.<br />

Meeting dem<strong>and</strong> for psychological services for people with depression <strong>and</strong><br />

anxiety: Recent developments in primary mental health care. Medical Journal of<br />

Australia. 188 (12) : S107-S109.<br />

Fletcher J, Bassilios B, Pirkis J, Kohn F, Blashki G & Burgess P. 2008. Evaluating the<br />

Access to Allied Psychological Services Component of the Better Outcomes in<br />

Mental <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong> Program: Making an impact on the Australian Mental <strong>Health</strong><br />

<strong>Care</strong> L<strong>and</strong>scape. Report for Department of <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> Ageing.<br />

Fogarty A, Blashki G, Morrell E & Horton G. 2008. The GreenClinic pilot -<br />

educational intervention for environmentally sustainable general practice. Australian<br />

Family Physician. 37 (8) : 681-683.<br />

Fong F & Wong W. 2008. A more holistic approach is needed in the management<br />

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