2009 Annual Report - Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand

2009 Annual Report - Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand 2009 Annual Report - Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand


December 2009 To all Members Your Board of Directors has pleasure in submitting its report for the year ending 31 December 2009. David Malouf President Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand | Annual Report 2009 www.usanz.org.au

President’s report David Malouf It gives me great pleasure to present to you the President’s Report for 2009-2010. It has been a challenging and exciting year for USANZ, underpinned by the adoption of the revised constitution and the implementation of the 2009- 2011 Strategic Plan. The new constitution came into effect on 1 July 2009. The Executive was renamed the Board of Directors, reflecting its revised contemporary structure whilst acknowledging its fiduciary responsibilities. The reduced size of the Board maintains Section representation and allows the appointment of up to two External Directors. The newly established Board position of Policy Chair will facilitate the development of policies in conjunction with the Board and the general membership. Any discussion of the strategic plan would be incomplete without acknowledging the contribution of the members of the old Executive, the many “elders” of USANZ who contributed to weekend workshops, and to Pat Bary and Alex Malley who in concert oversaw the formulation of the plan. It is a privilege to work with both of them, and Alex’s decision to accept one of the External Director’s positions whilst on leave from the role of CEO has been to USANZ’s benefit. The leadership model developed in recent years, involving regular communication between the Past President, the President and the Vice-President continues to serve USANZ well, and the Board has welcomed the contributions of Steve Ruthven in his role of Vice- President. It is also timely to acknowledge the work John Miller has already put in as the Chair of the Board of Urology. It is one of the most challenging and important positions within the organisation, given our fundamental role as urological educators. Our traditional alliances with the AUA, EAU and BAUS have consolidated with regular dialogue and meetings over the year. Many of the challenges we face are also issues for our international colleagues, and the exchange of ideas with regards to training, education, policy and interaction with external bodies benefits us all. We enter the third year of affiliate membership of the Urological Association of Asia (UAA) with an invitation to each of the Presidents of the national societies of the UAA Annual reports to attend the Perth ASM. USANZ looks forward to hosting the inaugural International Dinner at the Perth ASM, and expects that it will become a regular feature of the ASM program. There are 20,000 urologists within a few hours flying time of our northern borders, and the opportunities for our organisation through interaction with urologists in Asia are substantial. In 2009 the BJUI was formally adopted as the USANZ journal. With this relationship comes a dedicated Australasian editor, currently David Nicol, whose role is to work with authors of manuscripts at an early stage and to provide support and direction to increase the likelihood of acceptance when formally submitted to the BJUI review process. Domestically USANZ has focused on building relationships with those organisations who share common interests and aspirations. Andrology Australia, the Australia and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP), the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Genito-urinary Group (FROGG), the Australasian Brachytherapy Group (ABG) and the urological nurses interact with USANZ with regular dialogue and/or the exchange of representatives. USANZ remains well represented and well regarded within RACS and Andrew Brooks has served us well in his capacity as RACS representative standing in for Helen O’Connell in 2009. Steve Ruthven serves on the Post-Fellowship Education and Training Committee (PFETC) and Pat Bary represents USANZ on the Professional Development and Standards Board (PDSB) as well as the Academy of Surgical Educators Advisory Committee. The contributions of these members and others to RACS committees ensure that USANZ has a voice as College policy is formulated. One of the cornerstones of the Strategic Plan is the development and implementation of a media presence and a brand strategy for USANZ. The Board of Directors has engaged a media consultant who has worked successfully to position USANZ as a proactive body and as the thought leader in our domain. The release of the 2009 Position Statement on PSA Testing and the USANZ contribution to the Australian House of Representatives Roundtable Forum into the sale and marketing of Impotence Medications are the more obvious examples, Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand | Annual Report 2009 www.usanz.org.au

December <strong>2009</strong><br />

To all Members<br />

Your Board <strong>of</strong> Directors has pleasure in submitting its report for the year ending 31 December <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

David Malouf<br />

President<br />

<strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>New</strong> Zeal<strong>and</strong> | <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2009</strong> www.usanz.org.au

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